Friday, May 31, 2024

FrEYEday SkEYEday

No captions this week - I want to start OUR weekEND - and don't want to take more time before letting loose and CELEBRATING - I do think the picture above from Thursday PM is a BLUE'er skEYE than we've seen in too long - or is it that 34 counts?  
Approaching 930pm 61 and fair - it was beyond gorgeous on Thursday - and should continue into FrEYEday -

Flight is getting closer - I am pretty sure at least one will give it a shot this weekend!
Because our dinner reservations were for 615pm. I wrapped work a bit after 5pm so I could feed Wiggles before meeting at Victors - a workmate gave me some great strawberries - I had told CJ Willow would have some too - I took this and sent it his way - 
Then to celebrate the last day of her GotchaDayWEEK, we did an outside photoshoot -
Happy THIRD GotchaversaryBirthday Willow!!!

I'm not sure of today's 'venture - since Auntie Di and I each had food left from dinner, we aren't making lunch plans but Willow won't be deprived - if nothing else, we'll go to Sweet Willow's for Sweet Willow and some ice cream!

But we had an awesome dinner with The Nice Nancy Lady - and SPECIAL GUEST - sharing to come - now I'm going to official start the weekEND and have an adult brew!

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

How do the years go by so fast? Happy 3rd GotchaBirthday, Willow!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Happy gotchaversabirthanniversaday, Willow! Many happy returns!"
Java Bean: "Ayyy, drunken sportsball fans?! Who ever heard of such a thing???"