Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday Montage

As promised, here are some pikhs from Saturday with my Sibestas!
Kyrye in her khorner of the kitchen...
Her khorner...
More of her khorner...
Kyrye - her name khame from Valkyrie
Pondering it all...she'll be 15 on Okhtober 28th (Auntie Di's 39th)...she spends much of her day here sleeping...or in the living room...and night time in the bedroom...she still has enough spunk fur 'us' to know she's not ready to leave us...she did have some off days this past week but we are hopeful it was just the weather.
More Banshey
Boof (one of her nikhknames)
Big Doggy (another nikhkname)
Azure Fyre
More Banshey
Destyny (aka Khrazy D)
Froggie Merdie Doggie
Azure (with Memory Garden Marker from the 2007 Tails on The Trail for Lady Gray and Taltia)
I'll be going to this year's hike on September 26th if woo want to meet ME!!!
Khloser shot of Azure
I KNOW woo rekhognise THIS!
Whenever Merdie khomes in the house, she'll grab a toy from the box...this is what she chose when we returned from my Sibestas! It is the furry tasty khat The OP KS Pakhk sent me! Even Merdie is likhking her lips!
Merdie khoyly bored when the power went out...
Me wondering how I'll get my post together...but lukhkily the power khame bakhk on after about an hour...BUT then the Internets were MIA...BUT they returned in the next half hour!
Of khourse, this got me behind in stopping by your blogs SOOOOO please furgive me if I'm RUNNING late!

We are glad evfurryone enjoyed seeing Luke's handsome pikhs and reading his wonderful story! The nice Erikhk man that brought him to Mom used some of the same words about Luke as Mom did about Laska:

Luke is such a cool / regal / wonderful / beautiful Dog and a beautiful soul - we had a great talk during our drive - it was an honor and a Joy to be allowed to sit with him and help him get to where he needs to go.

Speaking of Laska, Sam shared this video Sunday afternoon...she had just heard him really bark fur the furst time...of khourse, she grabbed the khamera and he stopped but she shot this one...notice the WAGGING tail!!!

She's pretty sure she'll khatch him akhting like a khrazy doggie shortly!

Mom says thanks again fur the khompliments about her transports...she does the easy part: just driving. The reskhue volunteers/fosters/etc do the real hard work!

Have a great week evfurryone!




Teddy Bear said...

Thank goodness the power came back on! Wow, so many sibestas! I think you're going to sleep good tonight!

Teddy Bear

i said...

Nice shots and nice poses!

Amber and Nala said...

Khyra, where did all these other doggies come from????

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

You're so lucky to have so many friends!!!

Martha said...

it was so nice to see all those doggies as well as you before work this morning!
Great pics of happy dogs.
Posing well Khyra.
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Reese =^..^= said...

Lots of fun pictures!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Lots of purrty doggies!

You lost the power there!

We loves the video of Laska. Thank you for sharing! We are looking forward to hearing Laska bark!! But don't fall down the stairs! My mom fell down stairs once..... long long time ago!

Suka said...

hey Khyra,

So many Sibestas! They are all so pretty! And Kyrye looks like such a good, sweet girl! I also liked the very cool Froggie Merdie Doggie pose. Good job Merdie!

I think I recognized that Fluffy Tail in the pic....


The WriggleButts said...

That looks like fun, Khyra!


D.K. Wall said...

What a fun congregation to hang out with! And the Laska video was great, but where was the Sea of Siberians sweeping down the steps while the human was there? We do that all of the time just to watch our hu-dad maintain his balance.

Yas said...

Pawesome! soo many furfriends! you must be having a fantastic time!!
Thanks for sharing your beawootiful friends with us!


Benson J Puppypaws said...

Hi Miss Khyra,

My name is Benson. My new human said I should say hello to you because you are very cool. I hope we can be friends.
I was scared to leave a comment because I am just a puppy, I dont quiet understand all the rules yet, but he said if I just tell you his name is Greg, that you would understand, and be my friend.

