A royal ruling and prokhlamation was recently made by Princess Eva
She dekhlared I, humble Khyra, was worthy of receiving this honour:

It is awarded to those that blog at least three times a week. I'll admit, there are days when my staff doesn't think they'll make the press deadline. SOOO, I'm forced to give them 'the look' and they khwikhkly skhramble to attention and show off my khreative skills.
I am supposed to pass this along to others - so THEY will also feel pawinspired to share the love.
I'll honour Gus&Louie -they've helped me meet some khool furiends; Turbo - after all, I am his Khampaign Khoordinator; and FINALLY, the one that got me blogging in the furst place. She used to always woooo to me that I should blog since I had SO much to say. That would be PrincessHollyBollyBananaBooBooBoo - her pawsisstant seems to be slakhing a bit -maybe THIS will be the bum kikhk she needs!

Another shot of Princess Eva waiting fur her peasants to attend to her and bring her snakhks and such!
Of khourse, since my publikh has rekhwested I khontinue to show my khute self, here's a shot of me.

Some of you've seen it befur, but I thought a khool snow scene might be a nice change!
How very khool!!!
D'Azul, where Siberians Rule
The big question is....are you sticking out your tongue in that picture????
Princess Eva
Congratulations, Khyra! You so TOTALLY deserve this award! We love the bloggers you passed the award to - great choices!!!
Cute tongue pictures, both of you!
Khongrats to Khyra! And wonderful picks to share it with. Woo!
Hey pretty Khyra!
Who are you sticking your tongue out at?? Hope it's not me!!
Eve is indeed a princess. Thank you so much for the award..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Congrats, Princess Khyra, on your award.
You look lovely wearing your tiara.
purrs and tail wags
Khongratulations Khyra! You totally deserve this award.
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hey congrats for the award!
What a pawsome award from Princess Eva. That's a cute photo of you. :)
~ Girl girl
Congratulations! You deserve it!
Woo woo, KA
Congratulations on your award! You do make pretty pictures!
love & wags,
You are totally worthy of such a prestigious award! KHudos :)
Harrrrr Khyra
congrats on the award Harrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Hi, Khyra!
Congratulations on your award! sure you deserve it!
Kisses and hugs
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Hope you have time to have a look at us.
Congrats on your award. That's my favorite picture of you too. Your tongue catching snowflakes is so dainty!
Thank woo for the award. It's ironic, though, to get it when I'm not posting daily. I will think carefully about woo I should bestow the honor to. Then I'll make my post. Thank woo again!
Woo look like woo are khatching snowflakes on your tongue!
Khongratulations on your award, too.
Woo & a-roo
Star & the Jack a-roo
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