I'm going to share the blog with Mom now...khatch you again soon!
Thanks for sharing Khyra!

There are lots more pictures and videos in his Photobucket album.
His colouring was absolutely stunning! The pics and the videos do not adequately capture that nor do they truly represent how skinny he is...he seemed to be about half the husky he should be AND will be someday!
He was so sweet despite the rough time he must have had. Sam warned us he might have some male issues. We were prepared for the females on the transport to get him in and out of the males' vehicles. This was SOOO not an issue! His issue is with sudden movements: THAT triggered the skiddish response.
In speaking with Sam after Luke got back on the road to New Jersey, she told me about the great home he is going to! He will be sooooo happy there! The original home in VA wasn't quite what he needed right now to get over his past.
Here is an update from Sam late Saturday evening regarding Luke:
You can all be assured that Luke will be loved on like never before (except for his foster of course!) I just got home from dropping him off at his potential adopters home. They live right off the delaware river in the middle of the woods! And their husky died a few months ago so they have husky experience and are ready to share that love with a new beauty!!
I was very glad to be able to help out today! The trip on I81 was dead deer free (YEAH!) and traffic wasn't too stupid.
I stopped counting at a dozen plus hawks of various kinds. Sadly, I did see one dead one just short of my exit off of I83.
When I was speaking with Sam I did mention how much everyone enjoyed seeing Laska and his siblings! She said she really needs to get some video of the now crazy Laska! Since he obviously missed out on the being a puppy thing, he's soooo making up for it now!
THAT made me smile when she said it AND it just made me smile as I typed it!
Have a great Sunday!
Khyra will be back tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
That widow's peak is amazing!
I know my humom has been taking to you before about Luke..
but we are all very glad he found a furever home. Good luck Luke.
manyly sibe hugs
We always love to hear happy endings. Finding a fur-ever home is just the furry best thing in the whole, wide world!
Hi Khyra,
**insert sound of paper tearing**we have decided to heed your valuable advice and chew up that book while mom isn't looking! Thanks for the tip, what'd we do without you.. **insert munching sound**
Best of luck to handsome Luke.. poor guy really needs to put on some weight to look like the majestic husky that he is! **yet more munching sound**..
Khyra I am so glad that Merdie came over, we love Merdie. Luke is a handsome boy, he is in his forever home and is being loved and fed and spoiled. That makes me and Mom so happy. Khyra, you are beautiful as always. Your Mom is the greatest.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
How great that Luke found a Husky family who will love him and know how to handle him!
How old is the beautiful Merdie?
Is age the light on her face or did she always have light color ?
Happy Sunday!
Stella (and Jo)
That was very nice of you to let your mom take your Xterra to get Luke. We're it me, I would have demanded to go too.
- C
Hi Khyra
Looks like you and Merdie had a good day - even with that annoying flashie beast.
Luke looks very handsome indeed - he must have wondered what was happening to him going off in the car.
We are sure he will soon settle - he looked a little unsure in the pictures - good luck Luke in your forever home.
Have a great Sunday Khyra and mom.
Martha & Bailey xxx
A wonderful Sunday post full of good things. You made us smile too!
We love that first picture of you and the flowers, Khyra! It's just lovely!
Luke is sure one handsome boy! We're so happy to hear that he found a forever home!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Awwww sweet Khyra....
another great post!!!
How great that Luke found a Husky family who will love him and cuddle him!!!!!!
We're soooooooooo happy!!!
We love the happy end!!!!
And what can we say about Mertgie???
Awwww....she is soooooooooo beautiful and cute!!!
Thanks for sharing with us those wonderful pictures!!
I hope that when Luke auditions for his furever home that they mention his paw placement skills. That is very important.
I likes the pikshers of u and ur friends. It would be fun to play wit dem. :)
Luke is a very lucky and handsome fellow!
You look like good friends. Merdie is big and beautiful.
Isn't it so awesome when one of us who skipped his puppy-hood gets to go back a be one? Of course, we keep reminding Qannik that he has more than made up for his lost time, but he loves the puppy stage too much.
Sounds like Luke has found the perfect home. He will find the love (and food) he so deserves.
What a great story about Luke finding his perfect home.
You guys are grrrreat!! You are all angels.
looks like you had a lovely evening with Merdie. and Luke, its always nice to here of forever homes. every dog should have a nice one.
Thanks for helping handsome Luke on his way to a beautiful life. the worlds a better place because you are here!!!
Luke is a handsome boy. Skinny like Phantom but gorgeous at the same time. Glad he has a pawfect home lined up.
Happy Sunday, the OP Pack
What a great transport and happy ending! Luke is beautiful. It would be great to see an 'after' pic of his majestic self.
love & wags,
What a great story about Luke finding his perfect home.
