Monday, October 8, 2018

Monday MOMSandMEandHERSday

 The Moms were busy on SUNday - but they did khatch THIS one! 
 Khousin Emmy keeping an eye on HER Husky  
 Holly too -
 The two of them are mind melding - and figuring out THINGS -


We had a nice SUNday - lots of LOVE - and a nice walk - in fakht, Mom asked Auntie Di to take Holly's leash so the two of US khould just take it all in - then TOAST - with PEANUT BUTTER - then The Moms went out fur THEIR day - so NAP time fur US!

Remember, LOTS of LOVE to YOUR humans - THEY will nevFUR furget it - and memories will light the khorners of their minds - 

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Happy Thanksgiving to my CANADIAN furiends - Mom says YOUR howliday's timing makes SO MUCH sense!


Olive Mehan said...

Lots of love from our pack...your human loves you so much Khyra. Always ... =)

Pedro said...

Happy Monday Khyra. Thinking of you!

Love from you little old friend,