Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Other Khousin

We all know my FAVOURITE - and now much lighter - MalGalPal Hbbb has a Sibe/Wolf Sib Abby. Well, this is my khousin Abby - the poor khanine lives in Phoenix - good thing she's not a Sibe! Her hu-mom is my hu-mom's sister Diane. Diane found Abby some years ago now. She advertised to try and find her bipeds but never did. And VOILA: another happy ending!

Here is her giant bone Santa Paws gave her. I thought of it when I read Turbo's blog and wanted to share it AND HER with you! My hu-mom says Diane keeps asking Abby what her parents were but Abby ain't talkin' We think Lab and some kind of Chesapeake or something else kind of retriever/spaniel. She's a big girl too - Hbbb may be a moose - Abby is a horse! I want to meet her someday - I know she'd love to play with ME!

Wags and Wuv,



H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

that's a nice lookhing lab/Chessie and a nice lookhing bone!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo just want her fur her bone!


Wags and Wuv,


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

That bone looks much better than a Gentle Leader.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It sure does WOO poor fella!

I do think all your fur-iends had GREAT ideas as to what to do!!

How khan HANDSOME Sibe Boy get stiffed by Santa Paws???

Just ain't khorrekht!

Poor Abby got her bone stukhk in her doggie door - what do woo think of THAT?!?!



Kapp pack said...

OOOOO, I wish we would get bones like that!!!! She is one lucky girl!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I know!

Khan woo say KHONKHUSSION???


The Brat Pack said...

Oooooh...she's GORGEOUS! I wish I lived in Phoenix now.


Khady Lynn said...

Wow, that's a huge bone!!! And Abby is a very pretty girl!


Tucker said...

I wonder why Santa drives brown trucks sometimes?

They must be slower than reindeer. That's why you got your box yesterday.

Are the white things in the box tasty? Looks like you got a bunch of them!

The Human Assistant says if you live someplace where it snows (like we do) that Phoenix on the 4th of July is a little too warm.

So try to plan around that!

Kapp pack said...

Got your New Year's card today! Thanks!

WOo woo, Kelsey Ann

sharkgila said...

A big bone for a big girl! Abby looks like a very loving dog.
