Monday, July 31, 2023

Monday MOMSday

PF Palace in The AM -
And in the PM -
79 and fair - just before 630pm - OH SO NICE after the ick ick ick we've had -
I've decided to share MY 'venture for LOBSTAH on Saturday 🦞
Cousins Maine Lobster moored itself at Liquid Hero Brewery - which is just outside York's minor league's baseball stadium -
The event started at 1pm - so that is when I headed in - a 10-15 minute drive south on George Street into Yory City - I got right on line - although I wish I had gotten an adult beverage first but - the line moved along well - and I might have been there for < 30 minutes - probably 25ish -
I had already taken a look at the offerings via their app - but I took this picture to make some friends - out in LasVegasNV totes jelly!
With bag in hand, I made my way back to The KhrossTrek - 

Then back up George Street - North to Manchester I go!
I'm enjoying the BLUEberrySoda now -
with LOBSTAH Tots
Maine LOBSTAH roll 
KhanineKhoins and LOBSTAH bisque which I had on SUNday!
I  will be honest and reveal that when I opened the lid for these LOBSTAH tots, I made noises and said GOOD WORDS - I was blown away -
After eating much of the LOBSTAH tots, I moved along to the MAINE LOBSTAH roll - yep, oh my!
And when I did have my LOBSTAH bisque, I did pay TheDogTax - she did get more than this but photo purposes 😇
Now for the bittersweet part of JULY 31 -
Today would have been TADN's 86th birthday -

I will always treasure this picture - when Mom had broken her hip - and was in Rehab for recovery and all, they were kind enough to bring her out to the entrance so NAK could see her DoggyNanny - yes, they had missed each other - but now I'm picturing them together - in their chairs - with fuzz exchanged for treats and more khysses!

I had quite The SofaShift fun - thanks to Comatosecast - not long before switching from my HP laptop to my Dell work one, Comatosecast lost it - and when I checked the app, it indicated I was off line due to an outage in the area that was being repaired - but when I checked their outage map, it said I was all good - no outages here - so I did all the unplug replug shutdown back on khrap - and had actually packed up the Dell - and was resigned to work AT The GKP - but I finally gave it ONE MORE TIME - and success -

I will be hitting my local VZW store on Friday for their Wireless - they provide a 30day trial and all - and if all works as well as my contact Greg says it does and has, I'm telling Comatosecast to - well - the word starts with PH - and has an UCK at the end - itself -

Happy LAST day of JULY! 

and YES, how DID we get to AUGUST???

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Oh my goodness - drooling over the deliciousness of lobster! Happy Birthday in Heaven to the dog nanny♥

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Heavenly Birthday, TDNA!

One of #1's favourite recipes to make is lobster and corn chowder (recipe from Williams Sonoma). She used cooked frozen whole lobsters as the shells are required for the soup. She always tried to get lobster from Prince Edward Island as it was her second home for so many years, and they sell it at our local store!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Our Dada said something about 'Rock Lobster!' and now he's over there singing and dancing like a weirdo again."
Java Bean: "Typical Dada."
Lulu: "Yep. Oh well. Meanwhile, we send lots of tail wags for TADN, where we're sure she's having a great birthday party with Khyra over the Rainbow Bridge!"