Saturday, December 22, 2007

News Flash!!!

We interrupt your khalm and peaceful Saturday night with your bi-peds to inform you I got a furry special khristmas gift from Turbo !

How's 'bout dem fancy new graphikhs?

Thanks so furry much Tubey - it is tres khool!!

Wags and Wuv,

Khampaign Khoordinator
Tubey '08


Anonymous said...

Oh Khyra... you totally rock! We love what Turbo did to your logo up top. He is a master at what he does and THAT is why he will become our next president!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I mean, my hu-mom was a Khwality Khontrol Khoordinator fur many years SO I've got her to assist ME!!

I do need to talk to Tubey about changing the kholour of his khoat thought - he really needs to have more blue in it!!!

Wags and Wuv,


Carolyn said...

Well I thought that was new! That looks great, Khyra!!!! I will show it to Maddox if I can ever get him inside. No snow, but it is 32 degrees out and the khrazy khritter won't khome inside!


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

We love it! It's so cool.

Steve and Kat

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

YES it is!

That Turbo is SOOOO khreative!!

I'm so touched he did that fur moi!!!

Hey all - full moon is khlosing in on us - we all ready to HOWL!?!?!?



Kapp pack said...

You are so lucky! We are soo completely jealous! It looks great!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann