Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday Telling

Seen around The PF Palace on Monday -

I believe this is Lady PF -

The latest entry on Falcon Wire indicates ALL THE KIDSSSSS have done the flying thing!
Just past 730pm 69 and partly cloudy - and you see The Babblers took the '9' out but 89?90?  Too HOT!
Time to share our Mad Radish CSA Pick Up from Saturday -
Looks like ours!
The tote is STUFFED!

I went around to the side door to leave our missing GReeter his treats -
And poor Benning was there napping - of course, he woke up when I tucked them on the door knob -

The SUMMER CSA starts in a few weeks - we are signed up - 

We pass this each time - I finally got a shot - wanted to get another as we pulled closer but SUDDENLY there was someone behind us - maybe next time -
We did make two other stops before returning to The Khottage - trying to formulate our plan for sharing them - 
Our MadRadishFoodables were in The Khottage Kitchen and I started paying some duty -  Snap Pea - YES!
Their crop of Snap Peas has come in so well they were offering their CSA clients to come pick what we wanted - I passed on the offer as I always 'joke' I don't work for my food -
Another lovely bunch of chicken gifts -
The garlic from our CSA -
Lunch Lettuce Mix - Sugar Snap Peas -Golden Beets - Parsley - Snow Peas - Spinach - 
Parsley was a NOPE -
Snow Pea - YEP!

I'm thinking of roasting The Golden Beets - and doing some kind of salad with chevre - and Willow continues to get the peas as her veggie snack treats!

Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Such beautiful veggies and those gorgeous garlic heads! You will be eating good this week!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That looks like a lot of healthy stuff, Willow! #1 did pick up yummy stuff both from me and the kitties on her way back from her appointment today!

It was 41°F here this morning!!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We thought those greens at the top were beet greens. We can see a peek of the golden globes too. Mom LOVES beets and she also loves beet greens. She needs to pick up some soon and see if Dylan will eat the greens. He said no to collard and doesn't like Romaine. His favorite is iceberg and there is no nutrition in that for him. Enjoy those beets. Mom loves them just boiled and sliced and covered with REAL butter and salt.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Nothing like fresh from the farm

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "I see thunder on Friday! That's an awfully steep price to pay to get to the weekend!"