I will be bakhk NEXT YEAR!
Well, I had a blast at Tails On The Trails 2008!
I sooooo made my mom khover two miles khwite khwikhkly...when she gets the videos out on YouTube, she'll post them here - probably later this week. She did NOT khode out whilst walking but I sooooo gave her a great khardiakh workout - especially since on a 'normal' Saturday morning, we haven't even had our furst khup of khoffee by THAT time!
She did get one interesting video loaded fur all of woo to see - you'll see why today's title is SILLY Sunday if woo khlikhk the word S I L L Y. Mom gave me one of the biskhuits from our goody bag and I had to prepare it fur khonsumption!
Aren't the flowers khool? I met a Dogster pal at the hike - L E I K A . Akhtually, after we got signed in and started walking around, this nice lady asked my mom if I was DOGSTER KHYRA! She rekhognized ME!!! We talked fur a bit - and then hung out together later in the afternoon. Leika's mom ended up being the sekhond highest fund raiser so she got a khool gift pakhkage that inkhluded the flowers. Well, it turns out the huMAN that makes them is a friend of hers - and she already has many of his items (painted metal and khopper khreations). She asked my mom if she liked them - and of khourse she did fur she really likes those lily flowers AND especially THOSE kholours - and would she like them!
That was just soooo nice! But then again, Siberian people are pretty freakin' khool!
AND YES: I got to see THE BUTTERS!!! If woo want to see THE BUTTERS, please khlikhk where it says I W A N T T O S E E T H E B U T T E R S
Nika khame BUT Rudi Rudi Rudi had to stay at home...it was nice to see Nika and her pawrents again!
I khyssed some humans - no babies this time - and I soooo spread my fluff and strutted it too!
So, that was my day! The Xterra pulled out of HERE around 8am or so AND then pulled bakhk in a bit after 4pm. I rested a bit...ate a bit...then we went for our normal daily walk! On my walk, we passed a group of young bipeds sitting on a lawn - I heard 'it's a husky...she's pretty...khan we pet her' - SO I got MORE adoration from six FUTURE voters!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says Musikh Monday/Momday will be the start of some R's - she's not sure if it will be groups or artists SO woo will just have to khome on by Khyra's Khorner tomorrow!

Ammy! Lookie what I saw on my walk Saturday night! It is an alien Oswald - the eyes were lit up!

The four pikhs above are from Saturday night...I was FINALLY resting - hardly noticed she took my pikh...but just HAD to pikhk up my head and ask "What Mom? I'm SLEEPING!" THEN I assumed the Siberian Doughnut pawsition! Not long after that, I found my TRUE zen pawsition!
Oh Khyra! Playing hide the biscuit is so funny! I love the snooter action! Looks like you had an action packed day! And Humom loves the flowers. She thought they were real! And you're right. Sibe people are the best!
hey Khyra,
What an amazing Saturday you had! Butters sure is fluffy! Such a handsome dog! As they say in South Park "Everyone knows it's Butters!"
I bet the biscuit tasted mighty good after your preparation!
My human K said to tell your mom that the flowers are just beautiful! The huMan did an amazing job!
Love your photos! Hope you had success campaigning. It is getting closer and closer to voting time!
The Butters is quite the handsome fellow isn't he? My mum is all gaga over him. We did like the video of your burying your biscuit, mum says my great-sister Maxi used to do that too.
Paws up for a great day!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hi Khyra.
I bury my biscuits too.. nothing wrong with a bit of dirt condiment.. whats silly about that!? If you ask me the humans are silly for not dragging their food around in the dirt! They don't know what they are missing!
Mum had to throw cold water over me after watching the video though.. i think I may be in LUUUUURVE!!
but... sob... then.... i clicked the butters link.. oh i shouldn't have.. there you were khissing your boyfriend!!
Mum neeeded to give me lots of treats after that one.. comfort food and all that!
Hope you are having a great weekend beautiful,
Ben xxxxx
What a great day woo and Mom had!!! We loved watching woo hide the biscuit - very good coverup action. Those flowers are so pretty, they almost look real. And the Butters - oh so gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing your day.
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
Wow, your day was action packed! It looks like you had so much fun. The flowers are gorgeous!
You must have had a WONDERFUL day, Khyra! We loved seeing all the photos and videos! Burying a cookie, though? Were you trying to make a cookie tree grow? I just EAT them; I've never tried planting them!
PS: Oswald? With lit up eyes?!!? Spooky!
Hi, Khyra!
Thanks for sharing your great day!
Those flowers are beautiful.
But you are more beutiful than them!
Kisses and hugs
Well, we're tired just reading and watching videos about your day. What a great time. And those flowers are pretty. They were a nice gift.
We found Jan's original email and forwarded it to the cheesecake co with a link to the post. It helped with the leashes, so hopefully it will help now.
HI Khyra,
Looks like woo had a great day! I's takin' some pointers from you burying the biscuit. My sista Ivanna tried to bury hers in the rug or under the furniture. Guess she better watch the video too.
Maw loves the flowers. They is so Cool!
Biloxi and Siber sibs
Oh Khyra, I have to confess, you are utterly beautiful, I so love looking at your photos.
PS to all my girlfriends who may read this, it doesn't mean I love you any less, I have just fallen in love with Khyra too.
You had a super busy day!! Glad you did not code out Mom!! Loved all your photos and video-silly girl.
You still resting?
Hugs&hi 5s
pee ess the flowers are pretty.
It sure looks like you had a wonderful time on your trail walkie..
Butters is so beautiful as are you, but you knew that those bipeds prove it...
Big sloppy kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Woof Khrya
You were probably exhausted from khyssing everyone, you needed to rest. Oh, by the way, Mom really likes the flowers. She doesn't keep many flowers or plants around because Keiko will eat them.
Desert Pups
Woos Khyra, just a lil hint, but ist easier on the snooter if you dig the hole FIRST... then bury stuff.
~Jack a-roo
Butters is mighty handsome! Reminds me of someone very dear I once knew...
Holy moly Khyra WOO sure had a furry exciting day!! Now we need to go back and watch the videos - we got distracted!!
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
i'm not a burier... i don't bury... i loves keeping stuff straight into my stomach
tanner hides his treats like that sometimes too! butters is so very handsome, what a blond furball!!!
sounds like you had a fabulous time!!
Those flowers sure are pawsome..
~ Girl girl
You have trained your mom well. After you apply tasty toppings to the biscuit, she fishes it out and presents it to you. Maybe next time she will be smart enough to roll it in the dirt a bit herself.
Hi there!
What a beautiful baby you are. And what fun adventures you have. I'm keeping up with you fur sure...
Larkin n' Kimberley
I'm so glad you had such a good time! You'll have to rest up for the Hike N' Howl!
Kisses, KSB
Wow! What a big day! I wish we could have been there.
You really need to educate Mom about rolling and burrying her food. Next time she gets something to eat remind her to try it.
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