Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday Sharing

Lady PF in The AM -

Lord PF in the afternoon -
And then some couple time -
Going on 630 pm - 61 SUNny - it was another great Fall day -
Thursday  night - resting up for FrEYEday's 'venture  - I had told her we would be heading out early - 
And it was 740ish - my hands were full with somethings for Auntie Di and Khousin Emmy so no pre-ride shots -

She was frustrated with the traffic to get to Church Road as well - I had already declared the day 'too peopley' -
We made it to our destination - Monro - and sadly, I passed on making a stop at Dunkin' -
She started on her task of charming all waiting with us - as well as any others who came in -

She really enjoyed being able to watch the traffic thru the parking lot as well as out on Route 30 -

She's hoping to be considered for Employee of the Month - as we were there so long - and she was so polite and friendly to all who came in - even the two wee size pups -she postured a bit with them and their moms - but once the canine chatting was done, they were good -
Our KhrossTrek just pulled up Willow - 
She checked it out - I like how the photo caught her image in the rear bumper - as she admired the new tires -
She was a happy girl again - now off to see Auntie Di and Khousin Emmy -

As expected, I thought tires would be needed to pass the state test - their condition hadn't been an issue for me - and until they posed a problem - or they were needed - I was going to drive those Kumho's 'til done - and they just wouldn't give it up - and although the rear brakes weren't needed to pass, they were getting thin - so since we were there - and they had the parts and tires, we said do it - plus I had needed some welding work done in the exhaust area - and we got an oil change too - but now her KhrossTrek is good for a while with new Falkens - 

We headed to our next stop - encountering two major traffic lights on strike - and landed at Khousin Emmy and Auntie Di's - they had some yard time - I mean Willow had been good all morning and some of the afternoon - and since it was late - and Auntie Di had an appointment, we headed out intending to hit BJ's for gas - with some foodables Auntie Di gave us - well, the unsuccessful trip to BJ's for gas encountered many more traffic lights out - but we FINALLY got back to The Khottage - and I needed to decompress from The Peopleyness of the day -

We'll share out afternoon here tomorrow - and of course, we'll be sharing today's 'venture too!

Happy Saturday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

My mom was at JP Auto on Thursday but I didn't get to go like you did, Willow. Bummer - and mom told me the waiting room was packed! It might have been fun to meet a new friend of two. Happy Saturday!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I love all the sunpuddle pics of you, Willow! Your forecast looks nice for the coming week. Ours is mixed but we should get some nice days.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Willow, your furs look so beautiful in all that bright light at Munro's. Mom is all set now to tackle whatever winter throws her way. Sorry about all the traffic issues. Must have been a glitch somewhere. Our Mom stayed away from the stores today, yep, too many people out there pushing and in a hurry.

Woos - Misty and Timber

DeanO said...

Willow, you have a bestest Mom

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Sun puddles are a great place to spend the dat