Saturday, February 17, 2024

Saturday Sharing

Lady PF perched in a bit at The PF Palace -
Lord PF - on point and pondering the latest post on Falcon Wire -
Just after 5pm 41 and partly cloudy - our 'venture on FrEYEday showed pre-treated roads for the up to 6" of SNOW  babblered for us -
Our fair FURoine was convinced she wasn't getting a 'venture - and would just have to settle on being HERE - 
But shortly, there were clothes and keys -
and WIGGLES!!!

Let's go KhrossTrek - Let's go Mom -
We took this route out of the neighborhood as one of the yard flags blew away and we were keeping our eyes on the lookout for it - we haven't located it yet but will keep looking -
Heading up Board Road, I was watching this and took a shot when traffic permitted -
After making it around and thru some traffic clusterphucks, we made it to Stop #1 -
The Garage KibbleKhontainer still had a month or so of food remaining, but this way we won't have to make a trip here - and I built it in to our morning 'ventures - they must have recently received their delivery as the aisles were FULL as were the shelves - I pulled out that single 35# bag for the khart -
My supervisor making sure the bag was the proper one - and met with her approval -
Then off to the next stop - we parked behind this car - we knew it had to be GOOD peoples!
A few stores down from TSC is this HippoBubble Tea - I've passed multiple times since it opened - and each time thought 'we need to stop here' - and after Auntie Di mentioned it Thursday night, it became part of the 'venture plan -

Lychee Black/Green Tea with StrawJelly BUBBLES - and I chose the PURPLE straw of course -
NowAngelLacieBobeastie in the khup holder - note the splash of rainbow?
Now off for the last stop of the morning - time to deliver The Quiche to Auntie Di - and get to see Khousin Emmy - we'll share here tomorrow!
After returning to The Khottage, it was time to sip and enjoy - so good - this will probably become a regular destination - especially on the weeks we pass by on our way to pick up our biscuits at Kerri's!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a fun outing! You know how much #1 likes Tractor Supply. We still have one and a half bags of their fab horse treats that our friends brought over in November.

It's a beautiful day here today!


Dandy Duke said...

That bubble-tea looks very refreshing and very pretty. Snow is falling here but we're only supposed to get an inch to two inches of the cold white stuffs! Happy Saturday!