Wednesday, September 1, 2021

What To Call It Wednesday

Tuesday morning found The PFs already in place and WATCHIN' 

Let's khall it SEPTEMBER - 

Let The Willow Workin And Watchin' Rule!

Now to teach her to work the vacuum!
Workin' the khrossed paws as we hope all stay safe as the remnants of Ida come this way - we are expecting FIVE inches of rain - or so -
NAK workin' her role as WickedWhitney -

Willow and I had pleasant and full Tuesday - Khondo Walk - breakfast khoffee -and let Willow meet the Human Ashley - aka Khousin Emmy's neighbor that will cut The Khottage grass for us - then off for our errands - including TSC and Ritas - then back to allow Willow to nap as I headed to CVS and BobKhat -

WOOOOO - full and productive day - and the evening was to be dinner with Auntie Di and a special fella from the past -

Of course, lots of sighs as I draft this - sadly, back to The GKP midday -

Perhaps I should invoke MAYDAYMAYDAYMAYDAY -

Happy SEPTEMBER Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDog!


Duke said...

Ida has sure been a MAJOR pain. Stay safe!! We get her remnants tomorrow.
Happy September!

Dawn said...

Happy Wednesday to you guys. Stay safe and dry!