Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday With Multiple M's

Your Merdie Moment Fur Monday
(this was from her day out on The River two weeks ago - I've been holding this one - she's helping her dad with his Bud Light Lime)
I'm making a wish fur all of my pals to be safe and healthy
Of khourse, I'm hoping fur more birthdays that need a khard khreated fur me to khonsume! Mom did modify my dinner fur Saturday to reflekht my treat intake - I got a bit of lamb, some kharrots, and some green beans - all part of Mom's dinner

We nevFUR did get a walk on Saturday - it was 85 degrees at 12:30 Sunday morning - YIKES - with the real feel/heat index still hovering around 90!

I did get out fur a nice stroll Sunday evening after Mom got this post AND the Photobukhket together from the transport - as woo will see in the slideshow, we got KHWITE the khool down from storms - I'll let Mom tell woo about it but long story short, we lost about 20-25 degrees khwite khwikhkly!

Now I'll turn it ovFUR to Mom - remember there will be a tissue warning issued fur this transport

Thanks Khyra - yes, there is a tissue warning for this one - I will do my best to share the story that needs to be told
Jim and Trisha

Here is Trisha's story from the runsheet we got for the transport:

One of Rotts 'n Pups' loyal volunteers, Deb Wilson in Atlanta, is experiencing the pain of grief we all share.

Her friend’s son, Jimmy, and the love of his life, Trisha, were married this past Mothers’ Day weekend.

Trisha was rushed to the hospital after her wedding, still in her wedding gown, and diagnosed with brain cancer. Trisha is only 27 years old.

Surgeons removed a huge tumor a few days after her diagnosis. Trisha has since been in a consistent vegetative state, and will be moved to hospice on Monday, July 26, at which time life support systems will be removed.

Debbie is running Saturday, in Trisha’s honor, in the race for a cure for brain tumors.

Trisha and Jimmy are both devoted animal lovers. They have two rescue dogs, Runway and Lucy.

Pup 1
Pup 2
Pup 3
Pup 4

Here is information from the same runsheet about the pups

There has also been a change in the number of puppies. We just found out today that the man who owns the old building where these little ones and their mom have been hiding has given one of them away. I don't know which one it is yet, so I'm still attaching the pics of all of them. Our volunteers in the area have been able to get the mom and 2 of the pups to safety and will be back tomorrow to try to get the shyest one. Because these pups will have only had one set of puppy shots, it is critical that you read and comply with these special instructions (MEANING THEY WERE TO STAY IN THEIR CRATE AND NOT BE HANDLED ALONG THE WAY)

The three pups that did get to make the trek North were named Trisha, Jimmy, and Terry

Here is Shiloh's story:
Shiloh - is an adorable small golden lab mix puppy, 3-4 months old, rescued from a high-kill shelter in South Carolina, literally just hours from being euthanized. She loves everyone she meets, especially children. She gets along beautifully with all other dogs
Meet Shiloh
And The Puppies
She was a great passenger - and was threatened with pupnapping many times along the way Saturday and Sunday - I told my sister Diane that had she been on THIS transport, she SO would have packed Shiloh for the return trip to Phoenix - and when I sent her a pic on Saturday, she was going to include the Mapquest route to Phoenix so I could bring HER new puppy to her.

I also had offers of lots and lots of corn from a certain Chocolate Lab that likes groundhogs and lives quite near to my transport route as I navigate through PA and the Green Castles - his parents took him away for the day so he wouldn't be tempted to run out and meet Shiloh as I headed North Look at THOSE faces!Could they be ANY cuter?The Charm welcomed them to PAWSYLVANIA!Shiloh slept much of the way in this semi-standing up position*A mile or so short of that certain Chocolate Lab's exit off of I81, I encountered stopped traffic - didn't take long for the pavement temperature to rise - this is 51 for you C folks - the exterior air temp around this time was upper 90's

I got to creep and sit for a bit - I was really in one of those spots where I couldn't get off I81 - and even if I did, I wasn't going to get too far - BUT luckily for me, they decided to direct to the passing lane so we could continue past the accident scene - the main cause of the slowdown was a minivan flipped over up on an embankment - and possibly a tangle with a motorcycle as there was about a dozen motorcyclists passed the minivan all talking - it was Motorcycle Weekend at The Carlisle Fairgrounds so there was QUITE a number of bikers out and around

