BUT I'll let Mom 'khover' (or unkhover) that !
Khyra's Mom here now

She was a little uncomfortable for she was spayed last week. Her bigger discomfort came from the UTI she had which hadn't been treated by her previous 'owners' She's on meds now and responding reasonably well but she had a few times when she felt less than spicy BUT she always seemed to have THAT smile!
Ryon is working the paws!
Sharing secrets about their trip!
She was so comfy she didn't want to leave the cool grass at The Cracker Barrel in Harrisburg for her trip to Hamburg!
Ryon said let's get sled on the road!
Well, when Khyra and I got back home, The Doggy Nanny had left a few treats around for Khyra to find. Khyra found one and then promptly did THIS with it!
Now, here is why Spice's face is covered with mulch - one of the videos from the Photobucket album from today's transport. You'll see more pics (including those above) AND more videos at T H I S L I N K (including a video where she enjoys her Happy Heart 3Cheese Squirrel without burial)!
I shared the Photobucket album with The Transport List - they all got a chuckle from Spice's biscuit burial!
I'm lucky on my drive to Hagerstown and/or Martinsburg I can get three good radio stations for the drive. When I got into range for the station out of Frederick, I discovered they were doing a Class Reunion Weekend - each hour had a different year for that hour's music. I got to hear tunes from 1975 - the very first I heard what Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here (as many know, one of my FAVOURITE songs of all time). I hear Eric Claption's Wonderful Tonight; Ace's How Long; and THIS one that made for a great sing along in the Xterra.
I had a few giggles on the drive - which I needed for that was one of the cloggiest drives I think I've had - too many people that chose the left lane and didn't care they were creating a conga line behind them!
I saw a tractor trailer that was driving for S&H Trucking out of Chattanooga TN - which happens to be where this year's National Specialty Show for Siberian Huskies will be held!
I also saw a license plate that made me think of a certain RH canine from Master Chew Sits: BACKUP1 (PA plate)
It was another great transport with two very sweet and loving Siberians! Paws crossed their lives up here in the north are much happier than what they've left behind!
Spice went to her furever home Sunday afternoon; Ryon is available through The Last Resort Rescue!
Khyra will be back tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
PeeEssWoo: We didn't get to all the blogs on Sunday - sorry! I think everyone with a blog posted! We'll get through them but might not have the opportunity to comment!
Spice and Ryon are some beautiful dogs - no wonder Spice found a home already! Hope Ryon can too! It's so nice to see so many humans helping with foster & rescue - you certainly have a Khool mom, Khyra!!
Brutus the Frenchie
P.S. we got behind on posts too - it's been a busy weekend for DWBs!!
We are glad that Spice found a forever home and wish Ryon all the best.
Khyra, we play a similar game here. Mom hides treats and we have to "find it"...it's hours, well, minutes of fun!!
we know as we're playing catch -up with last thursday's posts.......you guys must be tired and deserve all the rest you can muster....we've just been busy with we don't know what.....
we feel happy whenever one of your 'transportees' get homed and mumsy and i say 'TQ' to Him for YOU
It sounds like a great transport. I don't think Ryon will have any problem finding a forever home.
Teddy Bear
That was very nice of Nanny to hide treats around. Kind of like an Easter egg hunt.
That is great that Spice found a forever home! That is cool that you have Nanny to leave you treats!
Those are some hansum animoos. I would have loved to be able to take ur trip with u! :)
What beautiful dogs. I'm happy that Spice found a home already and I hope Ryon will soon too
~ Bae
Wow - you look as if you enjoy going in the car....
Be happy in your forever home Spice. We have our paws crossed for Ryon.
That's some good digging Spice.
hooray for Spice! Keeping paws crossed for Ryon to find a home soon!! Stay pawsitive, and three cheers for you Khyra and your mommy!!
What a treat to get great songs on your long drive. Spice and Ryon look so happy. I'm sure if they could speak, they would thank you for helping make their lives a little better in the short time you're in their lives.
Hi, Khyra...
Beautiful pups!!!
Did your Mom show you how Spice buries her Cookie?
Soooo cute...
I think your Mom got quite a kick out of it...
Abby xxxooo
What gorgeous pups. We hope that Ryon can find a forever home real soon.
Thanks for sharing your transport with us.
Love Ruby & Penny
Thank you Khyra's mom for helping rescue two more lost souls. Our dad has XM/Sirius Radio so when he does transports for Almost Heaven Golden Retriever rescue and Sanctuary he can listen to all that 50s & 60s "music" and relive his youth. Geez dad, get over it already.
Two more beauties helped by the MFT Mom. Great job again. And wasn't it nice to have some good music to keep her company along with the pups - too bad about the slow traffic.
The pics are all great and THAT video with the biscuit sure made us all smile.
Happy Monday, and hope it is a good week with the special day coming soon.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Lots of nice entertainments on your long trip, I see, including that suspicious license plate. It wasn't me!
Heh, I don't HAVE to hunt for my treats, Khyra-Face..my mom just gives'em to me! That's 'cause I've got HER trained..instead of the other way 'round.
That video of Spice was great! It was good she felt so comfortable with your mom she could behave as a Happy Husky should. I sure hope that good lookin' fellow Ryon gets a wonderful forever home..he needs lots of love and good food-not necessarily in that order..but it's not a bad order. I know he'll get that at The Last Resort!
We love the Cracker barrel too!
I hope Spice starts feeling better soon!
Spice and Ryon are gorgeous dogs. Paws crossed they will both be happy and that Ryon finds a home soon. ~S,S,C & F
Wow they are both just gorgeous!! Spice is so pretty. I hope she is feeling better after her girly operation.
Your mom does great work transporting Sibes in need. How kind of her.
