Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Sharing

Anyone want to share my bone and my bottle?
It is a furry tasty khombo!
Sleeping it off!
Khame to and wanted more!
Looking innocent *wink wink*
Khurled and Khomfy!
Here are Mom's passengers fur Sunday
Woo've already met Akayla

Maya (woo met her befur...the nice Mary Lady in NorthKharolina was the one that furst pulled/fostered her (she was Vanessa but Mary thought she was more a Maya)
Polar (hmmmm he might be better named PIKHKLE NOSE)
Zona (looks like she's doing ZOOOOOOMIES)
Mom is looking furward to sharing some time with these lukhky khanines...she'll be sure to pass along your kind words and wishes!



PeeEssWoo: Sorry I didn't have a chance to inkhlude a flower this weekend. We didn't get fur a walk on Friday bekhause it POURED and then it RAINED more and then it POURED! We'll make up fur it this week!


Stella said...

Have a good trip, Transporter Mom!

I will be able to send a few green papers to Akayla in a few days. That is some sad story to think of not even taking the dog in for testing.

I like the Freckle Snout pup, he looks a little like Dave of Ao4
doesn't he?



Maxmom said...

Hey there, Khyra
We'd share your home with you any day! Thanks for all the pictures of your rescued animals. We are still trying to make sense of all the things you do. You seem quite amazing! Have a happy weekend.
Lots of licks

Teddy Bear said...

I hope it's not still pouring so you can go for your walkies. Your Mom sure has a bunch of beauties for transport. Your Mom is so very appreciated!

Teddy Bear

Cocorue said...

hey Khyra, pls bring your mumster over to collect the 'Inspirational' award as mumster says your mum inspires her to try to do good daily


Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
I am sure your Mom is going to have a pawesome trip with those beautiful doggies!
I wish you a sunny and nice sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Teddy Westlife said...

Your mum is doing good work again! You are so photogenic Khyra.

Huffle Mawson

Cocorue said...

oh and mumster says she did not borrow the award that she wants you to have - her buddy Chester did come over to hand it to her personally .....


Summit the Super Mal said...

Woo there Pretti Girl~
Now "that's" an invitation that's hard to refuse!!! Hope yer Mummii has a safe trip with those furri special passengers. How good of you to give her up fur a bit to do "good".
Your BG,

Cliff and Olivia said...

Too many woofies, we'll have to pass.

Sally said...

Hi Khyra,
i would be so happy, if it start to rain here. It is so hot.
Have a nice sunday.

Nice wuuh

Unknown said...

HI Khyra,

So sorry I have not been visiting much lately! The stupid human is always busy and so can't help me visit blogs & comment on my friends' posts!

Your bone sure looks yummy! And hey - it rained here today too! Lots and lots of rain. So even though we're on opposite sides of the world, we're sharing something! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Martha said...

Hi Khyra
We would love to come share the bone with you!
Good luck to mom with the transport - hope all the dogs behave themselves.
Have a good Sunday
Martha & Bailey xxx

Dexter said...

Miss Khyra,
I would share your bone with you. Would you mind if I kept it in my belly for a while because I do tend to kind of swallow bones such as that. But poop detective momma cleans them off when they come back out.


Chris and Ricky said...

Hiya, Khyra! Sorry about all the rain making a walk impossible for you! We had some rain too but now it's sunny and cool!

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Khyra!
Good trip to your mom!
Happy Sunday!
Great pictures!


Yas said...

Hello Khyra! Wow! all the passengers are beawootiful! Hope your mommy has a safe trip and happy Sunday to the both of you!!!


Abby said...

HI, Khyra...

Tell your Mom to have a safe trip...

I hope it stops raining so you can take a long walk when she gets home...

Abby xxxooo

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Hope your Mom has a safe trip today.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are purring all the doggies find loving homes and that they all have a safe trip to them.

We knows all about pouring rain, we are tired of it.~S,S,C & F

PS: Khyra want to come do zoomies with me? ~Fenris

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We see a lot of that bottle lately, you seem to have taken quite a liking to it, MFT.

Hope you have a good day.

It always baffles us as to how such beautiful pups end up homeless.

Safe travels, the OP Pack

Huskee and Hershey said...

OMdoG... Zona really looks like Hershey!! You think she could be her long-lost sister??

Big hug for your mom for what she does for these doggies..

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Very kind of you to offer to share. Not like my stupid Mum who wont share. Good luck to your Mom!
~lickies, Ludo

Anonymous said...

