Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday Telling

 SUNday's weather appeared to have affected The PF Palace cameras -

Once The Humans got to The Office - fixed -
Lady PF hanging out - and over 👍
Approaching 8pm - 69 and Cloudy -
Finishing Saturday's fun!

Willow did her usual pawsome job watching The KhrossTrek -
SUNday's lunch - Baked Potato Soup with Bacon and Cheese on the bottom of the dish - SO GOOD!
This week's quiche - ready for the oven -
Out of the oven - even the overage spillage is tasty - I used the Oriental Stir Fry veggies - some shitakes - done in touch of sesame oil - black pepper and Five Spice - and Cheddar Cheese -
You might even notice a nose in the shot - wonder who THAT belongs to -
When I was getting gas at Sheetz a few weeks ago, Auntie Di's old 'Cholla' showed up - and I had to take a picture of our nephew BRANDON to show her how her car was doing after all, it had brought her and Emmy from Arizona to PA - and today is HIS BIRTHDAY - which is actually the day TADN was expecting me - HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRANDON -
The day before Khousin Emmy's and NAB's birthday, it was Royce's FURst birthday!  He had a birthday pancake!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Your quiche is so beautiful and we know it tastes wonderful with the freshest ingredients! Happy Birthday to Brandon and to Royce!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Royce is so handsome!!! And so is Brandon - he sure did grow up, says Mom.

She may have to make a trip to Tractor Supply to check out all the Halloween goodies.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Good to see the Tractor Supplu all ready for Halloween

The Oceanside Animals said...

Oona: "Oona is pleased to see that her holiday, Halloween, is already being represented at the stores."
Lulu: "Happy birthday to Brandon!"