Sunday, June 2, 2024

SUNday Sharing

I keep waiting to see there has been an update to Falcon Wire - with a flight - but not yet -
The siblings are hanging together - and the nest box is a feather filled MESS!!!!!

So tempting - ready - set - FLAP?!?
Approaching 530pm - another incredible day!!!  - 81 and SUNny! 
After the fun on her FrEYEday, more of Willow's FrEYEday night -
Saturday morning was keeping her eyes ready for my signs of -
KHAT check - one of them was hanging around the neighbors' shed - watching us - 

Set Mom - time to roll -
Left so we'll end up -
Headed this way -
To DAWN'S!!!
Another somewhat regular had just pulled in to our usual spot so Willow had a slightly different view -
We just HAD to go with the Fri/Sat special of French Toast - and Strawberries - and BACON!
Dog Tax assembly -
At first, I hadn't procured any dessert to go - just some CreamyTomatoBisque Soup, but I weakened and had two of these Strawberry Sugar Khakes follow us out - one would stay at The Khottage - but one went to Auntie Di's - which would be our next stop - after dropping off the soup and our SSK at  75 -
Pre-warming for dinner -
Dinner - with a dollop or two of Ricotta πŸ‘
Judging had started -
Tax Taken -
And enjoyed!
Did we mention another beautiful day?

We did head over to Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di's - for a few errands - we'll share soon as I figure how to best organize the story and pictures - 
I would think Willow would give our weekEND a good review!

As I started on this, I had to notice this was Post #6000! 

Thanks to all that have helped keep us focused and disciplined to keep Khyra's Khorner going - even with Khyra now helping from The Rainbow Bridge - I did happen to spend a bit of time Friday night looking at some old posts - and was so entertained by The Biscuit Hunt game she used to play - where I would give her a morning treat - she would to hide it somewhere - then trot back to get me and have me try to find it - based on her khlues - yep - THAT smile happened -

And the weekEND is done and we start work again today?
Oh my - how did THAT happen?

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

That tomato bisque is calling to me. I definitely need to get ingredients for that! Wow- 6,000 post is incredible!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy #6000!!! Mom is always saying she is done but we get her to do a few more. We are nowhere close to 6000.

Dessert looks tempting. Enjoy.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "A feather-filled mess? Can we roll around in it?"
Java Bean: "Congratulations on post number six thousand! Dada says we are only on post number three thousand nine hundred and seventy-six here, so we have a ways to go!"