Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday Sharing

Some Sharing...
This is my 'hurry up Mom' look. When she goes up to change into walking khlothes, I hang out in the hallway so she doesn't furget me!
I was doing some regal paws kept unkhrossing as they slid apart!
FURniture is sooo fun!
I'm so furry glad woo like my FrEYEday post! I appreciate all the khompliments too!
When I went to chekhk out of the B&B I had been staying in prior to meeting Mom, one of the ladies at the khoncierge desk mentioned I reminded of them of a little person bekhause of my eyes and my espressions!
Sadie: Please tell your mom I WAS snorting - she heard it khorrekhtly!
Mom's office roommate Kathy and her other work furiend Kim surprised Mom on Friday
They were off on Friday (still only working four days 'out there') but stopped in befur lunch!
These are the same balloons I was chatting with in T H I S V I D E O - it was hilarious!
Mom was away from her desk so she was furry shokhked to see them!
Woo will see the balloons were all making sure NOT to khooperate!
YUMMY kharrot khake!
PLUS, they had salads too!
Mom is still stunned by their thoughtfulness! It meant so much AND it khame at such a great time. More about that next week.

I didn't get any of the kharrot khake (it has raisins in it) BUT I did get a piece of stromboli along with my dinner!


Another pikh of Akayla

She is one of Mom's four passengers this tomorrow - she akhtually starts her journey North today. Mom wanted to share her along with her story:

Here is The Last Resort's newest rescue needing your help!!

Imagine being hit by a car, sustaining multiple pelvic fractures and hip fractures......then being chained right back up outside while in horrific pain with absolutely no medical attention or concern. This is what happened to our new rescue Akayla, a beautiful 6 month old red and white husky puppy.

A concerned neighbor begged this "lovely" owner to give the pup to her, and eventually she said, "yeah, you want her so bad, take her.....she was hit by a car anyway". So this wonderful savior, who thought she was doing this poor dog a favor, decided to bring her to a shelter so she could find a new home where someone would care for her. She had no idea she was marching her little saved friend right into a gassing shelter!!

Unbelievably, our contact was there at that very moment she was walking in with Akayla, picking up another husky we were rescuing from the same fate - WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THAT!! Our awesome contact was literally on the phone with us when she stopped the neighbor to ask her to please not take this dog into the gassing shelter. The poor woman was horrified at what she almost did unknowingly....and we were asked.."well, I have a husky puppy here - will you take her too?" and of course we said YES!!

So this little darling has defied her fate twice....but after having xrays at the vet, it is determined that she has pelvic fractures that will eventually heal on their own, a femoral fracture that is already healed enough that rebreaking it and setting it would be the only thing to do (which of course we won't do, however, she will have one limb slightly shorter than the other).

She does, however, require surgery to remove the head of the femur, a procedure called a femoral head osteotomy, (FHO) as that will be the only way to get rid of the pain she is in. It will give her a pain free, normal life. This is the same procedure that is done for dogs with bad hip dysplasia. She will be receiving pain medication and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory until her surgery, which is recommended for her to get in one month after she has grown a little more.

Please consider contributing for Akayla's surgery that will give her the life that she so desperately deserves!!

Thank you all so much!!!

Click here to donate to Akayla's Surgery Fund

The above information about Akayla was sent by Laska's mom Sam!

I think Mom started to leak when she was reading the email - especially since she's going to be one of the guests in my Xterra this weekend!

Please khross your paws fur Akayla and her surgery fund.



PeeEssWoo: We have not yet resorted to the 'mark all as read' but we are really do quikhk reads and won't be able to leave many khomments. We were at 300+ at one point on Friday. Mom expekhts it will get better early next week and I'll be able to return to my normal khommenting. I just wanted all of woo to know!


Princess Eva and Brice said...

Of course, you can count on us borrowing Momma's plastic. We can always find some $ to help those in need.

Princess Eva and Brice the nightlight

Ziggy Stardust said...

Khyra, that story is so sad, it makes Mommy cry to think that doggy was in such pain and those mean people wouldn't help her. My Mom gets e-mails from that cool group cause she likes to send donations when she can and she saw this story in e-mail and cried that time also. We tried to help a little. You are so pretty Khyra , you always make Mom smile. That was so cool that your Mom had another birthday thing. She deserves it.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Very nice "hurry up mom" look! You got some of that stromboli...What a lucky girl.

