Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Watchin' & Walkin' Wednesday

From the latest on Falcon Wire 

Preparing to fledge

Falcon Cam followers have witnessed the developing brown, juvenile plumage which is quite a transformation from the fuzz balls that hatched last month! The activity level of these young falcons will continue to increase as they venture out along the 15th floor ledge. This will include short hops or flights. This can be a hair-raising period as they wander close to the edge. At times, it will appear that not all the young falcons are on the ledge, but as their activity increases they tend to wander out of camera range. Winging, the flapping of their wings, will also increase as they prepare to fledge. This is certainly a key period for their development, so stay tuned!

From our FURst walk SUNday evening -

And from today's!

AND we have TWO videos for this week's Walkin' Wednesday With Willow 

THE FIRST one - I wasn't completely sure it had been captured but it was -
so I did shoot another so we would have something - so here is the second - much shorter one -

Willow and I made a trip to TSC - once again, she is a DREAM of KhrossTrek passenger - and was furry well behaved in TSC - two of the store's associates had their own Red Heelers so she was well treated and doted upon!

I left her three times during the day - in practice and anticipation of The GKP time - she seemed to do quite well SO human paws khrossed -

More to come as the day and week progresses but I need to get doing some other stuff along with some dekhompressing - been an active day!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With Khattledog!


Dandy Duke said...

You look like one happy girl on your walk, Willow, and even though we didn't see a fluffy tail, we did see short little pantyloons!

The Florida Furkids said...

Welcome Willow!! You're adorable!!

The Florida Furkids