Friday, September 19, 2008

Workin' Harrrrr Fur Harrrrr The Harrrrr Weekend Harrrrr!

Yes - it is just about that time: the weekend is almost here! I'm so excited about going to The Tails on the Trails - I think I'm going to get to see Nika AND THE BUTTERS! PLUS, Nika's mom told my mom she's trying to khonvince Nika's dad to bring Rudi Rudi Rudi!!!
Speaking of moms, it is time fur mine to do her Musikh Momday stuff. It will be kind of khwikhk fur there isn't a large quantity of 'Q's' but she does have some!
I'll turn it over to Mom - khatch woo tomorrow!
Musikhal Q's??? The furst one on the list is Q u e e n - and this is a song our Siberians have going thru their minds TOOOOOOO often!
Another Q for me would be Q u e e n s r y c h e - I always found this song to be khwite haunting.
Okay - time for another 80's flashbakhk - and I'm going to inkhlude two of theirs - only bekhause it has been too long since I've heard them: Q u a r t e r f l a s h and of khourse this one t o o - but it is hard to harden your heart to a brown eyed girl staring at you!
Two words: Q u i e t R i o t - but you are on your own - I've only inkhluded them bekhause of their 'Q'!
Or some Q u i n c y J o n e s and not just one - here is a n o t h e r !
I've got two new Q's to share - chekhk out Quactus or Quatisi .
SO, what Q's are on your list?
I'm sure MFT and I will be having a mellow one tonight so as to rest up before meeting all the pawtential voters!
Hope you have a great Friday and SAFE weekend. I'll be bakhk on Monday with some R's for you!
Hugz&Khysses From Jelly Bones Marilyn and Khap'n Uma Khannonballs
PeeEssHarrrrrWoo: It's Talk Like Harrrr A Pirate Day - here is one of our favourite pirates . Harrrr!


i said...

Yay for the weekend! LS said she likes some of Queen's songs too. 'I Was Born to Love You' is one of her favs.

Have a great weekend now!

Charlie Daniels said...

So why are pirates, pirates?

They just aarrgghh !!!!!!

Later ya lilly livered bilge rats!

Charlie :-)

Teddy Westlife said...

Harrr good choices harrr. Have fun at the walk Khyra!

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's pawsome. the Q word I can think of is Quick haa I hope the weekends come quickly

~ Girl girl

Huskee and Hershey said...

I am so glad it's the weekend!! Woohoooo...
Qs.. hmm.. Quirky? Quiche **yummy**

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Q is a tough one, Mom only really recognizes Quincy Jones. Better move on to the R's for her sake.

Have fun on your walk - should be fun meeting all those furiends AND khampaigning too.

Here are our Pirate names - ha roooooo!!!

Plank Monkey Roger = Thunder

Cap'n Fritz Bloodbucket = Phantom

Pirate Bianca the Fruit = Dakota

BenTheRotti said...

Yay for the weekend!

You are going to have soooo much fun on your walk! I'm so jealous I can't be there to khiss and khuddle.. ummm I mean walk with you!!

have a great time gorgeous,

Ben xxxxx

The Army of Four said...

So... is Nika AND THE BUTTERS an "N" group? Hee hee hee!
We hope your mom takes LOTS of pictures!
Are we telling pirate jokes? I liked the one Charlie Daniels told. Here's one: why did the pirate lose when he went on Wheel of Fortune? Because Vanna though he kept asking for an "Rrrrrrr". :)


Harrrrr Khyra

Happy Internation talk like a Pirate Day. We're gonna try to post the rest of the party pictures tomorrow. Oh, one of the photos of you from the party might be a little incriminating. We hope that it doesn't ruin your VP chances.

Desert Pups

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Aahhh, Queen. Loved Freddie Mercury. Have a great time tomorrow!!!! ARRGGH
(who came up with this talk like a pirate day. Oh that's right, you made a link. We'll go see)
Hugs & hi 5s

Sarah and Shadow said...

Wow! Where did u find ur template? It looks great! That dog with the snow is really cool! Have fun! Khyra!

Pedro said...


My mom and I wanted to thank you for stopping by to see us during this difficult time in our family. My mom is home now and we're getting out to visit all our friends blogs and have some smiles. Thanks again!


Simcha said...


And great pics on the music!

And Khyra, we are green with envy you are going to the walk this weekend. HuMOM so wanted to go! But she only wanted to take me: and HuDad is away this weekend so no Kiley sitter.
But my Human friend Sheryl will be there with her two Mals Cinnabar and Sebastian. Sheryl is is doing the weight-pull demo! Please check it out and give her a big ole hug from me. Boy, that would surprise her!! Besides I hear Sebastian and Cinnabar are both the manly Mal-hunks and perfect for you to show your HUZZY pose to!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Ahoy! Enjoy yer talk like a pirate day matey. me hopes you have a good weekend of plundering at the PetSmart

Joe Stains said...

Have a GREAT TIME!!! Mom likes a band called Quicksand but she LOVES queen!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Harrrr Khyra!
I am sure you will have an harrrr great weekend!
Kisses and hugs