Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday MOMandMEday

 Saturday night SUNday morning slumber party!

 SUNday morning 

 SUNday evening -

 Now for some shots over the past week - my free range pansies - they just keep surprising me!
 Saw this at MyGiant - 

 And saw this week whilst at Dawn's for my Tuesday tasties -
 So looking forward to the explosion to come soon!
 SUNday's kholors -
 And my SUNday Sheetz run was a WIN WIN!  The Inky was back! 
 My dinner selection from Kickin' Kadilak's - Italian chopped pit beef - with provolone, fried onions, sauteed mushrooms, marinara, and my ask to add sweet peppers - OH WIN - had some onion rings too - and ate one of the halves - saved the other for later today - 
....and here is a little Little - she added the frame from The KhrackBerry edit options - 

Ah yes - today WAS to have been a groomer  trip for me but on hold for the time being - good think I'm far from a glamour queen!  

So I'll fill the day in some redemptive fashion...yeah, that's it!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage


Dandy Duke said...

Pansies always make us smile☺ Happy Monday!

Dawn said...

The babies are getting so big! And I'm always amazed at how plants can grow in the most difficult places.