My friend Ari
http://outwithari.blogspot.com/ and her mom mentioned they wanted to see some pikhs of cherry blossoms after I khommented how they 'sploded like snow Saturday am. So when Mom went out to the store Sunday, she took a few pikhs. She was REALLY disappointed bekhause she khlosed the khamera JUST as a bluebird landed in what HAD been the shot. Oh well - TIMING is evfurrything!

My BFF Sitka
http://macondawgswife.blogspot.com/2008/03/fun-and-exciting-weekend.html wrote a few weeks ago about getting to go to a Cherry Blossom festival. So we decided to take more pikhs of ours on the way bakhk from our Sunday afternoon walk (the trees are on the left!)

Sitka's mom sent my mom five furry special gifts last week - a wreath dekhorated with soda khaps - or is that pop khaps? - and two bottles of AGJ - one which was from the winery that my BFF got to go visit last month
http://maconcdawgswife.blogspot.com/2008/03/wolf-mountain-vineyards.html , a khool new keyfob in the shape of a bone, and some Peats KHOFFEE!!! The khoffee has been opened this evening, ground in the recently purchased burr grinder, and will be served around 0530 Tuesday 4/15 -

AND Sitka was sweet enough to send some FURRY TASTY snakhkies fur ME! ME!! ME!!! along with a very pretty khard with a dragonfly! My mom keeps threatening to have one bekhause they smell soooooo good!
They are khwite yummy!
Thanks furry much Sitka, Shelli, and yes, even Tia The GF Khat to Litter Breath Wilbur in Wooshington State!
PeeEss: Mom says the wine on the left was yummy! She drank that one on Saturday. She's saving the Wolf Mountain fur another special time!
Mom just chekhed the skhrape and saw Momma and Pappa PF hanging out - still no latte that I khan see!
Here is a pikh of how I spent lots of my weekend - watching for THOSE things that go up and then khome down the tree! I stalked and I stared!! I am SOOOO getting khloser to khatching one!!! I'll have Mom khreate some kind of khrokhk pot recipe! WOO!
Wine, cherry blossoms, and observable critters: what more could a couple of girls want? Wish we could come share in all of these wonderful things with you. In the meantime, we continue to thoroughly enjoy all the pictures. Thank you!
Those are just beautiful.. You are so lucky to have such beautiful scenery..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Ummm....skhuuuuse me but how do you know the AGJ isn't fur YOU???? Maybe the khookhies are for Mom. I'm just sayin'!
Very cool pressies and our trees are very pretty right now. Mom is waiting for our dogwoods to bloom!
Woo woo, KA
Oh, wow. Sigh. Isn't Sitka just the SWEETEST?!?!
Great picture of you by the tree. And the cherry blossoms are nice, too.
Play bows,
PS: Can I come over for coffee?!!?
Tell your mom it's okay about the blue bird. It probably wasn't the blue bird of happiness.
But next time she needs to let you khatch it!
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