Akayla is a beautiful girl. Hope everything goes smoothly!

-Mollie and Bobo

Diego Dog said...

Mom played us your video and Rocky and I barked along with you!!

Diego Dog

Noah the Airedale said...

OMG that story is unbelievable. What a moron. How can someone just chan up a poor pup after being hit by a car....grrrrrrrrrrrrr makes us very cranky!!!!! Some people...

Ok now that we have that off our hairy look very patient waiting for your mum to get ready for walkies. We charge around like crazies before a walk. This behaviour usually continues into the actual walk hehe.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Maxmom said...

Hey there again Khyra
Firstly 'Happy Birthday' to mom (albeit belatedly!)
Your story is heartbreaking -reminding us of the plight of so many animals in our own country. Oh dear!
Lots of licks

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Your mom and her friends help so much in all that they do.
But how in the world can she handle hearing all this sadness,,,,,and seeing it,,,,
it just breaks our heart.
we can't stop the tears.
bless your mom and her friends.
We need to dry our eyes now that we have said this and try to go to sleep. We want to dream about your mom helping the pups,

Mack said...

Those balloons were beautiful!

And mom (and I) always love to see your expressive face!!

P(ee)S: We our crossing our dewclaws for sweet Akayla!

Reese =^..^= said...

Happy Birthday to your Mommy AND I'm sending up extra purrayers for Akayla.

Khady Lynn said...

Oh My Dog!!! The video of you and the balloons was hysterical!!! And here your mom said you have a yappy bark!

Well, at least she now knows you will protect her from any future balloons that invade your house!!

Sorry you didn't get any khake, but I think the stromboli was probably better anyway!

I am sure hoping Akayla gets her surgery and finds a wonderful furever home that she sooo deserves. She is such a cutie!


Teddy Bear said...

What a nice surprise for your Mom. It was very thoughtful of her to bring home stromboli for you. We will be keeping our paws crossed for Akayla.

Teddy Bear

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Thanks for sharing Akayla's story. We went over to leave a little something for her surgery, and hope she finds a wonderful forever home.

Beautiful photos of you, as always, Khyra. We especially love the ones on the sofa!

Ypur Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chn and Sei-Chan

Martha said...

We are happy to read about your mom's happy surprises at work - she so deserves them. We would have loved a piece of that carrot cake - well our mum would!!!
We are sorry to read about the sad story..........
We do think some humans are not very nice and we both already have met some of them!
You were looking very cool on the furniture Khyra, just like a princess!
Good luck with the transport mom and take care.
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is really horrible how humans can be so heartless! Poor Akayla! We hope that things go much better for her! We want to donate!

That was a real nice surprise that you mom got from her office roommate and friend! That is a funny video of you and the balloons!

Teddy Westlife said...

Your mum had a very good birthday overall didn't she? I hope her transport goes well tomorrow.

Huffle Mawson

Clive said...

That was a lovely celebration your Mom had in her office!

We were really sad to read about that dog - what a horrific way to treat an animal.

The best of luck to your Mom with her transport.

Take care

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our Mom started to leak when she read Samatha's email too. One of Dad's coworkers is doing part of the leg for Akalya today.

We're so glad your Mom has such nice coworkers. That Stromboli looks very yummy. Did she at least bring you some khake?

We hate balloons - they really make us bark. We can't watch your video due to our stoopid satellite downlink.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Anonymous said...

Hey Khyra,
Youse guys are like a hockey goalie making all these great saves. Dad says he can probably find some $s in the furniture. Pawsome job guys and we're so glad that your mom's friends made her happy; that's what friends are for.

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

We will borrow Maw's plastic too! Please give Akayla extra snooter smoochies from me cause she is an extra special girl causin' her hippy problems. Tell her it comes from a southern gent who been der and done dat.

Husky kisses,

Anonymous said...

