Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Thinking

Frisky Puff at The Nest Box to start our viewing day -
As you can, they were quite mobile on Wednesday -
One -
Two -
Approaching 730pm - 62 and light rain - we did get various intensities of other rains throughout the day -
Last Thursday's pre GKP-stop to kick off 'my FrEYEday' -
I noticed the larger pebble amongst the parking lot decorative stones - 
In doing some reading of Dakota's Army in the area, nasty brain tumor - and sadly he's gone over The Human Rainbow Bridge - it would seem the pebble was probably left around the time he crossed for the Go Fund Me shows he died May 13 - and I spotted this on May 23 - he had been diagnosed in mid September of 2023 - just sucks - 
PB looks sad - 
PB's Humans' Business Card -
Kerri and her human puppy assistant Gatlin made a stop at Plant Box after seeing the stock in my FB Check In - Willow and I said we were waving hi - for as we always remind Kerri, we can ALMOST see Plant Box from the backyard!
I had studied this before going - and had made my choice - 

The coffee serving platter is khool - and each week, I am reminded we need to get to UPS and get a box of assorted stuffs sent off - maybe next week -
I started at the sweets - and nothing fully temped me - but I did go with the Hoya Ham&Cheese - which includes apple butter and spinach - and chips - 
and PICKLES!!!  I might be back to a cream cheese bagel today for I might be headed to dinner tonight - details on that to come in a later post -
Meanwhile, Willow is wondering - along with me - how the week is done already - and what 'ventures await us this soon to be here weekEND!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone - and June is closing in on us - only two more days of May -

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Those PF "babies" are so big now! The parents have done a great job!

We have sunshine right now but more rain and maybe thunderstorms in the forecast. But it's supposed to be nicer from tomorrow!


Duke said...

I wish we had a Plant Box here. It's such a fun store! The foodables always look delicious and I wish I had apple butter for my muffin this morning!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is so sad about little Dakota. The evil C sucks!!!

Mom wants to find a lace like that to check out all the nice trinkets and such.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Willow I can't wait to see your next adventure. That looked like a great sandwich.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Looks like the Fab Four are on the move. Going down to Liverpool, maybe."
Java Bean: "Ayyy, we are not fans of the cancer thing around here, either. Mama and Dada have lost too many relatives and friends to it."
Chaplin: "Not to mention our beloved brother Dennis suffered from it, too!"