Your blog is really cool, and your SOOO Big! It would be great fun to play bitey face with you:)

My new human says you are the best dog blogger on the internet because you are always the first to comment, and you are very generous with your time and have a great sense of coommmoonity? I am not sure how to spell that word because I havent learded it yet.

I hope we can be friends because you are really cool

Luv Benson


Suzuki said...

Happy Monday to you!
Mummy had to go back to work today and we were mad at her :(
Big licks to you

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Monday, Khyra! What great photos!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Khyra
Sounds like you and your mom had a great weekend. We loved seeing the pics of Merdie & the Sibestas.
Love Ruby & Penny

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Whoa, that must have been a tough thing being power-less!!! Glad it came back on. Kyrye is still looking pretty darn good for almost 15, we can still see that spark in her eyes. Hope Merdie enjoyed her time with all the sisters. Nice of you to share that cat with her.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Vicki said...

Great Monday montage and all such good looking doggies too!!!

Parker said...

So many cute woofies!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

What a fabulous set of pictures today. All the faces looking at us and saying hello.It was realy nice to meet them.. That video of Laska how cool to see him loking so well and happy, thanks for that.

Sorry you were having power problems, but glad it was not off for too long. I bet your mum was tearing her hair out.

Hugs GJ xxx

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos! what cute sibes you got to see. Kyrye looks like such a nice soul for a sibe that is I can only hope to be more like her as I get older!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful

Gus said...

great shots and great poses. Were you using the flashie beast by yourself? If your mom was off driving, we figure you must've been the camera person?


Simcha said...

We really liked this weeks montage because we've always been curious about the sibestas! And Miss bewoootiful. We loved the Laska pupdate.

But Mom think's that the sibestas cannot actually live in that house because there is no sibe hair. Wood floors everywhere and not one tumbleweed? c'mon!

Wei Qian said...

Thanks for showing those great pictures of your friends!!! ((:

best regards

The Oceanside Animals said...

Kyrye really knows how to claim a corner! We've done some transport and we've done homechecks and we've done fostering (though we never give the dogs back) and every step in the rescue chain is equally important! :-D

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Looks like you had a Golden Sibe weekend!

Sam & June

Dexter said...

Was there like some big party or something at your house? Sibes only I guess, huh?


Mack said...

You and your Sibestas are all so pretty!
We can't stand it when our power goes off...we mainly miss the A/C!

Jan said...

Loved the pictures of you and all your friends. Are you the alpha dog?

Misty the AP

Sally said...

Hi Khyra,
wonderful pictures and great poses.

NIce wuuuh

Mr. Puggle® said...

Big Doggy Banshey Boof! Sounds like a rock band.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ha! If transporting was so easy, folks would be lining up to do it. Your mom is just as much a rescuer as anyone else helping the animals.

Kyrye is going on 15? Good for her!

White Dog Blog said...

Your friends and family are all very handsome dogs...and all of you have beautiful eyes!

Duke said...

We totally forgot what we were going to say because we read Benson-pups comment and mom started to leak!
Gosh, he's a cutie! What is she crying about now?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kate said...

She's so cute in her khorner!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOW! You visited with lots of purrty woofies this weekend!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

great pikshurs!!!

yeah, your mom finks she does the easy part - but she's part of the whole process and wifout drivers it would be furry furry hard for the woofies to get to their furefur homes. 6 paws up for your mom!!!!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi k & p!

happy monday to you and all of your wonderful friends!

Deefor said...

Hi Khyra
You really have a nice corner! Laska looks very comfortable. I think your mom does a very important part of helping doggies. Everyone who does a part is very important.


The Florida Furkids said...

That's a great Montage of your woofie pals!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anna the GSD said...

Man! that's a lot of husky love!!! I wish I could come play with all of you! Hugs!

The Army of Four said...

