Sunday, September 1, 2024

SUNday Sharing

 Lady PF in The AM -
Lord PF on the ledge near his point -

Lady PF in the PM - after the rains -
Going on 8pm - 71 and rain shower - we right around 6pm it let loose - and we got some good wet - and some thunder -
The GKP Office calendar - for SEPTEMBER - how did THAT happen?
The Khottage front door -
Above the television -
By NAK's Khorner -
After getting home from my 'venture with Auntie Di on FrEYEday -
It was time for Willow's -
Since it's not the length of the 'venture - 

I wanted to get a few things at Rutters - and make a pass thru the ATM for some green paper$ - 
She was a happy girl -
Saturday's 'venture was more normal and ended up being a three hour tour - a three hour tour -

I had stuff to put in the back for our stop at Mad Radish -

Breakfast -

You know it - Bacon - Cheese - Egg - English Muffin - 
Takeaway bag of soup and treats -
Dog Tax!
Evaluating -
Tasting -
Rendering -
Back to the road - and next stop would be for her September Hazel Box - 
When we finally made it back to The Khottage, I unpacked our goodies - Coconut Cake - Lemon Oreo Delight - Red Velvet Whoopie - and Fire Roast Vegetable Soup - I'll be good for more than a few days -

We had a very full and productive day - we'll be sharing here - so stay tuned!

It is back to The GKP routine today - and with the holiday on Monday, we'll be doing another WFH -

Happy September SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

You look so happy to be adventuring, Willow, and the foodables all look so yummy! Happy Sunday and Happy September 1st!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Ahhh, lovely temperatures in the 70s ..."
Java Bean: "Ayyy, I do not think I would want to have antlers. I bet then Mama and Dada would have second thoughts about letting me sleep in bed."

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Willow does look so very happy to be out for an adventure, the short one and the long one. She knew all along that her time was coming. The foodables looks great. Mom says she will need to stock up on some tasty soups for her post-root canal experience if that has to happen.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That decal is awesome