Hey Khyra,
Sleeping it off? Too much of the bottle and not enough bone? Thanks for sharing.
We hope Akayla got lots of plastic and green papers. We used dad's plastic. We told him we were buying a model airplane kit for him; he likes those stupid things. That looks like a full transport for today. We'll turn on the good vibes machine and hope that they all find furever homes in short order. You can borrow our flower picture on our post today; just cut Boru out.

Astrid Keel said...

Khyra, your mom is a saint! (I think I've said that 2000000 times, but I can't help but repeat it). Maya sure is a cutie, and we hope the transport goes well!

Daisy said...

Khyra, you are so nice to offer to share! I hope you are having a happy weekend.

Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Uh oh! Those first couple of pics might ruin you if you ever decide to run for office. ;)

Mack said...

What handsome passengers your momma has!

And could you please send some of your rain our way?!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Is your bone good? Will you share with a cat?
Looks like a great Sunday crowd!

Duke said...

I think we're getting all of your rain, Khyra! We're beginning to feel waterlogged!
We wish we would have remembered to bring our stuffed bones! Yours looks so yummy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jans Funny Farm said...

Pickle nose? Hasn't the poor dog been beaten down enough? He looks like he needs some positive reinforcement for his ego.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, okay, glad to know "Picklenose" is a term of endearment. This poor guy looks kind of broken down and we thought you were making fun of his poor nose. But if the Ao4 says it's endearing .... we accept it. :)

Anna the GSD said...

Your mom is so awesome to chauffer these puppies! Totally awesome!!

It's raining here now...but that's okay, I kinda enjoy lazee Sundays!

Jan said...

We would sure like to borrow some of your rain. We have to make our own with the hose and sprinklers or we would dry into dust.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Asta said...

Youw snackie looks gweat and you look bootiful!!!
Good luck to youw Mom on hew twanspawt today. They all look like sweeties.
smoochie kisses

White Dog Blog said...

Khyra, I LOVE those stuffed bones! Is your tongue long enough to get every last bit of filling out of the inside? Hope mom's transport was successful, that it stopped raining, and that you have a wonderful weekend!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We look forward to hearing about the transports, and hope you have dryer weather next week. It's been very dry here...

BeadedTail said...

I'd love to share your bone and bottle with you Khyra! Those pups are mighty cute and we're glad your mom is helping them today!

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos Khyra! Pretty pups, we hope they all find as nice a home as woo! Wooos to all of the nice humans who donated to help too! Wooo Wooo!

I would not mind sharing that bone....
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Clive said...

We're getting around late tonight but we hope that your Mom's transport went very well.

Lovely photos of you Khyra.

Take care

Joe Stains said...

Great dogs this week, I especially like the name Zona!!

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

HAve a good and safe transport sweet Khyra's mom!!!
All those pups are sooooooooooo sweet and beautiful!!!!
And Khyra..WE WANT!!!! We want to share with you your bottle and your bone!!!!!!!
CAn we??????
You look soooooooooo beautiful and sweet and we love your innocent face!!!
HAve a wonderful sunday sweet baby!!!!
We love youuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Tons of love and kisses

Valerie Cummings said...

Hi Khyra!!!!! Wow your mommy has such a big heart for all of your friends!!! We love those eyes!!!!! Hugs JOey and Kealani

Selba said...

Hope your mom has a wonderful trip, Khyra!

Adele, Vincent & Bella

River said...

Very handsome travelers! Your mom is so cool!

love & wags,

Unknown said...


nice winkies. I love seeing your groomed furballs sprawled out. Lovely. Hmm zoomies seems like a good name for Zona. That's my kinda girl.

Ziggy Stardust said...

It looks like you were having a lovely lazy kind of Sunday, which is the best I think. The passengers are all beautiful and I hope they are all on their way to forever homes.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Mochi and Bali said...

Yes! I would like to share your bone and your bottle! :) Love the innocent pic!

Cute pups!!! Can't wait to hear more about them!


Anonymous said...

You are just too adorable.

Oh what cute babies, thanks for transporting them!

The Luke said...

O Miss Khyra... O how seein your bee-you-tee-full nose makes my the heart sing!

If storms not bad enough, my the Mom has been compy hog wif the GRRH stuff and I have not beed able to come round, so I do bit of catch up just now!

I all ways love your pitchers and also like to see cute faces what are gonna beed trolleyed in your XTerra! I am go grateful to you for lendin your the Mom and your trolley to help so many so deserving!

wif love from the Luke

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Yes! I want to share! Actually, could I just have it all to myself?
