Well, Hanna Montanna made her way to PA on Saturday - lots of rain 3.5" or so fur my khounty - varying intensities - khomplete with wind!
No walk fur me BUT I'll get one today bekhause it started to khlear out a bit after 6pm.

That is also the new toy I got from my furiends in Makhon! I had lots of fun playing with it Friday night!
I hope none of my pals in the East were too inkhonvienced by the weather - I heard Unkhle Jakhk's flights were affekhted but THAT was to be expekhted - given HIS trakhk rekhord!
I hope none of my pals in the East were too inkhonvienced by the weather - I heard Unkhle Jakhk's flights were affekhted but THAT was to be expekhted - given HIS trakhk rekhord!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
PeeEssWoo: Mom will be here tomorrow - she's going to 'p'ikhk some P's for Musikh Monday/Momday. Since there are soooo many pawtential ones to inkhlude, she's decided to split them up - females, males, THEN groups! I saw her start making notes as she looked thru her media player list and her cd khollekhtion spreadsheet.
Hi Khyra
We've never been to your blog before. It's nice to meet you.
We hope the bad weather gone and you've got some sunshine for the rest of the weekend.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
My mom thought it was Hanna the vamp from Savannah...bol Some rain is okay, some wind is okay--glad that she didn't slam you. Looking forward to the Pees (did I say that outloud?)
love & wags,
We had some clouds and rain here today too. The humans took the baby with them and left for several hours. Apparently, they got a lot of video and pics of what they did with her. I stayed home and relaxed. In my bed. The perfect way to spend a cloudy, rainy day.
I hope the storms are gone now. It's raining here but mum is home so I am safe. Those corks look like they would be fun to chase. Do they roll well?
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hi Khyra,
Just stopped by to remind you how Khool you are Σ:o)
Dont Change! - You ROCK!
w00f's Khyra, always love picksurs of u....heehee u did a good job on those corks...me didnt get any rain from hannah, just a little wind...
b safe,
Hope the nasty weather leaves you alone! And us too!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
OH, Khyra, what's Mom's problem with a little nibblin' on the corks - woo were just testing the taste for her so she will know what to buy next, right?
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, Thunder here - I am going to meet your sweetie's Mom this morning!!! Woo hoo!!!
Wow ur a khool looking dog!
Don't bipeds sniff corks before they drink wine? Sniff, chew ... what's the difference? Besides, you have to live up to the whole "HULA" thing!
GREAT pose, K-pup - really. I'm proud of you!
Tail wags,
It's raining here today.Did you send it? If I sniff the rain, will it smell like woo?
We're glad you just got some rain and it's over! I would have totally chewed on those too!! They look made for chewing on!
Glad Hanna just dropped a little wet stuff and not something worse! How did those corks taste anyway??
I'm glad you didn't let that bad storm mess up your lovely fur. You could have had one bad hair day if you went out in the middle.
The wind in youw gowgeous fuw must have felt good..you suwe looked bootiful.
It' s weally pwetty hewwe today and I got to go to the wun
smoochie kisses
hi! sorry we haven't been around for a while. my typist aka mommy has been working so much. sigh. she needs more training more like it.
we got some rain but not a lot of wind. thank goodness. it is scary when the power goes out cause then the beans have to "talk to each other" instead of watch TV. *shudder*
that is a great picture of you outside.
Hi Khyra,
Glad to hear that Hannah only sent puddles and not mayhem.
I will never understand humans.. whats wrong with a bit of cork nibbling?? they roll when you nudge them, they are just the right consistency to chew.. surely they were made to nibble on!!
Those are beautiful photo's of you, you are quite the pin up!!
Ben xxx
We are sure glad that Hanna let up a bit so that you could get outside to do your business..
Have a great day...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Khyra!
Tasty corks!
I hope you have a nice weather now!
Kisses and hugs
Harrrrrr Khyra
looks like you where having fun Harrrrrr. did the corks have traces of rum on them Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Hello Khyra,
Glad that the weather cleared up for you to go out! I hate bad weather and we have been getting loads of rain here... I miss my walkies...
hey Khyra,
Corks are for chewing, so I am sure your mom's thought bubble meant to say "chew and have fun!" Cute gifts from your friends! You have very nice friends!
You look so nice outside in your yard with the wind blowing! I bet if felt so nice and cool!
That sure look like a windy weekend you have there
~ Girl girl
Its easy to get things mis-translated...honest mistake and it probably did sound like "bother those"...I love your photo's
We had the news reporters stationed at all three area beaches ready and poised to give up live breaking news of Hanna's wrath. {{insert scarey music}} We ended up with a few sprinkles and some prematurely downed leaves. haroorooorooo.
Oh and I love cork! Ask HuMom how I chewed all the cork off her very expensive Birkenstocks!! :O
Khool new toys....3 Dog Bakery cookies... napping.... what a perfect Sunday!
woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
I'm glad to know you're dreaming of me AND doing your HULA membership proud.
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