Sunday, October 12, 2008

SUNday Fluffy SUNday

Khatching Some Rays

Yes, khatching some rays!


I hope evfurryone is having a great weekend...the weather here in Pawslyvania was tremendous and was made even more purrrrrrfekht by my visitor! We had SUCH fun! Fur a 'khat', Huffle is lots of fun to hang with! These pikhs were taken after she left! I missed her as soon as she meandered off fur her next stop!

The bone I was having my way with yesterday was akhtually PRE bonesikhle! The guy that does some IT stuff fur Mom bought a bag of them for his dog Zeus The GSD. Zeus didn't khare fur them SO when Dan khame to Mom's office on Friday to do some more work with moving their servers and khonnekhtions, he asked if she wanted any fur me. She brought TWO of 'em home to ME! She gave me one of them whilst my Doggy Nanny (the feet woo see in the pikhs) ate so she khould eat her sandwich in peace!

My nappy pikh was showing how much I love my WubbaWubba!

Enjoy the rest of your day!




Sunset shots from Silent Saturday


Sarah and Shadow said...

Awesome pics Khyra!!! Yes we do keep kosher

Sarah and Shadow

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Dear khyram
I noticed that you were keeping just the tip of your snooter in the shade, Good plan so that it doesn't burn.

A fan,

P.S. Momma has used the distraction trick on us to. That reminds me that there are some fresh raw meaty bones in the fridge. "Hey, Momma. Can we....."

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Darn, I need my nails trimmed. Please excuse my typo, Khyra aka MFT.

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Khyra!
You look so beautiful in those pics!!

Love and licks

Randi Lyn said...

WOO Khyra! Glad Huffle came and went in one piece!!!

PS- huMom has to root for the Phillies too since her boss is from PA. Which is OK since the Mariners stink.

WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe

Noah the Airedale said...

Hmmm those rays look nice and warm. Thanks for sharing those excellent pics with us.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The WriggleButts said...

Gret pix, Khyra! Not very sunny here today :(


BenTheRotti said...



I wouold say more but I think i need to go nap and have a nice dream now!!

love and sloppy smoooches,

Ben xxx

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Khyra

Your right. Why do ours humans throw our toys when we are perfectly comfortable where we are. I'm gonna add it to my list.

Have a good day.


Willow the Black Dale said...

Thank you so much for the kind words about Greta. She is my auntie and we are gonna miss her so much. We are all trying to stop leaking and I am sure it will stop eventually.
Your tree is soo beautiful. Mommy just stopped and hung with it for a bit while we were hanging out on your blog.
Have a great Sunday.
Dale smooches,

The Army of Four said...

The picture of you and Huffle, Khyra. It's just ... I don't know. It's like there's something really, really wrong in the world. Down is up, up is down!
I love the sky pix. And the ones of you sunning look so peaceful. It looks like you're trying to keep your black gundrop nose in the shade. :)

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Great pics of you Khyra(and as y'all know our mom has a "thing" for sunsets. She enjoyed yours) We like your tree.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We have nice weather here in Texas too. I like to lay out in the yard in sun also. Mom says I am blue-ing since Louie and Callie tan...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes mom and dad figure Callie will be kind of a cross between Louie and I. Me being very aggressive and Louie being really laid back.. We will have to wait and see..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

The Daily Echo said...

What bewoootiful pictures of your fluffiness in the sun. It was a great SUNday here too. Woo.

Mack said...

Mom says I need to take lessons from you on how to be nice to khats!!

Tucker said...

Hey Khyra!

Careful your fur doesn't get bleached by the sun!

Your mom was at my blog. I think she was looking for you. Did you hide from her for a while? Heh!

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Woo Khyra,
Woos looks like you was nice and cozy in dat sun! Be-woo-tiful sunset pics.
Husky kisses,

Charlie Daniels said...

Oh No! Now you've got TBU singing U2!! Did you have to title the post like that! ;-)

Lovely pics!



Jans Funny Farm said...

Neat pix of the sunset. Pretty good of you too, Khyra. :)

We stopped by earlier but Jan took the computer back before we could leave a message. She's obsessed with this microchip scanner question today. But we can't argue. She only has till she falls asleep at the keyboard tonight to gather and put the information together.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
I loved all your pictures taking the sun!
Kisses and hugs

the many Bs said...

hi Khyra, those are some great photos of you lounging in the sun. we love sunny fall days too.

that was nice of your mom's friend to give you the treats. we're gonna make our mom buy some for us too, cuz all of her friends are too small.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Looks like woo had a very relaxing day there - we had clouds and wind but still a nice day.

Bonesikhkles are good too, but the banana goop makes them that much tastier.

Woos, the OP Pack

Khady Lynn said...

Lovely day for sunning yourself! I'm glad you and Huffle had such a nice day together! I'm sure she is happy you didn't treat her like your "other" kitty in the house!


Dewey Dewster said...

Yer right...the weather here in Pa. was wonderful taday....we had a visitor too....Baby Parker was here 'n we didn't like him sittin' in Gram's lap....'n he's only learnin' how ta roll over now 'n he's almost 8 months old....can ya imagine....we could roll over so much earlier than that......defective, I tell ya....defective.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Suka said...

hey Khyra,

I am so jealous of your yard! You look like you are in heaven - all that grass, a beautiful shade tree, the sun! And you look so comfy and content and happy! And pretty! What a great Sunday!

And how cool that you got to hang with Huffle Mawson! I bet that was fun to have a visitor from Down Under and to finally meet Explorer Cat! Too bad no squirrels showed up. That just shows what a good job you do in keeping your yard critter free!


My Two Best Friends said...

Meow Meow Khyra

Thanks for being so nice to my girlfriend! I guess you are OK!

Dexter said...

Khyra! We must have been sun baking at the exact same time. It was really nice here in master chew sits too.


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I'm glad you kept your cute nose out of the sun!


well this sucks said...

you are so beautiful!