Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Walkin' Wednesday III

Hi Stormy!

I hear woo miss me!!
Should I khome to KholWOOrado to visit?
I'm glad woo enjoyed my khrazy khristmas in august pikhs!
To answer some khwestions, I didn't get to play in it - we only had pea/grape size and lots of soggy lawn!
The skhwirrel pikhs are fur my furied Stormy in KholWOOrado! She and her khanine brothers just moved to a new house - and so far, there are NO SKHWIRRELS there. One of my furst memories of Stormy from Dogster and/or Sibernet was her love of sitting and watching SKHWIRRELS - a past time I enjoy too. I'm still working on the khlimbing thing! Whilst Mom was uploading my Walkin' Wednesday video, she noticed one of the long tailed rats hanging around under the feeder by MY tree!
Here is this week's video for Walkin' Wednesday - please khlikh H E R E . I hope all enjoy it!
I khoached Mom into talking a bit more - some of HER fans were disappointed that she didn't talk more SO she babbled as much as she khould for this one!
Have a great day!
PeeEssWoo: Since I filed this report last evening fur posting during the dark hours, I've learned that my HANDSOME STEVE decided to investigate the powers of skhwirrel! Should I send mine your way too? We do have enough to share!


Randi Lyn said...

Nice day for a walkie walk!!!
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe

One of the pack said...

Great human babbling to walk by. Khrya, sounds like you've got a trip for us to envy. Very cool stuff!
Are you going to see the new puppies? Will you take Sparta and dump her with the others? Just a thought.

Rosemary, aka Bat Girl

Teddy Westlife said...

Miss Fluffy Tail really loves her walks doesn't she? We like to hear your voice too, Khyra's mum!

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

Purrr S: I loved that remark about the corgi hehehe

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Khyra!
I got something for you at my blog!


Lacy said...

w00f's Khyra, oooo a squeerl, can me chase it, can me, can me, can loves to chase squeerls..heehee watt did u c when the video 1st started, ur mama truned u around me coodnt c, was it a doggy?? or a cat??

b safe,

pp's me seed a cat under MY car last nite on me walkie, me tried to git it toooo...

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Thank you. Brice stopped the continuous squeaking with one of his toys when your Mom started talking. That's all I hear lately. Squeaking and "Brice, what do you have" and "Brice, leave it!"

Princess Eva

Kathryn and Ari said...

Morning, Khyra!
We just had to race over and thank you for the fantastic title idea. I khan't believe we've lived with the khaninaturalist for 2 years and never khonsidered "ari-stotle" in her very long list of nicknames. You are one very klever khanine.

The Army of Four said...

Wow. I felt like I was right there with you.
Yeah. A dog in a carriage - that's a real good idea. Or NOT. When Mom's friend came to visit with her two Yorkies, she CARRIED them on our walks, then couldn't understand why they were so charged up later. Um....
I'll refrain from saying it. You know what I'm thinking!
Play bows,

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Off with his head! (It's so tasty.)


Thunder, Stormy and the yappitizers. said...

Woos to woo for the skhuirrel pikhtures. Please send them my way, I miss khritter watching and momma won't let me chase the bunnies!

Woos, wags & wuv,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We don't see enough of those long tailed rats in our neighborhood. Thunder snagged one in his jaws a month or ago but Mom scared him so much with her scream that he dropped it immediately. Corgi-in-a-stroller- so not our style!!!

Wags, the OP Pack

Lizzy said...


I'm jumping with excitement at seeing these squirrel pictures! Can I chase it?!


Suka said...

hey Khyra,

That squirrel is cute. And looks yummy! I hope I can see Moose the Jack Russell sometime. It is nice that you have pals along your walk to bark at! I bet he is just jealous that you get to be out walking while he is stuck behind an invisible fence!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh squirrels are cute.. Although I really like to bark at them. Dad has 5 sugar gliders which are squirrels. They come out every night while we spend "down time" in our condo's. Callie is still small so Mom lets her run around like a mad woman.. Chewing on everything and stealing all the shoes in site..
Tell Mom that our Mom really doesn't worry about the years. After all you are only as old as you feel. Everyone gets older and we can only get better.. Big HUGS..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

Hi Khyra! I just stopped by to show your blog some love. You have a great blog.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
My mom says squirrels are beautiful (?) but I've never seen one in pawson!!
Kisses and hugs

My Two Best Friends said...


We just love to watch your videos and see your cute little fluffy tail waving for your Mom.

I'm thinking that you might sound a little bit like Marco Polo, He makes that same sound when he drags Mom around on our walks too. Mom calls it Marco's snorting noise? What do you think?

Thor and Marco Polo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow Khyra, you and your Mom sure walk a lot. I have to drag the Mommy down the street--she is so old and she can't keep up with me so I don't get many walks.

The Mommy says you sure have a fluffy tail... ot is kinda cute.

Love ya .. Mona

Joe Stains said...

we don't have any squirrels here, I feel like I am really missing out. Khan you send me some??

River said...

That is so much fun--can't get enough of that fluffy tail! Yes, we like mom talking more and hope to see Moose next time. That hail stuff was pretty amazing.

love & wags,

The Daily Echo said...

Oh no! You Tube ate your video! Now I'm really going to have to skhold Mom for taking so long to read the blog posts. I had my popkhorn and frozen peas all ready to go and everything!

The Daily Echo said...

You Tube gave your video back but I'm feeling rather cheated. I wanted to see Moose - the 16 legged 5 eyed critter! I don't see what's so bad about 16 legs. We have 16 legs here. I'm just sayin'.
Pee S: Your fluffy tail is still the khutest around.

Mack said...

Duke of Destruction!!
I love it - if my mom hears it she'll start calling me that too!