SERIOUSLY NOW...time fur me to tank a furry special KHAT! Once again, his heart was as big as his paws!
He and his special mom also sent a trukhkload of HAPPY HEARTS to the handsome LASKA!
Here is the note Sam sent to Angus and his mom in thanks:
I am so sorry it has taken me so long to send out this thank you!!
I feel absolutely terrible but I am so behind in everything with my rescue its truly insane but I couldn't let this go any longer.
I cannot express in words how much this warms my heart that there are people out there like you!!!
I know that is the reason Laska found his way back to me! Because of all of the positive thoughts he was surrounded by!!
Laska and his siblings have been enjoying their yummy Happy Hearts immensely!! I have included a link of pics for you to see :)
Ive also included every single picture of Laska I have taken and the rest of his canine family!!!
Thank you again!!! You are truly an angel!!
Gerri - you are one good baker. The pups keep telling me I need to take some lessons!! LOL!!!
Love you Phyll & Khyra!!! And, of course, feel free to share the link to the pictures with all of Laska's supporters at Khyra's Corner.
I am so blessed to have crossed paths with you all!!!

Mom got to do a khwikhkly khoordinated transport on Saturday...she was doing the Hagerstown to Harrisburg leg fur him...she was sorry she hadn't gotten to meet him last weekend so she was furry happy to have the opportunity to welkhome this time around!

I was sure that you had ulterior motives for World Khat Day!
Luke is looking a little skinny - I think he needs lots of treats and kisses.
Princess Eva
wwwwwoah dont tell that bodie cat its national khat day she'll be into my inheritance fund as well... nice to paw you guys!
Did you send some of your HH cookies to Luke with your mum? He sure looks like he could use them.
Huffle Mawson
Khyra, you are such a great friend to everyone! Your cookie from Laska looks delish! You're right, those are HUGE cat paws!
Teddy Bear
As always, woo are such a great furriend to efurryone! Thank woo and woor mom fur always being willing to help other pups!
Hi, Khyra!
Happy World Cat Day to your friends!
I loved seeing Laska again!
Yes, Luke looks skinny!
Happy and safe trip to your Mom!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra
Happy World Cat day to you too - we promise not to chase any cats today!
Hope your mom has a good transport day today!
Cool pictures!
Martha & Bailey xxx
It is so nice you are celebrating World KHAT Day! Cool!
We like your licking you lips photo! You have such a pretty tongue!
Angus is such a cool cat!
We hope that Luke gets a good chance at a home!
Always something going on at your place Khyra! That was an awesome picture of the lightening! World Khat Day? I think Snack Day is much more like it!
I think I agree... Luke definitely needs a lot more snacks! We've had a lot of skinny dogs and horses through here, and they all leave fat and sassy (If they leave at all.) We caught up on several of your blogs and just LOVE the pics of you, you gorgeous thing! You and your Mom do such wonderful work helping out the poor anipals out there that need it! OC & BG
Laughing at the picture. Bank of America struck by lightning.
We used to live in Charlotte about that close to downtown. Would walk in Freedom Park everyday and see that skyline. We traded it all to live where we live now. Woo! Much cooler here.
Have a happy Saturday!
Happy World Cat Day!
Adele, Vincent & Bella
See all cats are not bad - and no eating them Khyra!!
ZHOEY loves Khyra.
MHAGGY loves Khyra.
The wonderful world of cats...
all loves Khyra.
What a cool lightning shot!!! It is sizzling hot here, so we aren't doing much of anything outside. So where are the butterscotch kitties on this World Cat Day - maybe they are off visiting Angus. Wasn't that the sweetest thing he did for Laska? Some cats are really pretty darn nice.
Good luck with the transport and looks like Luke is going somewhere very special.
Woos, the OP Pack
National Khat day? We have been reading about it and considering ways to celebrate. Unfortunately, we are not on speaking terms with any cat..so we are bowing our heads in observance and growling deep.
gussie n teka
Thank you for celebrating World Cat Day with us. You don't really think we would make good snacks do you Khyra? ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
I did the photo hunt so you can see me too today. I am under the World Cat Day Post which seems logical as the Photo Hunt is LOW. ~Fenris
Angus is definitely one great cat! We are big fans of his!
We loved the photos of Laska!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan (The Lady Khat) and Sei-Chan (the girl khitten)
I know. . I've tried to taste a kitty. . but it didn't work. Every time I get close to them they hiss really loud! Scary! So I will simply enjoy the celebration of cats on World Cat Day!