You, your Sibe-stas and Merdi are looking good!
Stormy has her favorite spot in the kitchen, too. It must be a power=spot!
Play bows,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time with all your visitors..
It was so sweet of Laska's mom to share the video. He sure has turned into a handsome young lad...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Chrissie said...

Hey, Khyra Face! You've got some good lookin' Sibesta's around you, don'tcha? Mom gets all goony-eyed when she sees them, but all I can think of is how fun it would be to PLAY! Did you share your HH's with them?

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the pictures, Khyra!
And we're so glad your power came back on!


Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Very nice piccures of all your beautiful sibesters, but of course, you the best of all!
I hope Kyrye does has many, many many many more days left with all of you!
~lickies, Ludo

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I am in the DOGHOUSE!!! Charybdis finally got brave and asked to come in the back yard with me (I was pretending to nap under the jungle gym) and once she was inside and the gate was securely latched I sprang up and chased her and I didn't mind Mommy when she told me to STOP! COME! and SIT! ~BAD DOG, Fenris

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We liked seeing the sibesters. ~S,S & C

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Khyra,
You are a cute doggie? Everyone is very young, but you and are about the same age. Do you a love interest in your life? I am 14 year old Northern dog. I can howl, run, and sleep very well. My Mommy says I am handsome, but I know I am loved. If you don't have a dating buddy, I would love to fill that spot in.

the many Bs said...

hi Khyra, you sure do have a lot of pretty friends.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW....looks like a fun time was had by all!!!


Checkers & Chess said...

hey Khyra - just stopping to say ni!!!!!!

BeadedTail said...

Such a great group of sibestas! Merdie is just so cute and we love her froggie doggie! We couldn't get the video of Laska to come up but we'll try again later.

Taffy said...

Khyra, you have such beautiful Sibestas! Of course, you already know that. It looks like Laska is getting very comfy in his new home and that makes me very happy!
Love and hugs,

Ms. ~K said...

You keep excellent khompany Khyra!
Wrooo wrooo!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
It is great to see your Sibestas!
sure you all had a pawesome time!
Kisses and hugs

River said...

Great pictures. It was fun looking at everyone. Kyrie is still beautiful and we're glad to hear she still has more good days than off ones.

love & wags,

Martine said...

Loving all the photos of these cute pup friends of your Khyra!!!

xo martine

Khady Lynn said...

Wow, 15 is great!! And, she looks fabulous! You have such pretty Sibestas!

You always have such cute transportee's! They are all very lucky to have such caring people helping them.


Jack & Moo said...

Kyrye is so beawootiful! I hope I look that good when I get to be 15! You're a fine-looking pack of sibestas!

TOTT looks like a lot of fun, and wo ust never know who woo'll run into (wink wink)!


Joe Stains said...

We loved all the pikhs of all the sibes!! oh, and Merdie too, of course. I can't imagine if the power went out here we'd all melt for sure!!!

Thor and Jack said...

Wonderful pictures!! Your furiends are so beautiful!! The froggie doggie pose of Merdie is grreat! Cute!!
I bet you have a fun time!


Mochi and Bali said...

I love all the pics of our sibestas!

Of course we love seeing pics of you and Merdie too! :)

What a great video of Laska! He looks like such a happy pup!


Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

looks like you had a great time - and laska is such a looker - so happy he is doing well - he looks 100% better

Woodrow - Sweetie & Sherman

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Khyra-

Khyre is a beautiful dog. Not only does she look great for 14 going on 15 she, Aunti Di and my (Hershey's) Mama have the same birthday - Oct. 28th. But Mama is much older than your Aunti Di or Khyre.

Mama, Papa and I went to see Kaci this weekend. We are a little behind on blogging and catching up. It looks like you all had a pawtastic weekend.

Love -


Hi, Khyra -

Hershey and I had so much fun together this past weekend.

Love -


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Wow, 15 is such a milestone! We are very impressed and certainly hope that we make that milestone.
