Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Special

Snakhki! It was in my yard Saturday evening. Mom snapped this shot fur me. I khould only drool from afar!
Well, here is a SUNDAY SPECIAL fur all!
Since Walking Wednesday will be taking a week off so I khan pawticipate in a furry SPECIAL event in khonjunkhtion with our khween Meeshka's Blogging Extravanganza, here is a teaser version fur an end of August Sunday Special walkin' video. I say teaser fur we didn't realize how low the battery power was SO that's why it ends sooooo furry abruptly.
I figured that would NOT matter to my devoted fans!
So here woo go - please khlikhk H E R E . I had two furry special guest stars to kikhk off the video. I think my furiends from The AO4 may rekhognize them!
I do hope evfurryone is having a great weekend. My mom has been a real slakhker. I khan't say we've done anything exciting. I so hope she makes it up to me before she heads bakhk to work on Tuesday!
She'll be here tomorrow for Musikh Monday/Momday. She says we are up to the letter N. I saw her with a pen thing and some paper skhribbling 'n'otes to herself!
PeeEssWoo: UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE - since I furst pawed this posting, I've learned that my furiends in Louisiana have decided they need to leave due to Gustav. They are heading to a nice motel in Arkansas that will allow their pawrents to stay with them! Please khross your paws that they will have safe travels and that Gustav won't hurt their neighbourhood too much. I mean, the kitchen remodeling isn't even khomplete yet. Stoopid hurrikhanes - we'll have to have Turbo put THEM on the list too!


Khady Lynn said...

Too bad the snakhk wasn't closer for you to get!!

Great video. Don't you people have sidewalks in PA??

I'm just askin'.


Teddy Westlife said...

So... I understand that the first part of the walk was HIGHLY energised?

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We bet woo will be checking again today for that little snackie. Your Mom sounded a bit winded on your walk - treat her kindly so woo get lots more walkies.

Woos and wags, the OP Pack

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

The nerve of that cat. Just sit out in your yard and tease you.. Our do that to but when they come in we attack. Callie is the worst. She thinks they are toys and they get very upset with her... Jordie always get out those ginsu knives and growls but she can't hear so why does he do that...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

The Army of Four said...

Heeeeeere kitty, kitty, kitty! Get 'im, Khyra!
Hey, what's Oswald doing there? I thought I just saw him in our backyard!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Safe travels and happy homecoing to The Huskies in the Window.

Woo, the OP Pack

Urban Smoothie Read said...

did u plan an ambush on that kitty?

Khady Lynn said...

We are sure praying for MayaMarie, Missy and Bella to be safe, along with all the other people and pets in Louisianna!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
I hope you are having a great long weekend!
Paws crossed for MayaMarie and all her family!
Kisses and hugs

Kodak the Eskie said...

Hurray! You're going to run for office! Woohoo! I loved watching your video. You have such a beautiful fluffy tail! And yes you were highly energized! LOL

Hugs, Kodak

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope your friends and their neighborhood will be safe. It's good they headed north to to a motel. And it was nice they booked one that will allow humans.

We're anxiously watching storm news too and hope all our friends will be safe.

My Two Best Friends said...


We are just so proud of you - Mommy yells at us when we start our walk because she says we are pulling her arms out of the socket! We don't know why? There's important stuff to check out and critter smells - it's important work! Happy Labor Day - Does that mean Moms must labor while walking?

Thor and Marco Polo

Kathryn and Ari said...

Hey there-
Always great to cross paths in cyberspace on a Sunday night with our good friend, Khyra!

Thor and Jack said...

Great video, Khyra! I hope you had a great weekend!

Love and licks

Joe Stains said...

Hey khyra you saw Oswald!!! I am always highly energized on my walks too, even though I am 9!! This was a great sunday special!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

You would be going crazy at our house recently. Wilbur has all the neighborhood cats coming to visit the front yard. They just parade around in front of me sitting in the window!
