Sunday, October 5, 2008

WubbaWubba Update

From My June Blog Post - New Wubba on right
June 2008 Pikhs


Okhtober 04 , 2008

I've been reading about 'sploding Wubbas as I make my rounds of The Blogs! I wanted to take this opp to show how mine are doing. The original Wubba (from my BFF Sitka) is khloser to going to the WubbaGraveyard but still has romping left in it albeit khwiet romping as the skhweaker skheaks no more. The newer one has begun to age but sees LOTS of fun AND noisy times. Summi's mummi often gets to hear my special WubbaWubba time when she chats with my mom!

Fur those that asked about the khytty that khlimbed the tree on Friday evening, we chekhed as we khame bakhk from our walk on Saturday. The only thing in the tree was a skhwirrel SO the evil khritter is bakhk on the streets SOMEWHERE!

Have a SUPER Sunday!



Scenes from my just lazin' on a Saturday night!


Jack & Moo said...

We're very impressed how your wubba wubba is progressing. Still serviceable, yet it has that shabby-chic appearance that's so popular these days. A masterpiece in the making!

Star & Jack a-roo

Noah the Airedale said...

Our wubba's seen better days. Lucy shakes it around and it hits her in the wonder she's looney tunes hee hee.


Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Khyra

I don't have a wubba ... I wonder how long it would take me to destroy one! I seem to destroy everything else very quickly!



PeeEss: Thanks for your kind thoughts and also for letting everyone know that I haven't been very well. Thanks to you I now have more new friends .. and that makes me feel better too! :-)

The Daily Echo said...

I thinkh the Wubba Khomany should send you a new Wubba every month. Just bekhause you have a bewootiful fluffy tail.

Parker said...

Oh dear, that Wubba has seen a lot of play!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are surprised that Wubba lasted as long as it did. It definitely wouldn't be heeler proof..
Glad that kitty made it out of the tree perhaps you better check on him today. He might be back up there...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Mack said...

I sure wish I could package my big yellow Wubba up and send it to you - we never touch ours!!

PS: You should enter Stanislaw's how tiny can you get competitiion with that last pic!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
I don't have a Wubba but it looks like a great toy!
I can see you much you like yours!
Squeaky toys are the best!
Kisses and hugs

The Army of Four said...

Clearly you have a favorite among Wubbas! Who could blame you - it's the one the bee-roo-tiful Sitka sent you!
Play bows,

River said...

I like your wubbas. They seem to hold up to rough play.

love & wags,

Lizzy said...


Oh wow, you're doing an excellent job at wearing down your wubbas! My wubba that I got last year doesn't have any of those cloth leg thingies left, and most of the cloth on the actual kong part is gone. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I haven't seen my wubba for about a week... Oh no, now I just had a horrible thought! Do you think my humans threw out MY wubba?!

I like the pictures of you lazing around yesterday, you look quite content!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Have a great Sunday, Khyra!!!
Looks like you are taking pretty good care of your wubbas!

The Puppies said...

Hey Khyra!
We have a wubba at our grandpawrent's house, and sadly it is now missing the middle ball (so it sploded too). we just had to comment on it when we saw your post-- we came over here from Mack's site searching for your bonesickle's recipe because they looked pawsome on his site!!
The Puppies

The Puppies said...

Sorry! we meant Bonesickhles!!! :) (we are bad spellers!)
The Puppies

Deefor said...

I don't have any sploding toys. Don't think so. Maybe I need a Wubba. I think my teeth are too small.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh exploding Wubbas! Ha rooo! So that is why you went to Petsmart :)

Dexter said...

Curious how different wabbas explode in different ways. The heads usually fall off of mine.



Anonymous said...

I love those pics of you at the end! Mind if I link you to my blog?


My Two Best Friends said...


We can tell just how much you love your Wubba! Mom keeps our hidden most of the time so it hasn't blown up yet!

Thor and Marco Polo

Joe Stains said...

We love that last photo of you!!!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hey Khyra,
You and Hershey should be best buds cos her red Wubba is in the exact same condition as yours!! On the other hand, my Wubba is still as good as new (cos I don't fancy it and hardly play with it...).

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hey, Khyra, I think I am getting closer to a sploding wubba - do woo think Mom will get me another one too?

Woos, Thunder

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I am still waiting for a Wubba of my own. I did spot a box in the office with a red tail. I wonder if it could contain a Wubba? Mom says I can't look in the box until October 14.
