Thursday night, I had my FURST ever trip to THE DOGGIE PARK!!!
Here is a pikhture of it

We were in Sekhtion 2.
You may notice the khounty's website says it is khalled Canine Meadows. I'm wondering if I donate enough money if they will pawmit me to spell it khorrekhtly?
Sekhtion 1 is fur the yappetizers (aka under 30#). Sekhtion 3 will be used when Sekhtion 2 gets worn down.
We were there from about 6pm until 730pm - at one point, Mom's boss Lynne khounted about 30 dogs - of khourse, khounting running khanines khan be a challenge!
Here are some videos: O N E , T W O , T H R E E , F O U R , F I V E , S I X , S E V E N , E I G H T , and N I N E
They aren't real long bekhause Mom tried to keep them short enough to be able to upload 'em all to photobukhket.
I will so try to sweet talk and khlaw her into going bakhk soon. Maybe I'll take some of the Turbo Khyra 2008 signs and just HAPPEN to leave them there!
Or maybe I'll paw 'em out as the khanines enter. Fur as you'll see, I was furry khontent to greet my fellow khanine citizens as they entered the park!
Hope woo all a safe Saturday and don't get showered by Hanna Montanna!
PeeEssWoo: Meeshka: Unkhkle Jakhk is running out of time for a prime time headline grabbing death and/or happening. Amy Winehouse might get to keep the skhwirrel after all!
Wow, Khyra, that's a heck of a dog park!!! And I'd like one that separates the little dogs from the big dogs, too! (I always want to be the biggest dog in the park, which is kinda hard 'cuz I'm pretty short!)
Brown dog kisses,
Dannan and The Girl
That looks like soooo much fun!! You were quite the social butterfly! How fun to run free like that! I'm so jealous!
Hiya Khyra,
Ya wouldn't really eat one of them kitty cats would ya? Are ya related to Hannible Lector?
I wish I could go to that park with ya but I'd want to hang out with ya too even if I am little.
Have a great weekend....Mona
That is a really cool park, Khyra! Looks like you had a great time greeting doggies and checking it all out. You are very lucky to have that so close to you. Ms.Fluffy tail, you are too cute!
Hugs, Kokak
Hmm, so that's a dog park. Good for socializing and some campaigning,Hu? Kiss some babies, shake some paws. Might be a good pr move!!
WOW - that looks like a BIG dog park! Is that BMX part for the bipeds or the Woos? Our dog park separates little woos from big woos, but sometimes there's stupid humans who bring in the little guys and it's our duty to harass them (unless it's a spunky Jack Russell, they're cool).
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Woo look like woo had so much fun, Khyra. We will have to work on our Mom to see if she can take us to a dog park too. We just know that woo will get lots of votes for your campaign with Turbo on your next visit.
Woos and wags, the OP Pack
Wow that place looks HUGE!!! We don't have dogparks as such here in the UK but fortunatley for me there is the wood that I go play in which is enormous and has lots of hills and streams and of course critters for me to sniff out!
sniffing off to watch your videos now... like Mum needs to do any more Husky Adoring today (she is a Husky Hussy i think, i may have to trade her in!)!
Ben xxxx
Oooh, I love how you ran like the WIND in that second vid ... and hee hee hee, good work on the water bowl! :)
It sure looks like you had a lot of fun!
PS: dave said to tell you "October Project". I have no idea what he's wooing about!
It's been like a thousand years since I've been to my doggie park, and it is not nearly as big as yours.
Have a great weekend!
hey Khyra,
What a huge dog park! And you looked like you were having so much fun and running so fast! I bet it felt great to just run and run! Freedom is grand! I wish I could have joined you, I have not been to a dog park in ages. I hope your human can keep taking you back there!
P.S. Tail wags to you and your human for the kind words about Ginger!
Hi, Khyra!
I came to read your post and I was excited to be the first one to leave you a comment... mean Blogger! It did not let me!
Glad you had fun there at the park! You were running and running around!
I loved the video where you are refreshing you... and your paw!
I hope you can go there again soon!
Kisses and hugs
You must be exhausted from that very important trip on the campaign trail! I'm sure you captivated all your new friends with your fluffiest of fluffy tails.
Pee S: Yes - Mom still has your surprise to mail. I should fire her!
It looks like you had a great time at the park.. We sure hope you get to go back soon...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
w0-0f's Khyra. hmmm mama iz gonna haff to quit visiting and not leaving a comment....we comed to c u and watched videos a few mins after u posted it...guess when we went to watch them her furgoted...hmmm me loveddd to watch u at the dog park....ands waiting on them at the gate wuz a purfect politicion move...
b safe,
What a pawsome doggie park. You looked like you were really having fun. Your mom narration was funny too. Sure you'll go back. The vice president has to see lots of doggies. You got my vote. Can you change my food to hamburgers and hot dogs?
Harrrrr Khyra
looks like a blast Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Be sure to check out our latest blog post - we have given woo an award.
Woo, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, don't go there too quickly, it might not be there yet.
That dog park looks like so much fun! We don´t have dog park here.
I loved see you running and meeting all those friends! And the park is huge!
Love and licks
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Did I get that right? Your mom calls you Miss Fluffy Tail? Isn't that kind of embarassing? Good thing that doggie park is big enough for you to go off and make your own reputation. Lose that Miss Fluffy Tail, I think something more like Queen Woosalot is more suitable.
Aren't dog parks the best? I think you should hook your mom up to a cart and try out the BMX track!
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