As you'll see in the slideshow - and that Khyra pawed - I drove into a very nice storm - actually was waiting for some of my friends from the West to blow past - I had the wipers on the fastest speed they could go - along with the four way flashers - and motored along in the passing lane at 40mph - more people than not were pulled off on the shoulder - I can't recall the last time I drove through rain THAT heavy - the pups were non phased - even when the thunder and lightshow started - actually, good thing I wasn't able to view the radar and colour explosion the storm line was generating - seeing it on the 10pm news was enough for me - but here is the link to one of our major television stations to give you an idea of what did go through the region Look what it did to the temperatures! Ahhhhhhhh!Did I mention how cute Shiloh is?This was one of the pics I took when we got to The Cracker Barrel to meet her next driver - we were going to meet at The Earthlink/AMP Building but Debbi needed to run in to the CB for something so we just decided to meet 'up' there this time - given we didn't need to walk the pup pup puppies - and it wasn't one of their busiest times, it worked for all

This was the first time I had gotten to meet Debbi - she was actually going to drive the remainder of the trip to The B&N in NJ where Rocky had started his runabout - Debbi told me she and her husband had been one of Rocky's drivers - and he kissed them during their leg just as he had kissed me from Hagerstown to Harrisburg

I think you'll be able to guess what breed would be Debbi's breed of preference - you ready to take a stab at it?**If you guessed ROTTWEILER you would be CORRECT

I did run into another transport when I got to Hagerstown - actually another driver I've met at The CB in the past - Cindy was waiting for two Akitas - and it turned out her Akitas were being driven by Diana -another driver I'm familar with - actually met her in Winchester VA to get that Laska fella in June of 2009 - I took some pics of them and included them in the Photobucket as well - for I might owe these two some thanks for keeping me out of that accident - their transport and my transport shared some drivers - and due to a few issues enroute, it caused my transport to run a bit behind schedule - possibly enough behind to have kept me from encountering more troubles - as all know: THINGS HAPPEN FOR REASONSThe Male's Tail - his name is Diablo - there was another pic but I lost it whilst putting this together Paris The Female's TailParis checking out all the pee-mail the males have left!

Here is the link for the Photobucket Slideshow - and here is the link to the album that includes four videos - I didn't get much of an opportunity to do a fitting tribute dedication video due to the rain - at one point when we were stuck on I81, I contemplated doing it then BUT traffic started moving - I didn't want to record too much in the rain in Harrisburg and risk hurting the 'flashie beast' - but I did manage to babble something when we got there

The transport was funded by a very special anonymous benefactor - this special friend has taken care of one for Rotts 'n Pups for their dedication to Rocky AND one for The Last Resort Rescue for Laska

Earlier in the week I let them know the details of this run - and the dedication to Trisha and her family - they were very honoured to be a part of it - and I want to thank them again!!!

Just before 7pm Sunday evening, we got an email that the passengers had made it - and that Shiloh had met her new family and

Shiloh’s new family were so excited!

The Pups were headed to their awesome foster family until they are ready to be placed

Once again, please remember RESCUES ROCK!

Please keep Trisha and her family in your thoughts this week - cancer sucks PERIOD

Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner


Life With Dogs said...

Cancer sucks hard, and that was heartbreaking to read. Fortunately, you always bring us enough good news to balance things out. And I hear you about pupnapping! :)

Golden Samantha said...

Don't know where to begin Khyra and Phyll. Starting at Merdie's swim pic - happyhappyhappy! But Jimmy and Trish's story is just torment - so, so sad - yes, cancer sucks. There is so much good you bring in this post - Shiloh is a shining star - lucky new owners!!! And those puppers are to die for - wonderful saviors - reaching out to thank you all for saving them and mom too. How adorable they are! You are a Saint, Phyll - I thought of you today at the beach, of all places, knowing what you were doing and thinking of how it was going. Part good, part heartbreaking, as Neil put it. Hugs to you Khyra!!!
Sammie and the crew here

Jans Funny Farm said...

Such a sad time for Trisha's husband! So glad you made it safely home.

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!
So sad to read about Trisha. Mommy and me have lost friends and luv ones to cancer too, it sure is heartbreaking..
Thanks for sharing all the pup pics and Merdie too. We luv the paws crossed and eyes shut pic!!
We shall wish the same too for all our furriends and humans!!
Enjoy your Monday!


