Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tuesday Telling

Monday morning at The PF Palace -
And before long, The Feety Feet will fit Da Bird!
Lord PF keeping his eyes on the kidSSSSS from back there -
Lady PF from the perch -
Just about 8pm - 68 and fair - and oh look - rain on the menu -
We pass this each time we go to Mad Radish - it's along Nursery Road -
Driving down to our box!
And when we got even with their patio, we saw four greeters - and the GReeter went full cracker dog running over to The KhrossTrek - I should have switched to video - he was howling  and as you see, rolling around -
Benning and Willow had exchanged their hellos as well - no shots of that for Benning was too wound up - his GRandmom did say he was bit happier than the day before as he must have been a muddy mess!
We had taken three biscuits for him - we gave him one - and passed along the remainder to the other greeters - his two human puppies and his GRandmom - 
Whilst getting the bag from The KhrossTrek, one of the three Mad Radish KHATS ran by and settled in the store area - and SO made me snicker - you'll see why soon -

Big yums coming back to The Khottage -
The KHAT was trying to shame me into buying him/her a drink -
Before I switched the phone's camera on to capture them, they had been sitting - as a dog does - just looking in at the milk in the frig!  It SO made me laugh!

Our bag was safely tucked in The KhrossTrek -
 Ready to get back in - Willow came over for another picture - 
And yet another 😏
Out we go back to Dover's George Street -
Lunch lettuce mix - asparagus - arugula tucked behind the radish leaves - PEA SHOOTS - and radishes 
Can't forget our egg share!
Willow The Veggie Monster got one of the stalks before I put it away - and she had another Monday morning when I put my salad together - it is SO good - and SO tender for it is SO young!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!

PeeEssWoo: This week will be roller coaster of emotions - today marks nine years since TADN had The Stroke that made her The Angel Doggy Nanny - and not The Doggy Nanny - she spent time in that in between world of not here - but not there  YET - 


Duke said...

I would have preferred the chocolate milk too cute kitty! Hugs to you, Phyll♥ We never get over the loss of our moms♥

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I really like the two single ear shots, Willow! And this week's stash looks delish! As for the "khat", he looks like he might be related to Simon over at Brian's Home!

I had a busy day today as I had to accompany Queen Tama to the vet. So glad it all went well!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hard to find tender asparagus here. If you happen to see them, you just have to grab them fast. We are loving Benning - looks so much like our cousin Angel Ruby.

We hope you can focus on the good memories with TADN. Mom always enjoyed seeing her when she made an appearance here.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "That's quite the collection of greenery! I would happily chew on any crunchy bits that might be extra."
Java Bean: "Me too!"
Charlee: "Isn't anyone going to buy that cat a drink?!"