Wooos! I am sure if you lived with a Khat you would find they are not too bad, just a bit scardy....
I am so glad that Laska is doing well with all of those yummy cookies too.. I need to teach my Mom how to bake for me too!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Love the storm picture - beauty! You and your mom shared a lovely letter about Laska - and it's all true - you are both incredible and do such wonderful things for others - we love you too! Love the Laska pix!!!! Woowheeeeee! But we agree with the Princess and Brice that Luke's a bit wan - Happy Hearts??????!!!
Hugs xo
I think Luke still has a little wolf left in him. I am so jellyish!
Happy Khats Day!
Happy world cat day and so happy to share it with you. That letter for your mum is awesome and so well deserved.I loved all the photo's and thank your mum for showing them to us.
The storm picture.. wow that is some picture.Glad your mum gets to meet the lovely one in her transport this week, she will enjoy that..
Hugs Friend on this world cat day..
GJ x
Happy World Cat Day to you and Butterscotch too. I know deep down you love us kitties and would like to have one of your furry own.
I thought Luke looked like Wiley E. Coyote in the 'toons. Needs to get filled up, he does.
Ali Zophia
I loved your story and the pictures. Happy World Cat Day from me to you!
Happy World Khat Day... and hope that Luke has a super loving home that feeds him yummy treats.
Oooooh! Cool lightning!
Angus is one cool Mancat!
Is National Cat Day like National Ice Cream Day...give one a lick? Thanks, too, for helping us figure out my little "issue." Mom is watching closely and will take me to the vet (yuck) if other UTI symptoms appear or if I have another moment. We don't want an infection, that is for sure!
How nice to see you celebrating World Cat Day (not World Snack Day). And here we thought we were the only dogs celebrating it. :)
Thanks for your kind words for our cousin Fraggle.
That lightning photo is really cool.
Tasty looking cookie you have there, bet it was yummy. :-)
Happy Sunday Khyra.. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
that first picture is kindda scary :-O
Happy Snac..I mean CAT appreciation day!!
The lightening picture is so cool. I am glad that the kitties have a special day, but I have to be honest, cats kind of scare me. How great that you got cookies and it was so nice seeing Laska. I hope Luke is well.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
World Khat Day? Hmm...I guess I shall be nice to any I see today. :)
Yes! Luke needs lots of treats and cuddles! :)
Very cool lightning picture!
world cat day - nope so not going to participate - but we give you alot of credit
mmmnnn happy heart cookies - greta to see laska is doing well
Woodrow - Sweetie - Sherman
Oh no not Kat Katcha Day.. that is silly..
That was so sweet of Laska's mom..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You, of all furry beasts, should not be allowed to celebrate World Cat Day. You are evil in disguise.
Your mom, however, is not, and I applaud her efforts to save furry beasts, but maybe she should transport a feline or two someday.
Celebrating world cat day...hmmm. ;)
Don't tell our scary khat about any day for evil beings.
Tudee the alpha Poodle
Happy World Khat Day to your furriends! Did you celebrate Butterscotch today? That's nice that Laska got Happy Hearts! Hope Merdie got to come over!
Hi Khyra,
What a nice note; thanks for sharing that. Your mom is a sweetheart for doing all the rescue transports she does.
Your pal,
Hi Khyra! What a nice picture of the lightning. Luke reminds me of a husky we saw recently at the SPCA. He was adopted by a lovely family, bless them! Thanks for sharing your beawootiful pics, you are a very very KIND furfriend indeed!!
Hope your mom have a safe and happy trip!
Happy World Cat Day!!!!!
love, uSSSSS
We love you Khyra! Even if you think we are shnacks! HAA HAA!!!!!
Hi Khyra
What a cool pic of the lightning. Looks very scary to me however.
I tell ya, that cookie looks good enough to eat!
And what a nice thank you letter
about Laska.
Thank you for sharring it.
Happy weekend
ooh Khyra, i know you have a heart like you mummy even though you like cat snac..eh.......cats
you'd better not mistake me for a snac....cat as it's always a case of mistaken identity because of my size.....
tell your mum to keep safe and drive carefully.....
Your mom is a dog rescue hero!
Hey, Khyra-Face! That was awful nice of you to mention me, even tho' you consider me a snakh. Mom says she was in NM this weekend, up near Taos, and met a beautiful white Husky with a blue eye and an amber eye. She was beWOOtiful! According to mom, that is.
I'm sure purring for Luke to fill up and out and to just plain wallow in all the love..and purrin' for his new people to have wisdom to know how to care for him best.
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