Monday, December 17, 2007

Khrispie and Khrunchie....

But not white and fluffy!

What is a snow snoofing Sibe to do?

I've had offers from my fur-iends in SIBErIA and OMALholl to sent me some. That was very kind and khonsiderate! Woo all khan keep it fur now - I'm sure we'll get more 'soon'

The pikh is the bakhk khorner of the property - the poor white pine branches were sent to their death by a khoating of ice Sunday am.

Some of the trees around the pond on the golf khourse took a hit too - kheanup on Hole 17 please!

khristmas is getting khloser -have to keep being good - 'kay?!?




Tucker said...

Hmm. If it's khrispie and khrunchie but not white and fluffy - it can't be Rice Krispie Krunchies!

Which I'm sure no human would give to a Sibe anyway.

But still. Now I'm having trouble getting them out of my mind.

Summit the Super Mal said...

Woo be khareful pretty girl. Don't let one of those khrispie branches fall on woo!!

sharkgila said...

Christmas is creeping nearer, I hope wooo get some snow soon!


ps I can't say it enough. Woo are so beautiful.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh my *blushing* woo are all so sweet to say such nice things to MOI!

*batting eyelashes*

I soooo hope Santa Paws is good to woo!



Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

What are you going to do after Christmas? I bet you're going to save up all your bad stuff for after Santa comes. Ha ha woo!


Kapp pack said...

We can't wait for Santa Paws!!!!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Khady Lynn said...

I hope you at least have snow by Christmas so Santa Claws can find woo!!


The Daily Echo said...

This being good stuff isn't easy. I don't know how much longer I can take it. ::sigh::

Anonymous said...

I am going to send you some snow... well ok, I won't because I have no snow to send. So, I will just HOPE that you get some soon!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh Sitka!

That's so sweet - and as the bi-peds 'say', it is the thought that khounts!

