My larger than life sized MalGalPal PrincessHollyBollyBananaBooooooo pawed a special rekhwest fur me to start using the large size pikhs - I guess she wanted to ME in my svelte glory!
So, since I khan't ignore her wishes - I mean, she khlaims she'd never hurt a furiend BUT - here is ME - waiting in the dark for SOMETHING!
Sneaking around at night is the best for spotting bunnies, kitties, foxes, opossums and raccoons. We love it. Mom makes me come inside after awhile. I try to sneak back out to sleep outside all night, especially in the winter! Mom is just no fun.
Khyra! I khan barely SEE woo! Can you sneakh up on khitties like that?
(I'm just askin'.)
I see you! Your eyes are glowing!!
Pee S: Is that diner in your title shot owned by you? What is your specialty?
My what sparkly eyes woo have!
I hope you are not waiting for Tanner to bring you some McDonalds because he is SO grounded.
Hi Khyra. How khan you remember to kheep spelling everything with a 'kh' i can hardly...oh goddamit...
So what are you waiting for? Maybe a toad or a bunny rabbit?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Much better. Now your human just needs to learn how to use a khamera!
Such pretty glowing eyes! Did you see any khats?
Sneaking around at night is the best for spotting bunnies, kitties, foxes, opossums and raccoons. We love it. Mom makes me come inside after awhile. I try to sneak back out to sleep outside all night, especially in the winter! Mom is just no fun.
Woos to woo Khrya. We wuv woor shiny eyes in the pikhture. Were woo waiting for evil khritters.
Woos, wags and wuv,
Thunder & Stormy
Silly Malgal Holly! Tell her human to click on the little picture to get to a huge one!
"Learn how to use a khamera!" Hmmmph! Learn how to use a computer!
By the way. The Human Assistant laughed at what he called your passive aggression.
Give 'em what they ask for (bigger photo) but not what they want (more to see).
Your eyes glow beautifully in the dark!
Wooos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
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