Sunday, June 23, 2024

SUNday Sharing

Another day of The PFs staying somewhere khool - which is certainly not in SCPA! -
After some rain came through, Lady PF took up her favorite spot -
A bit after 4pm as I put this together - and 96 and Fair - we did hit 97 - with RF of 103 - UPDATE - made it to 98 with RF 104 -
So time for 'venture - 
I had some items to put in the back for our stop at Mad Radish -

Willow is ready to roll -
Down George Street we go -

To DAWN'S!!!

No eyes and ears watchin' - she was tucked in the rear driver side wheel well - and the windows were down - she was fine temperature wise -

When I placed my order Nick said they were out of English Muffins - I said okay on their bread - but he offered KHROISSANT!!!
Bacon Cheese Egg Croissant - YUM!
For The Dog Tax!
I had already placed my order for a Buckeye Brownie - 
Willow was with Timmy 😄
Started with some croissant -
Then finished the rest -
Back to George Street for us - waiting for the light at Church Road and Starview Road -
And due to a detour in place for road work and bridge inspection on the structure over I83, we took Beshore School Road to get back to WILLOW Springs Road to head to stop 2 - MAD RADISH!
We'll share the Mad Radish part of Willow's 'venture here on Tuesday - but until then, we'll leave you with Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake and Buckeye Brownies -

I was very happy with how the roasted Golden Beets came out - in fact, I will add them to our CSA when I see they are an option - and look forward to creating the salad with them - 

Tomorrow, I will share Auntie Di's FrEYEday 'venture with me - 

Yes - it is time to wonder how did today happen again so quickly?  I mean, wasn't it just Thursday's weekEND is close?

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

The desserts look so yummy and so does the croissant sandwich! Happy Sunday!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, I am pretty sure I saw Dada trying to reach into the screen and grab that Buckeye Brownie!"

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

that croissant sandwich must have been easy to swallow -it looks scrumptious.

Mom is now wishing she bought some beets this week at the store

Woos - Misty and Timber