I'm thinking....

We didn't get a chance to khapture any 't'rikhks fur today...I'll work on my trusty assistant fur next time!
Now fur some thanking
from my floofy tailed khat furiend GJ

Tank woo furry furry much! They are both furry khool awards!
If any of woo would like these fur your own, please paw 'em!
The weekend is in sight!!!
Your tail might disappear again, the heat is making a comeback! Are you transporting again this weekend?
That tail is pretty pawsome I will have to keep floofing mine to rival it.. Nice airobic moves there..
Hugs GJ xx
Ah, that Floofy Tail is such a gorgeous thing!
I be you miss sweet Merdie when she goes home. Thanks for the age info.
Congratulations on your awards! What a pretty tail.
nice tail.....betcha it's even longer than my 8.5ins bod minus me head and tail of course......
if i've not said it before, i do looooove your blue eyes
my mom sabbotaged my lovely furry tail :( maybe the shoe should move to under that excellent peemail tree...
I'm so glad that it's cooled down for you! Let's hope it stays that way! Things are still hot here!
Teddy Bear
Hello there! Kongrats on your awards, truly deserving! Luv the picture with your eyes shut, pawesomely luvly! Have a nice day!
You have a fabulous tail
Hi Khyra
They leave shoes lying about in our house too!
We are glad your tail has returned to it's usual fluffiness - nice that it is cooler.
Congratulations on your Award.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Weirdly, we never touch shoes in the house. Lots of things are fair game left at our level, but not shoes.
Ah, yes, the weekend is in sight. Our human really smiled at that.
Hee hee your tail sure is fluffy and nice
~ Bae
We are so happy to learn of the return of your tail, Khyra! That is definitely something to be thankful for!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Congrats on your awards Khyra.
Noah x
Hi Khyra
Congrats on your awards and we're glad it has cooled off some.
Love Ruby & Penny
Did you finally cool off?
Your FT, well, sigh...
Oh, Khyra, I love your fluffy tail! But sadly I think it will disappear again this weekend - supposed to be a HOT one!
OH, that heat is back here, so get ready, we will try to steer it in a different direction but no guarantees. MFT will take on new meaning - Melted Fluffy Tail.
Congrats on your awards too.
We are pretty good about shoes here, but some pup has taken a liking to plastic toys:(
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Congrats on your awards!!
And your floofy tail. Piper's is getting pretty floofy too and Mom is threatening to trim it.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra!!
We LOVE your fluffy tail!!!!!
Is very very beautiful and you look a great and special baby!!!!
Our mommy used to leave shoes all around in our home...so can you imagine how much we're attempted to chew them!!!!!!?????
Congrats on all yourwonderful awards!!!
You deserve all of it because you're very very very special!!!
We love you a lot!!!!
Have a wonderful thursday sweet Khyra and mommy!!!!
Tons of love and kisses
Woos! I am glad too see your tail back where it belongs. I hope it stays cool for you. Sigh, I know I won't see cool until
november, ...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Ah, the tale of the tail -- we are so under served in that regard -- but we know how to admire beauty when we see it!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Back away from the shoe!!!!
Congratulations on your awards, Khyra!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
we are so happy too that it was a little cooler - but unfortunately it isnt going to stay like that
but we did miss the fluffy tail - so it is nice to see it
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
I adore your floofy tail Khyra!!!
Congrats on all your wonderful awards!
hi k & p!
congratulations on your awards!
happy thursday!
m & e
Congratulations on your awards. You deserve them.
Khyra, your tail is like a barometer. Or thermometer. Or something like that, BOL!
You like to eat grass too? We love to eat grass.
Congrats on your awards!
Sam & June
Congratulations on your continued fame and glory.
Lovely awards Khyra! And, mom loved that you left that shoe (slipper perhaps?) in tact....I would not (of course!)
See you again soon!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
*Wiggles and Waggles*
Whoo Hoo! The tail is back and fluffier than ever!
-Mollie and Bobo
You DO have a beautiful tail, Khyra, but your deep-thinker eyes are wonderful! Congratulations on your much deserved awards.
I'm glad your tail is back! Congrats on your award!
Your pal,
Woo have such a purty fluffy tail, Khyra! We R glad you gots yur tail back again, ha-woo!!!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Was that grass purrty tasty?
Concatulations on your awards!!!
Pictures of you are always good.
We're so glad the floof returned to your tail!
Nice shot of your tail. And very nice awards.
G'day! Waving to you and saying hi from Leslie and the topcatrules girls. :)
We saw you on our Science Experiments blog :)
Looking beautiful as you always do Khyra. Congratulations on the awards, you and Mom deserve them.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
You are quite the thinker Khyra.. We love the pictures. Congrads on your lovely awards..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great tail Khyra!
Glad it's cooled a little!
Take care
Hi Khyra
What cool new awards. Thank you for sharring them.
You are looking so peaceful and beautiful- like you are enjoying the coolness!
Oh Khyra, you are so cute. Your tail is amazing.
Your loving eskie BF.
Nice tail! I've been trying to keep mine out of sight since I got burrs in it. My girl keeps trying to brush them out. OUCH! Stay cool and keep your tail up.
congrats on your awards!
I love your floofy tail... I'm a little bit jealous!
Great shots of you, Khyra!
Your fluffy tail sure is very pretty!
Congrats on your awards!
Hi Khyra! I don't think I've ever visited you, but I see you on my fellow kitty friends blogs and just had to drop by and say hello! I think you may have a special guest appearance in "As the Paw Turns."
Sweet Praline
Hi, Khyra!
My mom leaves her shoes all around the room and I can't make them disappear!
Nice to see your fluffy tail again!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs
Hurry, weekend, hurry!
So glad your tail has reappeared.
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Congrats on your awards!
Glad your weather is cooler so the floofy tail is back! :)
Glad it khooled off for you, it actually did here too. Seriously, we haven't seen 70 degrees at night in a while. I got my thunder shirt so I may not even mind if it stormed, but we haven't got to test it yet.
Sorry about the Eagles :(
Maybe you should hide the shoe where you hide your biscuits?
ps you took an award from a cat?!?
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