Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday Sharing

Grabbing pictures whilst I still can - before they start their flight lessons with Lady and Lord PF -
BUG bomb!

Four -
And one -
Approaching 530pm  75 and SUNny - and it twas another BONUS day!
The pages have been flipped - The GKP Office -
Above the television in The Khottage Living Room -
The back of the front door -
Near NAK's Khorner - TWO V's for Juin!
Minding her own business FrEYEday morning watching out the back door from her speed bump spot -
'venture time!

Whilst we were at the WILLOW Springs Lane light, we read Auntie Di's text - she wasn't going to be accompanying us -
But since our first stop was to pick up something to take to Auntie Di we still kept to our plan -
Another of the  views from our standard light stop by Cousler Park - we usually hit it from the left 0
We see Cholla -
We see Khousin Emmy and a sandal -
We see floofy tail -
Having dropped off what we collected for her - as well as leaving three Kerri Treats for Khousin Emmy -
I gave thought to NOW WHAT for it was too early to head to Sweet Willow's now - they don't open until 1pm - 
We parked next to a white WOObaru with this -
I finally made it back for more Bubble Tea - most times on Saturday when we pass this, it is too early for them - as they don't open until 11am -
YUM!  Lychee and Green tea - with MANGO bubbles - and I chose a PURPLE straw!
I enjoyed some of it there - and then we headed towards the next stop - I knew we would be a little early but we had no problems sitting in The KhrossTrek -
The BIG smile!
Sweet Willow's!!!
Their FACEBOOK page -
Mine and DaPupKhup!
Obviously keeping her eyes on her prize -
For ME?

And mine - I had said to Brent - the owner - and creator and makers of the flavors - that I had four I wanted to have - the one he didn't have out - but the other three he did - and he said no combo is too strange - soooooooo -
Sicilian Lemon sorbet - MANGO Guava Red Raspberry Swirled Sorbet - Cliff's Death By Peanut Butte - YES!!!

Thanks for closing out the month of May with more 3rd Gotchaversary Celebration!

Here is the fourth flavor I had wanted - Brent had a quart batched - SOOOO - Purple Cow is in the freezer - Black Raspberry and White Chocolate Chips -
Relaxing on The Evil Doggy Bed - thanks for the FURever name Khousin Emmy -

Sorry for the long and picture filled post - but Willow insisted - and we've decided to share my Thursday night with The Nice Nancy Lady on Monday -

Today - Dawn's for breakfast - and we are already drooling in anticipation - French Toast AND Strawberries - say no more!

Happy June Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

I get teenyTiny tastes of ice cream and one day, I hope to get a pupcup like you do, Willow! Enjoy your french toast and strawberries! Happy June first!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We still have a lot of flipping to do!

That Sicilian lemon sorbet looks yummy! We have grey skies again today. IT looks like we will have to wait for Monday to get some sun.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Willow sure looked especially happy for her Friday adventures - lots of happy smiles. That sorbet concoction is quite the mouthful:). But we bet it was a tasty one.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "You can never have too much or too many different kinds of ice cream, at least according to our Dada!"