Two shots from the weekend!
Well, the weather didn't khompletely khooperate. Mom had hoped it would be walkable by midday or so BUT the rain showers just didn't want to leave. We DID get a walk after dinner BUT Mom khouldn't really get a good shot at any videos due to have to juggle poo-pikhkup and poo bag toting. Merdie is khwite a machine when it khomes to #2!
WELL, time to turn this over to Mom for her musikh thingie...have a great Monday!
OKAY...time for R-men!
Let's start with two Ryan's: one new and one not so although he does have a new release out soon. R y a n B i n g h a m - the very first time I heard him on xpn.org, I was chekhking the playlist for WHO'S THAT before the song was done. I always use THAT kind of wow fakhtor to define how much I like what I've heard! The other R is R y a n A d a m s with THIS song being one of my favourites.
How about two Robert's? R o b e r t C r a y and R o b e r t P a l m e r . I khould make it three with the inkhlusion of Robert Plant but we touched on him with Led Zeppelin.
Now time for two Richard's: R i c h a r d T h o m p s o n and R i c h a r d M a r x .
Three newer R's: R o c k y V o t o l a t o , R a y L a M o n t a g n e , and R o n S e x s m i t h.
I'll khlose with R o b i n T r o w e r - Bridge of Sighs? OH YES!
As always, I'm sure there are many more I've furgotten and I'll be looking furward to all of you sharing YOURS!
As Khyra said, have a great Monday!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
Oh.. I hope you get better weather today. You look so cute in the 2 photos
~ Girl girl
We are hoping you get some better weather, it has stayed dry here so far.
Some great selections there, Mum just discovered Ray Lamontagne last year and thinks he is great.
One more that springs to mind is Robbie Williams
Ben xxxxx
Woof Khyra
Thanks for stopping by and wishing Toby well. Mom really appreciated it. We'll keep you updated on his condition.
A very worried,
Scuba, Keiko and Norman
Happy Monday!
We can't think of any other R music people - I think you have them all covered!
Harrrrrr Khyra
Is yer mom sadated she forgot the Ramones Harrrrrr. Mabey she needs to Hit the road Jack becouse she also forgot Ray Charles Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Woo, good R's! I forgot "Rush" under groups! How could I forget them?!? There's a big R guy you forgot that we KNOW Meeshka's human woman likes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=030aFu6fQbI. Ha woooo.
you have a nice looking friend. it must be fun to have sleep overs. i'm sorry your walks were rainy, and glad your mommy picks up your, um, leavings that is very polite.
my mommy had 2 woofies (who are are at the bridge now) and she remembers bag juggling
It was soggy hewe too..but today is pawsomely bootiful..I hope it is whewe you awe too..I love youw photos
I think youw mom knows evewy Moosic in the wowld
smoochie kisses
Mommy loves Robert Cray! didn't he do "jump start my heart! pump it up, pump it up!" Good memories.
Hugs, Kodak
Our Mom is really out of it, she doesn't know any of those R's. What is wrong with her? Must be her brain is fried from not feeling well.
Glad woo and Merdie had some fun together.
Woos, the OP Pack
hey Khyra,
Glad you had a nice week-end celebrating Merdie's birthday! Sorry the weather was not cooperating!
My human K only knew a few of the "R" guys your mom listed, so she will be busy listening to the ones she does not know today! Some "R" guys in K's collection are: Ringo Starr, Rodd Stewart, Roy Orbison, Rick Astley, and Rick Springfield.
Working Class Dog,
So Merdie is headed home? That is so sad. We sure hope that the weather gets better for you..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Mum is saying "ahhh, Richard Marx". She is such an 80's nerd.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Rick James
Roger Miller
We hope the weather will get nice for you! It was so so beautiful here today for our walk!
Your Mom forgot the best R in Music -The Righteous Brothers! Brings tears to her eyes!
Thor and Marco Polo
Hi, Khyra!
My mom likes that song of Ryan Adams!
Thanks for sharing!
Rainy days are not fun!
Kisses and hugs
DoofTriever treats? They must only be sold in your particular neighborhood. We never heard of them.
Oh Khywa
You wouldn't huwt my kittie fwiends would you?
Idon't believe it. They have been vewy nice to me..that's why I like them..I'll give you tweats instead OK?
smoochie kisses
I hope you get better weather. Today the day was sunny and no rain here, very different from the weekend. :)
You look pretty cute in those pictures.
Love and licks
You both are very good-looking dogs.
I wish I had a big companion too!
Mom likes a couple Rod Stewart songs, she used to love Richard Marx when she was younger!
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