Hello Merdi! We hope that you and Khyra have fun!!!
Khyra, khatnapping means:
to sleep or doze for a short time
Hee Hee.....you can't really take the khat.....but we will khome and play with you!!!!!
Another great post of all the good works you guys do for doggies
Misty the alpha Poodle
We is so happy fur Luke! It's always great to hear about new furever homes.
We hope woo and Merdie didn't git into too much trouble.
Husky kisses,
Looks like Luke is a real sweetie~
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Good news about Luke finding a really wonderful home. Your mom is such a good helper. You and Merdie both look very relaxed.
Oh that Luke is so cute.. Thanks Mom for getting him to his forever home.. We are so happy that you take the time.
Khyra you and Merdie are great for protecting the house while mom is away...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Wooos! Luke is stunning, isn't he?
I am sure that you,Khyra, enjoyed your time with Merdie, having a nice nap.
Woos to your Mom for doing another great run!
-Kira The Beawootiful
Lucky Luke!
BTW,glad you liked the Lance Mackey video,that I accidentally posted today...It will be back on blog next week.
Hugs and Rubs to you and Merdie!
More happy news from your house, Khyra. It's always so hopeful. I'm glad to hear Laska is happy now and that Luke found a good Husky home! And you're looking as beautiful as ever!
Mom how do you get to the Thundering Herds page? They left a comment and we can figure it out...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thank you for telling us all about the happy news for Luke!
So much good news. Makes us smile too.
It's nice that you get to spend the weekend with Merdie and that your mom helped Luke on his way to his forever home. He is a handsome boy and deserves much love and attention so it's nice to hear a happy ending!
Handsome dogs. Thanks for supporting purrs for peace. Every purr and tail wag counts.
Mum got a lump in her throat reading that .. So glad that Laska is having a little or a lot of what he should have had before.. Luke loks so skinny and was ahs he suffered. It sounds as though he will also be getting a better and well loved life.. Lovely news..
You loked so comfy with Merdie. Glad you had a good visit.
Thanks to your mum for showing us and to you for letting her..
I was telling Moo and Baa in the picture all abut you and my furfriends and how special you all are..
Hugs GJ x
That Luke sure is handsome!
Thank you for pawticipating in my 200th Post Photo Book! You can now see it over at my blog!! Hopefully now we will get back to our regularly scheduled blogging and commenting!
Sounds like Luke has found the perfect furever home, great job to your Mom fur helping him get there. He is so handsome!!
Hi, Khyra and Mom!
I know you two had a pawesome weekend!
Khyra with Merdie and Sibesistas and Mom taking Luke to a safe place!
Good job!
Kisses and hugs
Good luck in your new home Luke, Yes, very handsome, but skinny! I hopes we get to see update pics someday.
~lickies, Ludo
Oh Merdie is cute!! And a happy ending for Luke! He looks like he need a lot of TLC! Which he will get!!!! Yay! Hugs Joey and Kealani
I'm glad you had such a nice weekend and relaxed on Friday to prepare. Sorry about that flasy box you and Merdie had to deal with. But the pictures are worth it.
Enjoy your forever home Luke!! You totally deserve it.
Sound like a fun weekend with Merdie!
Nice transports!!!!!
Doy and the Mama
aw! What a happy ending for Luke! he is such a cute boy.
Hi Khyra and Mom! I'm sorry I haven't been commenting on your blog lately but, trust me, I read every post. With Mom being sick and all the other things life throws at us I just haven't had much time for commenting. Thank you for the flower pics today...made Momma smile. I think she is feeling better finally. Luke sure is handsome and I'm so happy your Mom was able to help get him home.
Love and hugs,
Hi Khyra
Murdie is such a beauty. Look at the face! And what a gentle looking soul!
What a nice friend for you.
Luke is a true beaty too.
We loved the wonderful update on Laska.
All this wonderful news will make sleeping very wonderful tonight.
You must be having a wonderful time with Merdie.
Teddy Bear
I'm so happy that Luke has found a great home! :)
Sounds like Laska is having the time of his life!
Can't wait to see more pics of you and Merdie tomorrow! :)
Hi Khyra & Mom
Luke is a real sweety. We love his markings.
We're glad Laska is doing so well.
Love Ruby & Penny
Luke is sure a cutie. We also had a transport...Check back later today or early tomorrow...Momma should be back blogging soon....
-MOllie and Bobo
As Always we love the pics of you and merdie - but we really enjoy the transport pics and the news about luke and laska
Woodrow - Sweetie - Sherman
Look is such a cutie! Did you and Merdie do some zoomies after a good night of sleeping?
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