Sally said...

Cancer has taken too many good souls - our heart goes out to Trisha's husband and family. We are happy you are safe and sound after all your driving - that storm sounds bad - we are tail wagging happy that the puppies found their homes. Shiloh is tooo cute!

Big licks
Sally and Paddy (and hugs from D)

Sally said...

Oh we are so sorry about the cancer.
It must be such a horror for Jimmy too. Sometimes life is sooo sad.
sad woooh

tula monstah said...

What a great merdie moment- helping her daddy with his adult cool frosty beverage:)

Trish's story is such a reminder that things can change in day. How terribly sad for her family & husband.

the little P's AND shiloh are so furry cute woo just want to eat them right up! surprised there were no pupnapping or rerouting going on.

woo know i have my eyes on those akita tails & white toe toes! if mom had her way, she'd have a huge house/yard with a pack of A's!

nitey nite MissFT-
paws khrossed with eyes khlosed back at ya,
tula & dee

Moose said...

Yep... Sucks for sure. That might be the most heartbreaking story ever. :-( my thoughts are with them.
Shiloh & the rest are adorable! Grateful that you got home safely from another successful transport!

Ina in Alaska said...

Oh Trisha. What a sad young and her whole life was ahead...sorry...

On a brighter note, I too think Bud Light Lime is delish! Glad Shiloh is doing well, in some of the pictres Shiloh;s face reminded me of Puddles.

Puppy #3 looks like a baby cow. CUTE! And WOW, what weather! You are a brave driver, PHYLL!!! PS Loved the Rotz plate!! xoxo

Jacqueline said...

Love the Merdie picture!...So sorry to hear about beautiful Trisha=cancer is a horrible disease that totally sucks...Wishing peace for Trisha and comfort to her family, sincere condolances to her Jimmy, Runway and Lucy...Your transports are always joyful and full of gorgeous babies=Shiloh is precious!...Hope Khyra and Mom have a great week ahead, kitty kisses to pretty Khyra...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Kate said...

Lots of paws and thoughts for Trishas family.

Lots of happenings! Shiloh is super cute and so are the pup pup puppies. Happy Merdie Monday

Teddy Bear said...

That is a great video of the card creation and take down.:) I loved it! We are so very sad to hear about Trish. We are sending lots of love and healing vibes. And those pups...boy are they cute! We know that will find furever homes quickly!

Teddy Bear

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Jimmy and Trish's story touched our hearts. We will pray and purr for a miracle ~ and if we cannot have a miracle, then the peace that passeth all understanding for Trisha. Cancer stinks.

We love the Merdie swim pic and the pups etc.

Sonic said...

That was a sad sad story, and no amount of happy stories can make it any less painful to read about.

It's such a sad thing to happen, and on the day that's supposed to be the happiest too...


Dexter said...

What a terrible story about that nice lady. There are not words.

I will hope that her spirit is already over the Rainbow Bridge. Maybe even watching over your transport.


Chris and Ricky said...

What a very sad story about Trisha and Jimmy - we will keep them in our thoughts.

Glad you survived the horrible rain and traffic and had a successful and safe transport.

Yes, if you build an agility course in your backyard, I will come!

Cocorue said...

we are happy you are home safe. nothing we say ca ease Trisha's family's pain. we feel very sad


houndstooth said...

We are so sorry for Trisha and all who love her! What a heartbreaking story!


Pat Wahler said...

Oh my,such a terrible situation. Prayers are being send for Trisha and her family.


D.K. Wall said...

So terribly sad, but what a beautiful tribute.

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Khyra and Mom. Where to start... at the beginning... Merdie looks so happy boating, I certainly miss it...Such a sad story, we know what loss is like personally and it rips ones soul apart, we will be praying for her loved ones and there pups.....
What a wonderful world it is with humans like woo have to transport the poor little doggies who need new furever homes. With that storm I am sure it was scary and woo were mighty thankful it was another safe journey.
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Heather and Kelly said...

So sorry to hear about Trisha. Condolences to her family and friends.

The puppies are adorable!! I just want to cuddle them so badly :)

Backcountry Brodie said...

