Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Watchin' And Workin' Wednesday

 Tuesday From The PF Palace -

 There goes Lady PF -

 Wing feather racing stripes already developing - 
 Lord PF must have been doing some breakfast prepping -


 And Workin' ;-)
 From my trip to Dawn's My Favorite Deli -
 Sweets!!! - KhokhonutKhake - Smores Bar - LemonBlueberry!!!
 REALLY need to do better with my soup shots - oh so tasty SHRIMPkhornChowdah!
Meet Reuben Panini!  Half on Tuesday - the other half will be today's lunch - pickle is LONG gone -

My Tuesday workin'?  Laundry and just MAYBE some nappin' -  as I had to attempt to prep for GKP re-entry ;-(

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage


Dandy Duke said...

Oh the foodables! Mom has made a shrimp corn chowder before and it was so rich and so yummy and she went grocery shopping yesterday, darn it!☺

The Oceanside Animals said...

Lulu: "Mmm, cookies."