Thanks Handsome RH - it is khwite impressive!
Woo khan find more khool items like it ovFUR here!!! Reilly's human is furry talented!
I wanted to tell woo that Syren is home! She arrived just prior to 9:30pm - she is furry pretty - and her story is even more touching - it seems she had puppies - they spekhulate she was bred - and then when she wasn't needed anymore THAT is when she was abandoned - left in an okhkhupied house -
Since it was dark, Mom didn't take any pikhs PLUS it was more important fur her to get settled with her new pakhkmates - so we left so my fluffy tail didn't distrakht them too much!
We'll keep all posted on her progress as we khan!
I cringe whenever I hear about dogs being abandoned at an empty house. What are people thinking?
We can only hope those kind of horrible people get what's coming to them on judgement day. And we hope it's painful!
So you got to deliver Syren or just visit?
You have nutty looking bobcats over there. Glad to hear Syren is home. Yippee
Benny & Lily
hey Khyra,
That is excellent news about Syren! I am so happy I can't stop wagging my tail! I wish her a wonderful life with forever love in her new forever home!
Furry cute card! Very fun! You have cool friends!
Lovely photos of you as usual, posing so pretty in your ever green grass!
What's up with your bobcats? Very strange, indeed! ;->
We're glad that Syren is safe and sound.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
oh that weeminds us of our poor shelby. she was also used for bait dog after she was no longer useful for breeding not knowing she was already pregnant . those inhumans make ush sick. BUTT we are happish that syren is safe n sound now
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Just glad to know Syren got rescued. There are many people in this world who would use dogs for breeding, make quick bucks out of their puppies & if the dogs are no longer needed or can't be used for breeding anymore, they discard them like garbage.
Excellent news about Syren being home! We'll look forward to photos later. Horrible story about her being bred and then discarded. There are many humans out there who simply don't deserve dogs (or any other animal, or other humans for that matter!).
We are so happy to hear the Syren is safe and has loving help. Stoopid hoomans - grrrrrrrrrrr
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Yuh, mastiffs rule for sure. Always good to hear when a passenger gets a good home. What a wonderful feeling that must be for the DOH.
Poor Syren, what a life she had, but now life will be so much better. Paws crossed for the pack to open their paws to her.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I love your bobcat!!! No wildlife camera needed to capture that sneaky cat.
I'm happy to hear about Syren. Wonderful news.
Khyra is so beautiful! And I want that bumper sticker!! "My Mastiff is smarter than your honor student!" HA HA HA
We don't think we will ever understand how humans can be so cruel ~ it's like the empathy part of their brain is missing. We think the only solution is tougher penalties for animal abuse ~ and we mean tough (as in lock 'em up!)
We hope Syren settles down nicely and finds a wonderful forever home. Purrs.
How do peoples be so mean to critters?!?! GRRRRRRRRR!!!
My bobcat looks nothing like that!! BOL!
Funny....Beth's first job was working at the original Bobcat plant in Gwinner, ND. Cool.
So glad Syren is home safe and sound! I'know you'll have some update pictures to share, soon! (hint hint)
We see some bobcats around dirtville occasionally, and in MA too! They're much prettier and stealthier than the one pictured, today!
Yay that Syren has been rescued!!!!!!!!
Beautiful pix of you, darlin' Khyra.
So glad Syren is safe and sound!
We hate it when we hear stories like Syrens. We are so glad that she is rescued and is in a loving forever home now!
And Khyra we love your pictures today!!
you look so happy in that first picture!
HOOOREY fur Syren!!
Hello 'deres Khyra!
Me likes 'da Mastiff signs- hu hu's
yous card is very beauTeefuls too-
keep up nice work on yous missions~
Anakin Man
Yay for Syren!!
We're glad that Syren is home safe and sound! No more horrible things for her ever since it's wonderful, loving things from here on out!
Khyra, we just love your sweet face! We like that card too!
There is a saying that dad uses which is " what goes around comes around " The evil people that left the poor little one will find that out. I am glad that she will now have a better life. Hugs GJ x
Mastiffs are taking ovah Pawslyvania too! rut roh..yay fur Syren and hope she starts living the good life:)
The first part of Syren's life is very sad, but she will get a new beginning- a forever home!
Thanks for letting us know about Syren-we're so glad she's being treated well at last!
Yay for Syren! How could anyone leave a dog like that?
Woo Khyra, we like your Sunday afternoon, nice place to hang.
That Bobcat could not sit on our fence and spit and growl at us.
Remy and Flash
I loved youw little knowing smile in that second pictoowe and of couwse youw floofy tail aways get to me. WOOOHOOOO
Khywa, did you weally sit out in the wain and soak it al up??
You'we amazing.I don't think I would willingly do that, but then, I don't have yuw magnificent fllof.
I'm so happy to heaw that Sywen is wif hew Phak.What cwool hoomans to do that to hew. Thank dog fow the angel hoomans like youw Mom
smoochie kisses
Interesting critters the bobcat and the cougar. They have some funny looking feet.....Don't look like the furanimals we see.
Abandoning an animal in an empty house...is inhumane. They are family and should be treated better. Some people shouldn't have animals OR kids.
Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas & Mom
I sure hope Syren is doing pretty well!
It makes me feel so sad to think what her "owners" did to her!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Glad Syren is safe! Great photos of you, Khyra! Looks like Spring is there to stay for awhile.
Some hoomans should be well never mind.
Now, Scruffy and I are going for our dentals tomorrow. No snacks till tomorrow night? No breakfast?
This totally stinks.
I'm asking her to do veneers...
And maybe a little tightening around my eyes? Permanant makeup?
Now you were you laughing at my Easter bonnet? Jealous, Khyra?
Miss Lacie Teacakes Who is Sick and Tired of the Rain.
Dear Khyra, I am so happy for this news about Syren! I hope she gets along very well with the other members of her fur-family. God bless people like your mum who drive doggies to loving homes.
You are very fluffy and very beautiful! I love these photos of you!
Happy woooos for Syren!
RA & Isis
Purring for Syren, it makes me sad to think of horrible people abandoning woofies.
Even if I am a cat.
You must be so proud as your mom is doing such a great job every day again.
nice woooh
i hate people who leave animals in empty houses. Is it too much to take them to animal control?
Glad to hear that she is home. :)
Mom has that smarter than one but hers says a Weimaraner.
So glad she's home! I will just never understand people.
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