Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Sharing

One of The KidSSSSS tucked there - tuckered out there - by The Beam -
And The VERY Productive Lady PF - the latest post on Falcon Wire shares some fun from her FrEYEday - YEP - VULTURES BEWARE!!!
Almost 630pm 72 - rain shower?  And oh lookie - awesome temps next week -
Of course, there was -

Of course, she was quite happy -
No Willow - not the day to go to Dawn's - that's for Saturday - this would be the hard left at the light for the 'U' type turn -
Our first trip to Forge Hill for the season/year -

Since the season is short - I got a quart of each - 

We would be exiting thru those trees -
They had set up the trailer down here - to make it easier to get in and then out - and to be closer to the trees for Pick Your Own -
Supplies for those hardy humans -

They told us to follow the wheat to get out - 
And back to Starview Road for us -
Then the hard right this time to make the 'U' back to George Street -
To get to 'Smith Gardens' - what our neighborhood is known as - with Cottage Drive there for us -
Sweet Bing in the back - with Sour - Montmorency - on the left in front - and Sweet Rainier on the right in front - we sent some along with Auntie Di - as she came over in the afternoon - with Friday's foodables - 
Ready to have some healthy snacks -
Rainier -
Montmorency -

Of course, all were hits - and now this is in place, time to hit the kitchen for some more for me -

As I said above, Auntie Di brought lunch to us as she had an appointment on George Street between The KhrossTrek Wash spot and Leg Up Farmers Market - and we'll share that here tomorrow -

Today's 'ventures will be one for Willow - Dawn's - and one for me - Wolf for my June Howl!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

The cherries look so fresh and yummy and what a beautiful drive following the wheat. Happy Saturday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We got some cherries too, Willow! You would not believe how cold it is here! #1 is wearing a fleece and is still cold! But she will not turn the heating back on, whatever happens!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The cherries look magnificent, and so fresh. Mom doesn't think she has ever been anywhere near a place where she could pick her own cherries. Enjoy.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Nothing beats a farmer;s market.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "That's a lot of 8s and 9s in a row! Stay in the A/C, Willow!"
Charlee: "Those brightly colored cat toys look like a lot of fun!"
Java Bean: "Ayyy, what cat toys?"
Charlee: "The cat toys! You know, the little red and purple and pink balls with the handles for us to carry them easily in our mouths."
Java Bean: "... Do you mean las cerezas?"
Charlee: "If that's Spanish for 'cat toy' then yes."