You dinner be modified to reflect your birfday card intake? That is so rong. But my mom duss the same thing. If'n we get treats she always do say "This will be deducted from your dinner!" Boo.

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Khyra & Mom
We feel so sad about Trisha & her family. We are thinking about her.
Love Ruby & Penny

Mack said...

Oh that is so very sad about pretty Trisha.
And yes, Shiloh is so cute, mom would love to pupnap her!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good to see Merdie being so happy with her Dad. Bet she had fun at the river.

Great transport, but such a sad dedication - we send our best to Jimmy and Trish and all their family. Our Mom lost her only sibling, a brother, at 27, and she said cancer really sucks bigtime.

Too bad Shiloh wasn't on last week's transport, he might have been way off west in AZ by now.

Thanks for all you do to help the unfortunate pups.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great pic of Merdie!

What a horrible story about Trish and Jimmy. We will keep them in our thoughts.

Wyatt said...

Yeah for cooler temps! So nice to see so many smilin' dog faces!


♥I am Holly♥ said...

That is so sad about Trisha. We send loving thoughts to the family and we are truly sorry to hear this news. The rest of the story is great with the puppies and Khyra and Merdie! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Bandit's Pack said...

What a heartbreaking story about Trisha. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family. ♥

Donna said...

I has a sad. :( The dogs will have happy new homes thanks to the kindness of ur hooman friends, though.

Amber and Nala said...

Oh Phyllis & Khyra, Trisha and Jimmy's story is so sad. We are so very sorry. What lovely people and dog lover's. :(

Nala & Amber

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Got Rotts??? That's funny!!!!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I've offered prayers for Trisha, Jimmy and their families.

That's a great bunch of dogs and puppies that are making their way to their happily forever after!

And Merdies did she get so doggoned cute!?!

SeaThreePeeO said...

So sad to read about Trisha and her husband :(

But we have to say we're glad that Shiloh and the other pups are no longer under threat of being put to sleep

Jack & Moo said...

Merdie looks adorable, woo look absolutely adorable, and those pup-pup-puppies & Shiloh look super super adorable! But we are very saddened by your post, mom promises to light a candle today and will be holding Trisha and her family in her heart & thoughts. God Bless her, and hold her family in His hands.

jack a-roo, miss moo, the momster

Chrissie said...

Khyra-Darlin, I don't think you'd mind if I put my big ol' paws aside your mom's face and gave her a kiss, would you? As for your Fluffy Self, I have no words, my dear friend.

Thank you.

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Trish's story is very sad. Cancer sucks big time!!!
Shiloh is such a cutie pie! Those other puppies are very adorable too!
Did Merdie get some beer?

Sam & June

JacksDad said...

What a sad story for Trish and Jimmy. I'm glad she got to experience her wedding before all this happened.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That picture of Merdie is so cool. But Trisha's story is so sad.

As for the pups... they are ALL grand! May they be happy always!

BeadedTail said...

So much for a Monday! First of all, we're so very sorry to hear about Trisha and our thoughts are with Jimmy and her family and friends. That is just so tragic and makes us very sad.

But the puppies did put a smile on our face! They are all adorable! We like the license plate too and love the photos of you and Merdie! We're glad it cooled off there and hope it stays that way!

Anonymous said...

What an unbelievably rotten thing to happen to that young woman and her new husband. Cannot imagine the grief their families must be dealing with.

Cute puppies & congrats on another successful transport.

And yes.. I'll admit it to you and only you...
I missed my mommy:(

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We will keep Trisha in our pawrayers. Rescues DOOO rock!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Remington said...

Beth here....I am sitting here in shock. What a terrible thing to have happen. I guess no one ever knows what is in store for us -- so we must enjoy every second of our life....

Sam said...

God, that is an awful story. On her wedding day, too. I can't imagine going from being so happy to rushing to the hopsital and making such hard decisions... ugh.

Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I hope they grow in to great little dogs that make some one happy, the way I'm sure Trisha would have wanted!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Cancer sure does suck. But oh how cruel is life to deliver that blow. I will keep them in my thoughts for sure. So heart rending. The transports are all lovely and I so hope they all have a loving home.
I just loved the Merdie pic. The hair cut so suits her. Take care.. Hugs GJ xx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh boy that is just a heartbreaking story about Jimmy and Trisha. We are sending lots of purrs and prayres for their families.

