Monday, November 24, 2008

MeMe Monday

Welkhome to MeMe Monday!
I hope evfurryone had a nice weekend!
Our lokhal weather report mentioned Saturday evening that Warren PA had 31 inches of snow SINCE THURSDAY! It would take me awhile to get there but it might be worth the trip! Khan woo believe that? It would appear from the weather forekhast you'll find in the link that if woo want snow this week, head to Warren!
My furiends at Diamond's Lair and at Jan's Funny Farm have tagged me with the Eight Random Things about me! Since some of you have been visiting my blog fur sometime now, you might have already known some of these things about me. I've been making lots of new furiends from blog visits here and there SO they won't know these things about me.
Here Goes:
1) I khame from the SPCA that is 4.7 miles from here and used to be khalled WHITNEY (okay, stop your snikhkering!).
2) I spend much of the day stretched out on the bed but at night, I prefer to sleep on the floor (much to my mom's dismay).
3) I don't khare fur ice khubes. Mom tries to give them to me - I let them melt!
4) I rarely (almost never ever) woo. Mom wishes I would learn to...maybe I should so I don't have to hear her pitiful attempts at wooing!
5) I don't shred tissues/etc BUT I do remove them from trash khans and leave them nearby.
6) I LOVE SWEETS with Smarties and DumDum's or TootsiePop's being my favourites.
7) I'm my mom's seventh Sibe but the furst one that is ALL HERS!
8) I love to go thru my Doggy Nanny's handbag soooo furry much that when she's not around to keep it in her sights, she keeps it in the bread drawer in the kitchen.
So, there woo go! Random fakhts 'bout MeMe!
I invite any pup/khytty/hammie that has not shared 8 things about themselves to do so!
Here are a few pikhs of Baloo. He was out in his yard as we finished our walk on Sunday. I will keep after my mom to get some better shots of him! He is khwite the fella!
If woo khlikhk on the pikhs, he'll bekhome khloser to lifesized!

I hope evfurryone has a nice week!


Raising Addie said...

31 inches of snow!!!

You lucky dog you!!!

Could you please send me some? I believe you could spare it.

I loved your list! It is great getting to know you better!


Teddy Westlife said...

I didn't know your doggy nana had to keep her bag in the drawer these days. That's kinda funny.

Huffle Mawson

Teddy Westlife said...

Purrr S: mum think Baloo is very handsome.

Bae Bae said...

Oh how fun that you got snow. I wish I have snow too then I can be a polar bear

~ Bae

The WriggleButts said...

Thanks for sharing, Khyra! There were things in there I didn't know :D


The Army of Four said...

Sigh. SNOW! It's supposed to be about 50 or so here again!
I LOVE ice cubes! I'm surprised you don't like them. You could send yours to me, if you'd like!

Dexter said...

Now I know all about woo! Why don't you like ice cubes? They are really fun to eat. Too bad you can't sing. Oh well. You have a super FT and that's important.


Pedro said...


31 inches of snow! Whew that's alot of snow. My human sister Leah's flight was very delayed coming home from college Friday night because of snow. I would get lost in 31 inches of snow. Great job on the meme!


Molly the Airedale said...

Thank you so much for wishing me a happy birthday, Khyra! I really appreciate it!

Yer friend,

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I bet you're just taking money from your doggy nana's handbag so you can save up to come visit me.


Jack & Moo said...

Wooos & a-roos, 31 inches of SNOW!!! Doesn't get any better than that! Our humom's always begging us to woo too. Silly humans!

Woos & a-roos to yous,
Star & Jack a-roo

The Daily Echo said...

Yet another similarity between you and me.....I just don't get the ice cube thing either. Now ice on the ground is another story altogether. Shadow is very interested in Baloo. Whatever!

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Woo Woo Khyra!
Dat's plenty of snow! Wese suppose to git some too!
Maw wants to knows if'n you can come to our house and she will ship Nikita to your Maw.
You should tryin' Woo-ing when da fire engines goes by. We does. Maw just laughs at us.

Husky kisses,

Suka said...

hey Khyra,

I hear you about the ice cubes! During the summer my human K will put them in my mouth and I just let them drop out to the ground and melt away. I don't get the whole ice cube thing!

You HAVE to get to that 31 inches of snow!!


Homer said...

Hi Khyra,

We had snow a couple of days ago! It was so fun and I enjoyed it!



PS: We think Khyra sound better than Whitney.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is a lot of snow. We are sure Khyra you would love to go play in that..
Poor Baloo just want to go for a walk with you. He looks so sad..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Seriously, Whitney?!? What was someone thinking?! You are, quite clearly a Khyra!!!

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow Khyra,

We didn't know that about Warren Pa....that's near our cottage (we are in south Warren County) so I guess we might need a plow ta get near it next visit since the weather has not warmed enough to melt any.....interestin' things ya told us about doggie Pap, Alfie, used ta get inta visitors purses and eat the tissues....he liked the used ones best....funny how different but alike we can be.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Sounds like a lot of snow!
Glad you like it so much!
For some reason I prefer Khyra instead of Whitney!
Kisses and hugs

Thor and Jack said...

So cool you got snow!
I loved to know more about you! I prefer to sleep on the floor too.

Love and licks

Hero said...

Woo r so lucky to have so much snow!! I wish it would snow here soon!


well this sucks said...

whoa! LOTS OF SNOW!!!!!!
cold but fun :)))))
We only got some here.
So Jealous hahaha.

Ooooh maybe I'll pay more attention to the blankie instructions :D

Stella said...

Wow, Khrya, all that snow and we don't hardly have any! We need some too.

I liked the list and I might do it myself sometime. I was worth reading just to know you usta be Whidney ha ha. I usta be Sasha, but I like Stella way better.

Your neighbor Baloo looks like a cool guy!

Kisses from Stella

Joe Stains said...

Mom has friends in Warren and has been there many times, seems like they always had snow there. Your neighbor is a very handsome dog!

Deefor said...

Very interesting stuff. Why wouldn't you shred the tissues? That's a lot of snow. Lucky you.


Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you get some.