Sunday, March 3, 2024

SUNday Sharing

This sums up our weather from Saturday -
Lady PF one way -
and the other -
Yes Lady PF - we do feel badly for Duchess - the HanoverEagle female - she did an incredible job keeping the eggs protected - and when the rain let up, she went for some food - neither of the two males that are claiming her - and the nest - are helping -
Approaching 445pm - it is 47 and fog -
Saturday morning - and COME ON MOM - let's get going!

Ah yes - this is what I did FrEYEday afternoon - brought up this Pfaltzgraff Patina Bone China from the basement for a couple from the Reading area - but former Yorkers - are meeting us at Dawn's to rehome this - buh bye 1991 - but glad it will now see the light of day -
'venture time!

Hi Plant Box - we see you across George Street -
Dawn's is counting down the days - 

Our to go bag -
Khanadian Bacon, egg, and cheese on an English Muffin -
Oh So Good!  
For The Tax Dog -
Evaluating -
Offering accepted!
Satisfied - now off to BJ's for some stuff - 
Our to go bag - Mushroom Barley soup!
BLUEberry Lemon Pie Bar -
I had asked Alex - at Dawn's - to please throw in some crackers when we got the soup and the sweet - he threw in a BUNCH - WooHoo - so after we finished at BJ's - and after I brought in the purchases - Willow was compensated with a pack - 

Once again, SNIFF - our weekEND is concluded - but another successful and productive one - and we'll back to The GKP WFH edition today -

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

The blueberry lemon pie bar looks so tasty! We had rain yesterday and will have it today and it sounds like for the entire week but at least it's "just rain" and not the stormy, blowy, destructive stuffs. Happy Sunday!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, that is a very well-packed Subaru!"