Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Sharing

 Mom furgot to let me share this one on Saturday - this was the view as she left fur The GKP on FrEYEday
 On Tuesday, I went along when Mom did those errand things - we stopped at Dunkin Donuts - she got her mug refilled with how she likes her khoffee - light sugar and extra extra khream - we then made a stop at Kohls - had a 30% and $5 off that just HAD to be used - snikhker - whilst she was in Kohls, skhwirrels or khats broke into The Zen-terra and made me drink almost all the khoffee - if only the snooter and tongue khould have made it to the bottom - oh well, it was tasty - and I took the lide of the mug to the bakhk fur safekeeping - she said something about not being happy with me - oh well - the khoffee was SO worth it - so when she went in Target - BTW, she took the khup in with her - I khleaned all the splash and spray woo see
Here are her Kohls purchases - she akhtually ONLY went in fur the khute white wholfie khritter on the left - but then she saw Jingle - then she went by a KHOFFEEmaker display - and saw this was a virtual near-steal - especially with 30% off - SO now we have an emergency bakhk up khoffeemaker in the event the Melitta does what the Cuisinart did one Saturday morning: REFUSED TO BREW ANOTHER DROP!

Happy Sunday EvFURRYone!
I hope woo have a nice one brewing!

Mom doesn't have a transport so we'll have extra time - maybe another splash is in the khards fur me!

PeeEssWoo: Since The Zen-terra won't be on the road, we are going to donate the juice$ to an animal fokhused group to help with the horrible events in The Philippines - 


Teesha and Bindie said...

hi Khyra, lol, I like coffee to i bets the sugar and extwa cream made it irristable. I bets you would of even of puts the lid back on if you coudof.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I have never tried coffee, Khyra! Maybe I should? But #1 doesn't drink it much and they don't have those vats of it here, except if you;re in Paris and can stop at Starbucks.
the mention of Kohl's made #1 quite envious. It is her favouritest shop and we don't have them here.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

KHYRA..... you drank your mom's KHoffee??? Did it mess up your nap time???
We have an EXTRA BUNN just in case. Can't DARE live with Peeps who do NOT have their KHoffee. THAT would be DANGEROUS... We hear they become KHwite KHross.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is gud thinking buying the ekstra emerjensee bakkup koffee mayker wen dadas cuisinart koffee mayker bit the dust and he wuz withowt koffee for sevral days until he got a noo koffee mayker also a melitta by the way he had to go owt to starbucks evry day for his kaffeen!!! hmm i wunder if he plannd it that way so he wood hav an eksyoose to go git javachips or sumthing!!! ok bye

The Florida Furkids said...

It was nice of her to leave the coffee for you!

The Florida Furkids

Taffy said...

I love the fact that you were slurping the khoffee while she was buying a new khoffee maker! Tell her thats what she gets for not buying any treats for you!