Saturday, February 10, 2024

Saturday Sharing

The PF Palace -
And its residents -
Just before 6pm it is 53 and clear - I think I saw us make it to 62 - WOW - FEB?
This was Willow's sadness when I saw the text from Auntie Di - that the her 10am appt had been rescheduled -
She was sad -
So furry disappointed -
Come on Mom -
Let's rethink our 'venture -
Okie Dokie - 

Let's get going!
The morning skEYE was a bit khloudy -
We made Leg Up Farmers Market our destination -
They've assembled the quite nice collection of Valentine's Day surprises inside the front of the store by the coffee and juice bar - they will be offering chocolate covered strawberries next week -
When I saw it was National Pizza Day, that is when I chose Leg Up Farmers Market to be the place for us on FrEYEday - we got two slices of their pizza of the month - 
More gift ideas -
I had to visit Kerr's shelves - as her shop  is Saturday's 2nd stop - 
Leg Up gives back - and cares!
The KhrossTrek attendant KNEW there were yummy things in my bag of purchases - 

Asking me if there was anything for her - silly Willow -
there was some chicken salad and cheese - and a few other items AND
Our PIZZA - lunch on top - dinner on the bottom -
A very nice combination of flavors and textures -
Offering her services -
Whilst washing my fingers, she kept her eyes ready for her prize -

She agreed it was good too!

Whilst we were still mobile, we went back down the street to our Giant - I got the items I wanted for the quiche - and a few other foodables - after last Saturday's khlusterphuck of a shopping stop, I was pleasantly surprised to find it 👍👍👍 - 

Whilst waiting for a friend to stop by, I started plucking - then progressed to brushing the furry beast - which she SO LOVES!

Then came time for domesticity - washing the bed stuffs - roasting some Brussels Sprouts and doing some hard cooked eggs - now time to go re-make the bed so it will be ready for our slumberzzzz -

Today will be a full and fun one - of course, we'll document the 'venture for sharing here in the coming days -

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

1 comment:

Dandy Duke said...

That pizza looks so delicious! Lucky you to get such a big piece, Willow!