Welkhome to another WWW - furmerly known as THAT Wednesday of the month!

Innocently enjoying the breeze and sunshine...


NOW, time to be WHIKHKED!




This is about as good as I khan do fur Merdie...she's doing the khoy look thing...I'll work on her OTHER shots another time!



Some outdoor whikhkedness!
NOW, here is some teaming up whikhkedness...Auntie Di snagged this of my mom on Sunday afternoon

Since Mom was up at 5am...hit the road by 6am to get Misty and Star, she khurled up on the floor fur a bit of a nap...befur she did THAT, she did some plukhking...THAT is the khlump woo see on the floor beside her head...of khourse, she's got the khrakhkberry all but khlutched to her heart!

And yet MORE whikhkedness on my part! Here is a pikh from The Doggy Nanny's birthday meal...Mom, Auntie Di, and Merdie's pet Jaden
I hope Mom doesn't realise what we've done...Auntie Di said we khan blame it on her khat Twitney - I mean Whitney. She khrossed earlier this year.
Now get out there and do somethng WHIKHKED!
Khyra's alter-ego Whitney
Are you sure that you weren't plucking your mom?
For a moment there I thought someone had used the FurMinator on your mom.. I hope she does not 'disown' you for taking that pic.. heehee..
Whikhed Whendnesday looks Whilldly fun! What a Whiked pretty sibe!
I hope you don't lose any treats over this episode.
Be careful, Khyra, or you might be on the next transport to New Jersey.
heheh would have been funnier if you had caught your mom drooling when sleeping hehehehehe.
That is a great pic of your Mom. I bet she was exhausted! Do you get plucked every day?:(
Teddy Bear
haa is your mom thinking of using your fur to make pillow?
~ Bae
hey Khyra.....loooove your whikhkedness....
I just ove that sneeky photo of your mum, she is tired out. but the lovely smiley ne is beautiful. What a radiant smile your mum has..
Have a wicked Wednesday...
Hugs yur pal GJ xx
Very very whicked indeed. Are you really sure you were not plucking your mom? That is what it looks like.
Looks wickedly wild!!
Thanks for sharing pictures of your Mom and of course your wicked self.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Wicked, wily, and wonderful!!! Great shots of the pups and the humans. That is a great color on your Mom in the group shot. The first thing we noticed about the napping shot was the placement of the blackberry:)
Thanks for sharing all your wickedness and wonderfulness.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
You're a terrible flirt and very naughty, Khyra, and we love every minute of it!!!
Woofs and Purrs,
Tommy and The Girls
PS: The kittens say hi!
Oh, what a fantastic 'whikhked' post!!!! :-)
LOve those naughty poses you were pulling, Khyra, and i can't believe you posted a photo of your human when she was sleeping! (gasp!) I'm glad you explained what that grey fluff was because for a minute there, I thought somone had been plucking your human!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
We thinks all the pictures were cute. ~S,S,C & F
PS: Khyra, I love Zoolatry's header it looks as if I am standing on your back. I wish I could really get my paws on you. I bet we would have a good time playing together. ~Fenris
If the fcc doesn't shut you down for the Xrated Dog poses, your mom will! Oh boy, you are in TRRRRouble.
Poor Mommy was so tired! Did you use the Furminator on her????
Have a great day!!!
Love, uSSSSS
Your poor mom was tuckered out to be falling asleep on the floor and right next to a big fur ball - do you have feathers that she is plucking you?? I think our cats need a plucking but they make my mom sneeze!
Rosie Marie
hey Khyra - i'm making mom take a few minutes this morning to say hi -
I miss visiting
Glad you told us that was fur on the floor - looks like someone had been doing a little "grooming" on your momma! Did you sleep in her bed while she napped on the floor? Tell her that a pillow might make that floor a little more comfy..
Brutus the Frenchie
Your momma looks so sleepy!
And what great expose shots you have there Khyra!
hi k & p!
oh what a great post!
it is so fun to see pictures of all of you!
happy wednesday!
thot someone hads been cutting your humans hair whens I first saw it but couldnt see any bald spots. flurty pics.
Wonderfully whikhked photos! Your mom sure looks very tired..Is dat her fur or yours?! Thanks for sharing your mom's pics with us and of course yours too, we always enjoyed them!!
Woos! You were wicked today weren't you Khyra? I can't believe I forgot what day it was, but Mom has not been around to catch me in my wickedness.he, he he....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I have a new respect for you Khyra, uh I mean Whitney. You not only posted risque pics of your beautiful self, but cleverly snuck a couple of mom in there too (not risque, but certainly risky!) Way to go!
Whikhed Whendnesday wooks like so much fun at your place *hehe*
Maltese Paws
We too thought the whikhkedness included furminating your mom -- glad to see we were wrong!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Nice to see some pictures of your mom(we don't think we have seen her before). Did you tell her not to get too comfortable with posting her pics on your blog? Because this is YOUR blog and YOUR pictures should be on here more.
Sam & June
Are you really sure you werent plucking your momma - and our mommy has her her iPhone and her BB that close all the time - she is very silly with those things!!
What wicked naughty pics of you - maybe thats what we should shot for since our walkies arent going so well
