Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday MOMSday

But furst a Merdie Moment!!!
Mom took Eva and Brice's Momma by Khousin Merdie's house on the way home from the transport - she'll share more pikhs later in the week!

There is still just one flooooooofy one under there but one of the eggs looks to have some pipping taking place!

We watched it be dinner time!


Since the moms are busy right now, I'll take khare of this post

They saw this plate fur Huffle's Mum - SHU LDY

Woody and Jiffy were watching something

A Dexter Dog!!!

Poey - what a khutie pie!!!

Jiffy liked it bakhk there

Even liked the taste of the khrate whilst Woody slept and Apple & Jax watched


Mom wasn't khwikhk enough to get the khamera on to snag a shot of the HOWL Transportation trailer they passed BUT she Googled and found their website - and khonsidering she had decided to dedikhate the transport to The Whistler 100 it was a sign from North of The Rainbow Bridge!

And just ahead of the Howl trukhk was this one fur Norwood!


Apple and Jax - or Jax and Apple

Jiffy PUP - not POP Jack !

These two were khwite khute - furry expressive and furry in tune with each other!

Getting khomfy fur the trip to Hamburg

The Moms took a side trip into Harrisburg so they khould see the sights

Greyhounds and Springers!

Of khourse it was really to see The PFs' Palace

Bakhk to me they khome - of khourse, after the trip to Mount Wolf


Mission Akhkhomplished!
Mom says the passengers were furry well behaved - Woody even did some doggy dreaming along the way - they were a furry nice group fur The Last Resort Rescue

Here are the links to Photobukhket - furst the album with five videos and the slideshow of just the pikhs

Yep, reskhues SOOOOOO rokhk!




Kari in Alaska said...

Those are some squee worthy transports!


Cheyenne -Millie said...

We loves all those faces! That is mom loves all those faces! I gets scared of strange pups.

BeadedTail said...

MERDIE!!! Good to see you!

So many cute faces again on the transport! Thanks to the Moms for taking us on the transport today!

JacksDad said...

I like Jiffy Pup better anyway! :)

KT and Easton said...

Furry nice pixs of yer passengers. Lovely.

Thanks for the birdy pix and I just can't get enough Merdie moments...and you know why.

You are a dear transport angel.

Suka said...

hey Khyra,

Great post! What an adorable bunch of pups!! And fun names! Sounds like your mom and Princess Eva's and Brice the Handsome's mom are having a great time.

The Howl Transportation truck sent shivers through my human and I. So pawsome! Your mom is right, it was definitely a sign from North of the Rainbow Bridge.


p.s. Very sweet photo of Merdie!

Teddy Bear said...

Beautiful pups once again.:) We hope you had a wonderful Easter.:)

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Fanks so much for being awesome rescuers. Yoor probably bored wiv us sayin it, but rescue rocks.

We hope yoo all had a super Easter.

Love Milo and Alfie xx

Dexter said...

Those extra chicks better get to hatching soon because the one out of the egg is already chick-zilla.

Wish you could have been here for funballs yesterday. I would have let you use the pool.


Anonymous said...

Our momma says that there is nothing as ♥warming as watching a new 'someone' go to their furever home. Her heart sings!

The fambly kittens 'n Scout 'n Freyja, too☺

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Merdie Girl - good to see you and your happy smile.

Cute names and cute pups - Poey was our favorite, but you can't go wrong with any one of them.

Hope the Moms are enjoying their time together.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Pedro said...


What a great way to celebrate easter! We love the Merdie moment too - it's always so nice to see Merdie.


houndstooth said...

Those are some very cute passengers! I'm glad the trip went well!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think that was a wonderful transport. Good to see Merdie.
That chick is almost big enough to sit on the other eggs.. I hope they hatch soon.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Love seeing Merdie!

That was a transport over-load of cute! It's so nice to know those sweet puppies are on their way to a happily ever after!

Unknown said...

Hope everyone had a great Easter, those furry faces are really cute too. Another wonderful transportation mission - bravo to your mom !

Remington said...

Too cute! I hope you had a Happy Easter, my friend!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Another succesful mission and another lot of cutie pies. Glad the mums had a good time and nice to see Merdie. Hugs GJ xx

kissa-bull said...

your post was full of the cuties as usual and we can never say thank you enough for all you do. we must say our favorite pawt was the howl truck. we just KNOW it was a sign from the rainbow bridge we just KNOW IT. we dedicated our saturday post to those bewootiful angels and HOWL still for them and will continue to do so....

pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack

Sonic said...

Not only are there cute dogs in this post, but wow those rainbow leashes! So many colors!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We just love the Merdie photo. We haven't seen enough of her lately!

Another great bunch of pups, and how much fun your Mom must have had with Eva and Brice's Mom!


Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Khyra! Hi Merdie! That is a cute picture of you!

What a cute transport group that was - we are so glad that they are on their way to finding their perfect forever homes!!

Jan said...

What a great way to spend the weekend with pup faces khuter than bunny faces.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Jans Funny Farm said...

Another successful trip. :)

George The Lad said...

Your mom is a very busy and a kind person to do what she does, give her a big hug from me.
Thanks for the video link loved it ;)
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

SissySees said...

Poey!!!! What a sweet, lovely face. They're all adogable, but something about Poey really speaks to me!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Pawsome falcon pics! Looks like we have missed the progress....again, problems with mom as usual.
Hope you and your mom had a wonderful Easter!

Sagira said...

YEAHHHH! It is Merdie!
Glad your mom had another safe trip. :)

Ruby's Raiser said...

So many khute faces in that post! Another awesome transport by a very awesome lady. :)

TimberLove said...

love the howl transport truck dear!

RA & Isis

1000 Goldens said...

OMD, are those ever some cute fur babies you helped...and it's ALWAYS great to see Merdie :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Looks like every buddy is quite relaxed.. Hope it was a fun trip
Benny & Lily

White Dog Blog said...

Another smiling happy Monday! Hope the pups are forever safe and loved in their forever homes...thanks for helping them get there...and for honoring the 100! Rescuers ROCK indeed!

Sheba of West Africa said...

Aw, that hawk mother is just soooo cute! And a drive with the car full of canines? Love it!

ForPetsSake said...

Another job well done!! Love those sweet faces :)