OK. We contributed. If all of us followers just give a little (or a lot) y'all should at least put a small dent in Akayla's surgical bill. Come on fellow Khyra followers; we, The infamous Bumpass Hounds challenge YOU to make whatever donation you can. On our blog we have a saying down in the Almost Heaven Golden retriever rescue & Sanctuary section that reads;
"It's better to do a little to help than to do nothing at all."
- The Bumpass Hounds and Kitties

Dexter said...

That movie! EEEEE! You sounded very fierce. Didn't your mom know that there were monsters in the house? What was she thinking all laughing at you. You are so brave.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, we loves carrot cake. Mommy doesn't like raisins so ours is always raisin free. But sometimes she is naughty and makes a chocolate carrot cake and we can't have any (hiss & growl).

We are purring for Akayla. We hopes she gets the surgery so she can have a pain free life and finds a loving home. She sure has been through a lot for her tender years. ~S,S,C & F

D.K. Wall said...

While a sad story, what a great story of fate lining up to help this wonderful pup.

As for the balloons, you called out for the right help - Rusty is on his way to defend Khyra from the attack of the balloons. He may need Mango's suit this time - with a few alterations!

Bijou said...

Hi Khyra,

You are being very patient waiting for your walk. When me and Banjo know we are going for a walk we zoom around the house like crazy. BOL

Mom says your cake made her mouth water. I guess carrot cake with raisins is her all time favorite.

We feel so terrible that Akayla suffered like she did. That evil woman should have to suffer the same fate! I think mom is going to send this Sunday's Diggity Dawg money to help with her surgery. It's not much, but every little bit counts right?

Wags & wiggles,

Gus said...

Paws khrossed here (I"M learning to spell!) for your mom and all of the doggies this weekend. We are glad you got some stromboli...we love anything with Tomatoes and chesese (early Pizza deprivation?) but we think you should get a taste of the icing on that cake.


Teesha and Bindie said...

People can be so cruel sometimes, wish the same could happen to them, Good job there is nice ones around to.

Abby said...

Hi, Khyra...

My Mom's eyes sorta leaked when we read Akayla's story...We just don't understand...

Just wanted to let you know that I came running when I heard you barking at the evil balloons...

I asked my Mom if I could go help you, but she said it looked like you had it under control...

Abby xxxooo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That was the funniest thing to watch you with your Mom's balloons, Khyra. You looked like at first you didn't want to go in there without Mom. But you were so good to protect her from those floating aliens.

We are going to paw Mom and see if she can help out a little with sweet Ayala. Tell Mom to have a safe trip on her transport and we all woofed a hello to Summii's Mom too.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Yas said...

Sniff sniff...such a sad story. Akayla really looks beautiful and adorable!! We really pray that everything turns out well for her! Makes mommy and me wanna do more to help the less fortunate canine friends out there. Thanks Khyra and mommy for being an inspiration!!

Maxx & mommy

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Stromboli??? WooHoo, that sounds yummy! I'm glad you got to have some. :-)


pam said...

Wow Khyra yer a 'Balloon Whisperer.' We've never known one of those.

We do a 'hurry up mom jig' as mommy calls it. Patience is not a virtue no matter what you've heard.

Bobo and Meja

Byron y Xinver said...

How is your mom going to forget you to go out!? Impossible, because we think we take them out instead.

missbreezysbox said...

Hi- Missed stopping by. I just checked out The Last Resort Animal Rescue and Sanctuary and had to add it to my new home. I cried reading the first page. I always do that when it comes to animals. Have a great weekend.

Jan said...

You and your mom do so many wonderful things. We miss you but we understand.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh the poor little pup. We are sure glad that you all came to her rescue. How can humans be so cruel?
Can't wait to see the transport pictures...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Wei Qian said...

Hello Khyra,

help me pass the message to your mom! Wishing her a happy birthday and have a great day! ((:

best regards

Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

You do look very regal! I like your "Come on, mom" look. My look is more like, "Ok, I'm leaving with out you."

The Oceanside Animals said...

Happy birthday to your mom -- mmm, carrot cake, one of my favorites! Poor Akayla -- we are so glad someone was there to save that beautiful pup.

Unknown said...

Balloons make loons of us all, ha-roo roo roo!

Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Happy Birthday to your mom. I hope you gave her a couple of extra kisses on her special day. Stromboli is goood stuff. Glad your mom's furends did a nice thing for her.
Oh that poor puppy. Those people should ... well, I don't even know a thing mean enough for them to have happen. She is in a much better place now. I hope she can forget this awful time in her short life.
Loved your pictures.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


Mommy is so proud of all the help your Mommy gives all the dggies she transports. Of course we will help with Akayla's surgery. Thanks also to you and your Mom for helping poor little Boca. Us rescue people gotta help each other.

Mommy is having so much triuble with the computer again. If we try to open any videos, we get kicked out and money is a little tight right because of the car repairs with month that Mommy says we gotta wait awhile to get the Geek Squad out here. We've missed Walking for a few weeks and Mommy hates that.


BeadedTail said...

That was nice of your mom's co-workers to celebrate her birthday on our mommy's birthday! We enjoyed listening to you protect her from the balloons and watching you run around the house. You're silly Khyra!

Our mommy couldn't read the story of Akayla because she got leaky right away.

The Luke said...

I love the balloons and also the stromboli worked its way in my heart,but pitcher of the sweet you waitin in the hall really make my heart skip beat!

I have to take your word for fact furniture is good and fun. The Mom take pitcher of the me in chair what she will post soon. I'll just say for now... some fears are hard to get over.

I get chills when I fink about the pretty young pup wif the gorgeous blue eyes. People are so... well, you know they are equal parts stupid and amazin. It's just wonderful when fate intervenes and the amazin folks are able to prevail...

Khyra, fank you so much for standin up to the Mom and the Bleu to help me gain compy time! Seniority should a count for sumfin! Don't you agree? Just sayin!

Wif very much love for the you from the Luke

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Good job protecting your Mom against those ballons! pawesome!
Glad she had a great time celebrating her big day!
Paws crossed for Akayla!
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Y'all have been given a friendly award. Please come to my blog to pick it up.
Lord Duncan of McDuff, and Sally Ann Canis

River said...

Akayla is a pretty girl! What a great chance for her to now have a happy life.

love & wags,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yep, once you get behind it is an awesome job to try to catch up, isn't it.

The puppy has been through a lot for such a young age.Hope she gets a good home!

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Khyra -

Mama and I just saw the video of you with the balloons. She had a good laugh looking at the video.

We like the way you sit on the couch. We also like the way you wait for your Mom so you can go for a walk.

What is wrong with some people - moron is too good of a word to describe that person who put that puppy through so much pain. We are keeping our paws crossed that she will find a loving home.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Piappies World said...

Hi Khyra!
Belated birthday greetings to your mom.
We hope and pray that Akayla will be better soon and be well. It's truly a noble thing for your mom to help.
Your photos especially the hurry-up-mom is so adorable!
Hope you can drop by our blog and we friends with us as well.

Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet

Dandy Duke said...

We're so glad to hear that you got some of that stromboli, Khyra!
Our paws are crossed for Akayla! What a beautiful girl she is!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

omdog my Mom loves kharrot khake more than any other kind. Lucky for your Mom she has such nice furiends.

Mochi and Bali said...

That is such a funny video! Mom is having ideas of buying balloons for me now.

Akayla is so cute! She has such a sad story, but I'm so glad that she was stopped from going to that shelter!


Anonymous said...

OMG, Pooor Akayla! she's so bwoooteauful. (oh crud...i'm speaking sibe... someone help me! i am wild dingo! we don't "wooo!")

my breaking heart. Thank you so much for all you do. i watched some of the videos. It just makes me want them all. It funny, I totally "get" the sibe attraction. they're so sweet and silly and sneaky. S to the power of 3!

Woos to you and your transports. I hope the find their forever home very soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the pics and you are sooo good for guarding your mama from the ballons lol.

OH that poor baby!!! People are such @$$es. Im so happy she's in rescue and has a chance at finding a wonderful furrever home!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

great pics - but the whole baloon scene is hilarious

Thanx again for all the support for Woodrow - hopefully the power of the paw will prevail - We are going to try and catch up on our bloggies today - but please be patient

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

When my mom is putting her walking clothes on, I run and jump all over the place like a crazy.