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Humans should learn to sleep on the floor. Nice going.
Misty the AP
Hi Khyra, we have seen you around on some of the kitty blogs and decided to finally stop by and say hello! You are a very pretty doggie!
Gosh, is that a clump of your mom's hair on the phone?
You must have read my mind because I was looking at you outside and you being a huzzy and thinking, "I sure wish she would be an outside huzzy" and there you were!
We think you might be in trouble! Loved your wicked pics and loved seeing mom but we are not sure she will be happy with Auntie Di's surprise snap!
The other one where she is awake is sooooo much better!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
You are so wicked. You know I love that about you.
So that's what your mom looks like right side up. Quite different from sleeping on the floor.
Tee Hee....
Giggle Smileys!
Hi Khyra,
You and your mom have the same color hair! BOL Was that wicked or what?
Wags & wiggles,
We thought you plucked your mom too! Hope you don't get in trouble for the Whikhked Whednesday stuff!
Wow Khyra... woo got weally wikhked this Wednesday... and I love it!
I love your belly photos, but I really smile big when you smile and shnoof the airs! You are indeed very very pretty girl!
I will close now to see if I khan khome up wif some wikhkedness of my own! I am inspired!
wif love from the Luke
P.S. I love seein your the Mom and your Aunti Di and the Jaden... and also the khoy Merdie! It nice to have such good pitchers now also in my head!!!
That's a lot of activity to keep up with!
You do wickedness very well!
Whicked Whednesday looks fun!!!
Well, you can come keep us company if you promise not to eat us!
Love the pics Khyra, you are too cute!!
Khyra, those are great pictures of you, Merdie and your Mommy! I thought you had groomed your Mommy to do a payback of the furminator... but I guess you're too good a girl for that!
Great job of Whikhked Wednesday.. Everyone got into the action. Even Mom...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
We were going to give woo 4 paws up for plucking your mom... but I guess we'll have to retract them. Gues she's not blowing her coat after all.
Nice pics anyways!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Ooh, so sneeky of woo, Khyra!
Gus and Waldo
Wow you look too cute being "whikhked!"
xo martine
SHAMELESS, Khyra, you are absolutely without shame! You are also very naughty! What? Did you think I was talking about your "Whikhed" photos? No, miss, I was referring to sneaking photos of your MOM onto the blog!
Are you sure that's not HER hair?
Oh, and, you are VERY welcome! I'm glad you've gotten to share your khookhies!
Oh Khyra, I'm blushing over here!!! :-o
BOL, you are too cute, grrrl!!! And so is your mom! :-)
Awwwww, look at that belly!! You deserve lots of belly rubs Khyra.
My Mom would not be happy at all if I posted pictures of her on my blog!! Although, I have been feeling kind of mischivous lately! I should probably learn how to spell that word before I start acting that way first.
Khyra, thank you for stopping by my bloggy and wishing my sister Truffle well wishes. i have followed your blog for some time now. Have you heard from Ben the Rotti???
I'm looking forward to becoming friends and getting to know you better. I'm glad you liked the picture of Flash. It is not every day that you meet someone who had a bobcat. Apparently he liked tennis balls just like me. do you like tennis balls?
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco The Princess
What did you do?????????
That is a great pic of your Mom!!!!!!!
We bet she was exhausted...buttttttttttttt....Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....we hope is your fur the one next to her!!!!
Or.........you used furminator on her????
Great pics of you...we love your white tummy!!
Awwwww....if only we could be there...sure we would love to make you tons of belly rubs!!!!!!!!
sweet dreams lovely girl!!
We love you sooooooooooo much!!!!!!
And hope your mommy don't kill you!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
uh oh now that is truly wikkhed Khyra! I hope she doesn't see this, steam might khome out of her ears, LOL. I did enjoy the other pikhs too, of khourse :)
Hi, Khyra!
Happy Whkhked whednesday!
Yes, your mom has an amazing smile!
Thanks for sharing her pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, the wickedness! If you keep that up you're going to get a good belly-scratching you know!
Oh, I like the new title!
Are you sure that's not your mom's hair on the floor by her? It's close to the same color anyway.
Forget Merdie.. you need to work on mom being whikhked upside down. Ha!
Woo there Pretti Girl~
What khan a gui say except for:
P A N T - P A N T - P A N T ! ! !
You were veri good to let yer Mummi khatch a nap. Did woo wake her with a good ol' Siberian smoochi?
Your BG,
Am I missing something since I have been MIA....who is Whitney?? That pic of your Mom sleeping is furry funny! :) LOVE it!
You are so beautiful Khyra! Your Mom too!
So nice to see pictures of your Mom, Auntie Di and Jaden!
Glad to see Merdie too!
Very Whikhked!
Love the pics of your mom! :)
Did you use a furminator on your mom???????
Khy-Khy, I *love* that pic of your poor pooped-out mom collapsed on the floor...just proves humans can get as dog-tired as us canines, with all they do for us!
Your pal,
haha look at your mom on the floor. Oh man my mom has one of those stupid berry things and she takes it everywhere with her and I do mean EVERYWHERE
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