Friday, December 16, 2011

Saturday Sharing - The Beyond Sad Version

Angel Shelby

Khyra's Mom Here -

Where to start - I've thought about this post since I first got the news -

The first email came from Cyndi and Stumpy - then Christine of Sam and Monty fame wrote - THEN I checked the FB post that shared the tragic events -

To say I went numb would be an understatement - I kept reading the words - and hoping I was reading them wrong -

And all I could see was Shelby - I know all but two of her siblings were lost too - but I couldn't get Shelby out of my head - after all she had endured before her Houston Angels found her - to have it all end like this -

It is so wrong on SO many levels - the kind of levels that have me shaking my head in a way I'm not sure I've ever done so -

I felt so helpless since I was at work - but thank dog for the crackberry - I was able to stay in touch -and share - and grieve - and questione - and try to help - it also saved me from crying - much -

But still I couldn't stop seeing Shelby -

I know the emails exchanged with so many of YOU all shared the common thread of not being able to imagine something so devastating happening -

Yet it happened to US - for WE are the US that is Blog World -

I couldn't wait to get home - and hug Khyra - and take her for a walk - and cry - and try to wrap my head around this - and cry - and get ready for a post - yet not sure what I would say - could say -

I'll admit I am too numb for the tears at this point - which is just before 8pm Friday night - but the few that did come - fittingly enough as we passed the cherry trees - for as Tommy's #1 has shared the cherry trees - and their blossoms - are actually emblematic of LIFE -

Well, as we came along that stretch of the walk, I couldn't help but think THIS should have happened to V*** - he should have had his entire life go up in flames - and NOT wonderful pups and peoples that just didn't deserve this fate -

I've babbled enough - so time to wrap this up -

I know so many of you have already blogged about this - but we wanted to share it as well - so we could help - financially - emotionally - for it could have been any one of us - but somehow Fate chose THE PIBBLE PACK in Houston

Our candle is lit as I write this - and post when I have it done - I know Shelby has a special place tonight across The Rainbow Bridge where all the Pibbles play - and share their sugars -

I have put the Chip In on our sidebar - and as I did it tonight I was just blown away by what I saw - a big thanks to Mayzie's Mom and Puddles's Mom for getting it going -

But then again, why not - WE are US - even if in most cases we'll never get to meet in the flesh and fur -

We care - and we know we are there for each other -

But somehow I doubt we ever thought it would be like THIS -

Time to see if this helped free some of the tears - some have made their way out - time for more -

Please hug your pups and KHATS - and have them return the favour -

SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE - I see Sandra has posted and shared some of the events - she has also commented how our support is helping - so please keep it heading their way!

Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner

P.S. Khyra said the post we had in mind will wait until next Saturday KHATurday -


Donna said...

I has a big Sad in my heart. :(

May they rest in peace.

dw said...

I didn't know the pibbles, but when I read what happened at Pip's blog I felt devastated. I haven't been able to really stop thinking about it. But what I also realized is all the wonderful dog and cat bloggers who come together whether they knew them or not, to offer support and comfort.

How Sam Sees It said...

Beautifully said - I posted this morning trying not to break into tears. I'm so proud to be part of this blogging world - I've been lucky to meet a few of our group, but count everyone as good friends. I think the generosity and the united support from all corners has been the shining light today.


TimberLove said...

Pops won't stop squeezing me...godspeed pups,


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Khyra, like with YOU, Sandra and the Pittie Pack have been LONG time Friends of mine... We have been through a LOT together... but NOTHING like THIS... Never so MANY and so Unexpectedly. Never one who had come to be the Beacon for all the Good things that Blogging CAN and SHOULD be... NO... NOTHING could EVER have prepared us for THIS.
I never envisioned taking THIS walk. I never dreamed I would be swallowing THIS Bitter Herb.
My heart is Shattered for Sandra and her family, and also for all of US.
When I got the call at 5:30 this morning I could not even begin to console sweet Sarah. I was so stunned and shocked that I failed her when She Needed Me.
This is all Too much.. Just Too Much.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Khyra and her Mom...we are at a loss...but we will regroup as a community and try to help. I can't even imagine Sandra's pain.

I wonder if our Claudette guided the hoomans and 2 surviving pups out of the fire? I do know Blogland is full of unflinching uncompromising love...we are here for each other. And always will be.


Mumsie and the Kids

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

As we have said on many blogs, there just are no words to represent how we all feel. It is at times like this that we ALL learn the true meaning of being there for each other.

Shelby was also a very important part of Sarah, Mona's mom, too. We hope she is doing OK. She too was a mom to Shelby.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Kathie

BeadedTail said...

We didn't know them personally but our hearts hurt like they were members of our family. We have experienced too much sadness this month between losing family and friends. It is wonderful to see bloggers come together to help out though.

Sheila and Bob said...

We read about this tragedy this morning. We sent a small donation we wish it could have been more.
Though we have no blog of our own, we do follow the blog community and Phyllis as you said even though most of us have never met in the fur we care deeply about each other.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family tonight. God Bless Them all.

Sheila & Bob
Hamish & Sophie

The Bleu said...

No pups or pibbles were more loved than The Pack! We are so very grateful for those that survived. And our hearts mourn the tragedy of their losses. The generosity of their souls exuded in their rescues... And Shelby is a great example!

We send our love and prayers, and we're here to help in any way we can!

with love from the Bleu, the Mom... and Reufus

Daisy Dog said...

When I read the news this morning on Facebook I immediately started crying, fortunately I don't work Fridays. My heart is breaking. I went to a yoga class, and tried so hard to visualize Shelby and her sibs in a peaceful happy loving place. I tried so hard. But the tears are flowing again. My heart is breaking, and like you said I have never met them all in person, but I know them. They are my friends, part of my pack too. I loved Shelby, she was a white pibble like Daisy. She held a special place in my heart. She is an Angel.