And well, the transports were just adorable - a nice cute balance to such a sad story.

Hi Merdie and Khyra!

Sagira said...

Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry to hear that about Trish. So very sad. I can't even imagine how Jimmy must be feeling right now. My thoughts are with all of her loved ones coping with this. :(

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is a really sad story about Trisha. We agree with Life with Dogs, cancer does suck..
Looks like you had quite a bunch this week. Everyone is so cute...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sychoberians said...

Wow, just wow.

We would like to party with Merdie.
Trish and Jimmy, so sad for all.

And Khyra looks awesome, we would like to party with her too!!!!

And all the pups that are being saved is just amazing.

Remy and Flash

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Holy Smokes!!!! What a great bunch of woofies!!!!! We will be purring for Trisha's family!

Teddy Westlife said...

You were right. I needed tissues.

Dandy Duke said...

How heartbreaking about Trisha! Our hearts go out to her family.
We got a major cool-down too but without all of the storms and hoopala, thank doG!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

White Dog Blog said...

We so pray that some day VERY soon a cure is found for this terrible disease and that no two- or four-legged will ever have to go through the suffering and losing battle again. We send soft woofs and energy that Trish is allowed dignity, peace and love through this part of her journey. There are no words of comfort for her family but send to them our prayers and tears to lift their hearts and wash away their pain. Your good news about the pups and their second chances were a soothing reminder that the Circle of Life continues in happy ways, too.

3 doxies said...

Blogger hates me today...dis bes da third time I haves tried to comment and I couldn't gives up cuz you knows hhow we loves these transport stories.
What a heartwrenching story bouts Tricia. I can't even begin to imagine what hers family is going through. I pray they can find strength but also dat Tricia can leaves earth withs dignity. I hopes dat makes sense.
Puppies, I wants them all!!!!!!!!


FiveSibesMom said...

I'm not sure where to begin either...our thoughts are with Trisha and Jim and her family. It was such a nice gesture to name the pups after them. Such a sad story...Husky hugs to you for all you do!

Lorenza said...

We are very sad to know about Trisha. Our thoughts are with Jimmy and the family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I just don't know what to say. My heart is so sad for Trisha and Jimmy and their families. I just can't imagine what they must be going through. I'm sending them gentle wiggles and wags during this most sad and difficult time.

But on a happy note, I'm very much glad you gots the cooler air I sent your way!

Wiggles & Wags,

Chewy said...

Oh Khyra!

that story was so sad! but I love seeing pics of merdie!


Sierra Rose said...

Yes, feeling those heart tugs throughout this post. Hearts out to Trisha and loved ones! Such a young person. And, cannot believe that Shiloh was in a high kill shelter!! The pups are very cute and hopfully finding forever homes soon. We heard that was quite a storm! White knuckle driving! Always love the current Merdie look :) Blessings to all of you.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Thor and Jack said...

So sad to hear about Trisha. Our thoughts are with Jimmy and the family.

Shiloh and the pups are so cute!

Great pics of Khyra and Merdie!

Thor xx

The Oceanside Animals said...

27. Unbelievable.

Kari in Alaska said...

Thats such a heartbreaking story. Even the cute pups couldn't make me smile

Joe Stains said...

Cancer is a big fat JERK. sheesh. Good job on transporting those khuties but Mom said she would have just taken Shiloh right on home with her for sure. We are going to take a look at the pics.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dear Khyra
We had to prepare ourselfs to read this one, as you warned us it would be sad. And yes so sad.
This was a nightmare,
That monster cancer sucks so bad.
Hearts broken and lives ruined and empty. And people wonder how to go on. They wonder where hope lives.
And then we read about Deb, the mom of Trish and she is running for hope , and for a cure.
And even though she is empty- she is doing it for a reason. Our hearts are very sad for Jimmy and the whole family.
And then there is YOU, and all your transport people, who in the midst of all this sadness, continues to also search for hope for those who cannot help themselves.
That is what hope and love is about,, when giving of yourself when it feels like there is nothing.
You and Deb and all your peoples who give so much are angels we know it.
You are all love and hope.
Thank you for being you, so selfless and giving, and trying to make us all feel okay after such a sad , sad story. I hopes you know what I am trying to say,