Love Scotty xxx
It sounds like you both had a great Sunday - finding treats and doing transports. So glad Spice already has a home - hope Ryon finds one soon.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Wooos! Another great drive for your Mom and those pups. I am sure they are very grateful for all your Mom does. Tell me now, do you sniff Mom all over when she has been with other dogs too?
-Kira The BeaWoootiful
What great transports. And you should follow that truck to TN for the SHCA national!
Great pups, great videos, great tunes, what a great weekend rescue run! Thanks fur helping out once again,m MFTMom!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
great video of spice birying her treat - they are both cuties and we wish them the best
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
What a cute pair! They deserve to be loved and indulged every day of their lives!
Awwwwwwwwwww sweet Khyra and mom....
Another great post....
we love reading about all your adventures and about all those sweet dogs!!!!
We are glad that Spice found a furever home and wish Ryon all the best very very very soon!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeee..Kyhyra....tell to your mommy that isn't important if she leave comments on our blogs...the important thing for us is that all of you are ok!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
and have a great monday!!!!
Spice and Ryon are amazing!
(So is your mom)...
My grandmother grew up in Frederick, MD...she was a Kepler.
Thx for the Led Zeppelin
video...Buddy was rockin' out!
Wrooo wrooo!
Sounds like a great ride...with Mommy's kind of music!!
Spice is such a silly! I'm glad she's feeling better, because an untreated UTI must have been very, very uncomfortable for her.
We love your Monday posts and pikhtures of the pups who will get new lives. Thankh you for what you do for them.
Misty the alpha Poodle
What a cool dog Nannny to leave you treats!!! No wonder Spice got mulch on her face. :)
Spice and Ryon are super cute. We like the very first pic of you today, Khyra. It made Mom giggle.
Your pal,
We saw "Monday, Monday" an we were comin' by to hear you sing da Mamma's 'n Pappa's tune☺ We is happy ta know that alla' you's guys made it back home safe an' dat alla' the furry ones made it to their destiny-ation!
Two Paws UP!!! for this truly outstanding and hearts-warmings post and also it made us feel so good, espechally becuz earlier today we were on rescue alert trying to raise the funds for a baby pit who got some crap for humans and then we all didn't make it in time and the vets had to send her to the Big Park in the Sky becuz she was so sick and we were very very sad. Khyra, please give your human the biggest hugs in the werld for cheering us up, we love you both so much!! Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
Lovely dogs, poor Spice we hope she wasn't too uncomfortable it is no fun being apayed and even less having a UTI!
We are really pleased you mom had some of her fav music to make the journey pass.
We love the hunt the biscuit game Khyra, you Doggy Nanny is cool.
Martha & Bailey xxx
oh what beautiful puppies you saved!
i am so glad they are rescued and on their way to loving homes.
happy monday k & p!
I was hear earlier and then got interrupted and was unable to leave a khomment.
I hope lil Ryon finds a forever home, I will cross my paws for him.
OMD, Spice is just like you Khyra!!! We are so glad Spice is with her furever home and we home that Ryon will find his soon too. Every dog deserves a good furever home.
Sam & June
Two beauties being transported this week. I sure hope Ryon gets a furever home soon.
Thank you Khyra's mommy for helping so many doggies!
I love to see and hear about all the doggies you and your mom help find forever homes. A big thank you from Arrow and me.
Spice and Ryon really look like they had a great time on the transport. Spice sure doesn't know how good those treats are since she decided to bury it.. We would never do that...
Thanks for sharing mom. Mom always loves Mondays and seeing all the transport video's..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
what a busy weekend! i'm sure Ryon will find a home "lickity split" get it? cause woofies like to lick kisses....
we are so behind if visiting friends and posting. mommy says if i could just teach Joel to sleep better we'd all be "on it" but he just won't learn. sigh. maybe when his tummy is better
Spice looks very cute and very happy!
I know she will do great in her new home. Good luck to Ryon in finding one too.
It made me BOL to see how excited your Mom was at Spice hiding her biscuit.
~lickies, Ludo
Spice and Ryon are gorgeous pups for sure! We wish them all the best. Khyra, give your mom a hug from me for everything she does!
Spice and Ryon are bootiful! It's so nice of your mommy to transport those babies. :)
I'm so glad that Spice went to her furever home! I hope that Ryon finds one soon!
Love that video of Spice burying the squirrel cookie! :)
We're so happy that Spice found a furever home already and sure hope that Ryon finds one soon! We enjoyed the photos of them and thanks again to your mom for all she does for animals!
Well done on another successful transport.
We wish Spice and Ryon all the best.
Take care
Once again Khyra's mum, you are doing marvellous work.
Huffle Mawson
Hi Khyra,
Yes Spice is very pretty, (but not as pretty as MFT herslef BOL!) We are so glad she has found a furever home!
I will have my paws crossed that Ryon finds his soon.
Wags & wiggles,
What sweet babies. Khyra, your mam rocks!
xo, Romeo & Pugsley
omdog we are just khatching up, looks like you have been having a lot of adventures and fun. Tanner has been less than happy with your Phillies, holy khow they khrushed his Dbacks!! We are going to go read more of your past posts!!
Hi, Khyra!
Like you I wish lovely homes for all of them!
Kisses and hugs
Khyra, honey.....my mom just loves transports, too. She's got a big one comin' up this weekend!
Spice and Ryon are so cute!!! We hope Spice starts to feel better soon
xo martine
ps: thanks khyra for offering to be my virtual big pup!!!!!
It was a surprisingly busy blog weekend wasn't it? I'm still getting caught up! Glad to hear Spice went to a forever home, hope Ryon is close behind.
What a bunch of great looking pups! We agree, they should all have homes.
Steve and Kat
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