K9 Katastrophie said...

We are so sad.

Maggie Mae and Max said...


We are heartbroken...

Maggie Mae

H Ski said...

I just read your post and now I am sitting her crying. It is so sad that this has happened. But I am so thankful that, US, blogville, has come together to send our support. It is truly amazing to see how so many people have come together to support somebody they only know through a blog. IT really does show you how one person can touch so many hearts. And how amazing the world really is.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are in such shock as just hearing this just a bit ago.
We cannot stop crying- as we think about this.
Such love in this family and why did it have to happen to them, it just is not fair.
We sit beside you as you stretch out your paws of love.

The Florida Furkids said...

We didn't know them but read about them on the OP Pack's blog. We are so sad. Mom knows what it like to lose things in a fire, but she says the pain of losing one of us would be immeasurable. She can't imagine what that family is going through.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Mogley G. Retriever said...

The Colorado pups extend our sympathy. We send our best and will stay tuned to see if we can find more ways to help.

Mogley G. Retriever

Denise Schoen said...

Such a sad tragedy. Can't begin to imagine. My heart & prayers go out to them. So nice about the chip in, did it earlier when i saw it in another blog.
So nice that all of you bloggers support each other in every way possible.
My sympathies to the whole community.

Nubbin' Tails said...

It's so wonderful to see all of blogville come together. I could't stop crying this morning when I saw the news. I too came home and loved on all my fur kids. I know the Chip In can't bring back her babies but maybe that little bit we can do will help them start moving forward.

Mr. Nubbin' Sad Mom

Jack & Moo said...

: ( Sad, sad wooos over this tragedy.... our hearts break for them as well. Godspeed, sweet pups... we know you were met with open arms across the Bridge.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We are still horrified at what Sandra is going through. And we're still short of words.

brooke said...

Ive not followed their blog, but immediately was heartbroken when I saw the Thundering Herd's post on FB this morning. I cant imagine the loss they are feeling in so many ways. It seems unreal. I donated a little... I wish I could give more... but I do love how the blogging community can come together and support another in need. Our thoughts are with all our blogging friends... and especially the Kissa-bulls.

bichonpawz said...

We didn't know them either, but we are very, very sad for the family and we have added the Chip In Widget to our sidebar as well. Heaven has more angels today. We sure do hope they rest in peace.

Dandy Duke said...

You said all that we have been feeling. We can't even imagine a more horrible pain. They have been in our thoughts and prayers constantly.

D.K. Wall said...

We were so stunned when we read the FB post. It sure made us think of our 6 and how big the hole would be if we lost so many at once. Frankly, we could even begin to imagine.

But then we saw the chip-in and by the time we were able to get it posted on our blog, the amount had already changed by a few hundred dollars. And then we checked again and it was over a thousand. As it spreads, we can only imagine how much we can help that family get on their feet again. (Sandra's comment about a neighbor raiding a baby shower just so they could have some pampers really hammered home what "lost everything" really means.

It always amazes me how the dog (er - and cat) blogging community rallies. I can personally attest to how much it meant to receive hundreds of messages I received after Kodiak (and, yes, we will pause at that spot on the beach and reflect).

So I encourage everyone - donate if you can. And if you can't - and we all understand if you can't - take the few minutes to drop the family a message on their blog. It really is powerful to be on the receiving end.

Sunny said...

I just heard about this. I didn't know them but it made me very sad. I will definatly pray for them!


Cory said...

This is beyond devastating. We don't even know what to meow or woof.....

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Khyra, We're shocked to hear the horrible news about the Houston Pittie Pack.
What a tragedy! What a heartbreak!
We've followed Shelby from the day she was rescued from a parking lot.
We thought she had a happy ending!
We continue to support her and her family, thanks for posting the sad news.
We love you more for your kindness and true friendship to everyone.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

This is such a tragedy. Life is so grossly unfair sometimes. WE sent our little contribution in through the Chip-in. We wish we could do more.

Tommy & Family

Anonymous said...

Phyll, I know how hard it was to do this post but you did a beautiful job. And of course, the tears are coming again. I'm so sad and so angry that this happened. I would just do anything to turn back the hands of time and make it not true.

Hugs to you and Khyra,

SissySees said...

Couldn't read most of your post... as you might imagine, given our history as firefighters and passionate dog lovers... well... heart-breaking. I hope the blog-swell of support comforts them in some small way.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Wee is still strugglin to takes it all in

Ronnii, Uji & Izzy

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We also saw her update, and are still saddened by the loss. I hope that she finds comfort in knowing that so many are sharing her loss, and peace from the prayers that are being said for them...

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

It is just very sad. We are proud to be part of such a loving community.
BabyRD & Hootie

Mr. Hendrix said...

This is awefu. We didn't know the Pittie Pack but you're right, we are all one big furry loving family on the blogosphere. We are so sorry for the family, bean and furry.

We are sending many healing, comforting, purrs and prayers to them all. purrrrrrrrrrrrs

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are sorry to read this. We send our prayers to this family.

River said...

We are also numb although my mom cries a lot. We are sending prayers to them and a hope for peace in the heart one day.

love & wags,

White Dog Blog said...

You are so right, we are family...and this is so wrong at every level. Why these wonderful angels and their already once tortured rescues (especially Shelby)? The river of tears we all cry in trying to understand this will hopefully wash away some of the horror and leave a clean pure place for beautiful memories to start the healing process. I am proud to be a part of this family and share even the ripping pain that comes with truly caring because that is what love is all about. May peace be found.