Saturday, September 7, 2024

Saturday Sharing

 Lady PF was already in place when we got up - around 8am - 
I caught both of them there later in the morning -

This was in the afternoon - right now she's back on The Nest Box - I just checked -
Heading towards 7pm 76 and Fair -
My guardian as I enjoyed my coffee -
Around 915am she said come on Mom - time for your Team Moderna update -
When I came out she wondered if I had been brave - I told her I didn't even feel The Pharmacist give it - she was good -
Then back to The Khottage until it was time to head out on the 'venture - 

Whilst at one of the lights - such a happy girl -
Of course, this really made her happy -

You'll notice the end of a tail poking out of the bathroom -
Out for some yard time before Emmy got her breakfast - she did have some pre-meal greens out in the back closer to her shed -

Happy Happy Khousins -
Time for the traditional biscuit before we left - they know the drill!

Auntie Di and I had a lovely lunch experience - I will share that on MONDAY MOMSday - and Willow was adequately compensated -

We took Khousin E two of the treats from September's Hazel Box, some of the GReen beans, and one of the hard cooked egg -

So far, the shot is not an issue - just a bit of the usual left arm stiffness - we'll see if I have more to report - they did ask if I wanted a flu shot - NOPE - I haven't gotten one of them in 25+ years - 

Today will be Dawn's - and then a few other destinations - stay tuned!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Happy Saturday, girls!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Enny and Willow both got to see their Aunties:). Good for you for getting that shot and we are so glad it was painless. Where Mom goes for hers, there are two ladies who administer them - one is very gentle and good and the other is the opposite. Mom always hopes the good one is on duty.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I am so happy the birdie is back on the screen

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "100% humidity?! How is that even possible? Are you underwater???"